标签:英文口语 相关文章
is something bothering you? 什么事让你心烦? Is something bothering you? You look sad. 有什么烦心事吗?你看起来有点难过呢。 Are you OK? Is something bothering you? 你还好吗?有什么事情困扰你吗?
Welcome back to the offices of Tip Top Trading where there's a bit of confusion. 欢迎回到Tip Top Trading的办公室,这里遇到了点小困惑。 AnnaYes?I think Tom's got the wrong end of the stick. 安娜什么事?我觉得汤姆误会你的
Where can I find him?Hey Anna. You looking for Tom?Yes Mr Ingle, I am. 我去哪找他?安娜。你在找汤姆吗?是的,英格尔先生,我在找他。 I saw him a while ago, in a real rage, getting into a taxi. 我刚看到他了,他非常
We can work something out, just don't rush into making a decision please. 我们能把事情处理好,别着急做决定,拜托。 You're my best my only sales executive. 你是我最优秀,也是我唯一的销售主管。 Sorry Anna I'm a fre
讲解文本: 充话费英文怎么说? top up 充值 My phone is out of credit,I have to top up it . 我手机没钱了,得去给手机充值。 I dont have any money on my phone. I have to put 100 yuan on it. 我手机没钱了,得去给手
讲解文本: spot 地点,借钱出去 Can you spot me 40 dollars? 能给我借40块钱吗?
讲解文本: ode to joy 欢乐颂 ode 颂歌,颂 ode to the Huanghe River 黄河颂 疯狂练习吧!
Tom, could you let go of my hand? 汤姆,你能松开我的手吗? Sorry, it's just I get nervous flying. 对不起,坐飞机让我感到紧张。 Well, we've landed in Marseille now so you're safe oh, I like your passport photo. 我们现在已经
pour 下倾盆大雨,泻,流 It is pouring outside. 外面下在下大雨。 Take an umbrella. It's pouring. 带把雨伞吧,在下大雨呢怎么说?
英文想说不知道,你只会一句Sorry. I don't know.吗? 其实这句话的英文还有不少种说法,关键要看你想怎么说?是彬彬有礼地告诉对方?还是不耐烦地甩出一句?又或者你已经被TA追问得气急败坏
口语:英文里的各种发言讲话 生活中,有的小伙伴凭借三寸不烂之舌能Hold住全场,有的小伙伴靠嘴甜舌巧搞定自己的另一半。他们的讲话特点,英文里都有哪些短语可以形容?下面就来看看吧
(1) We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy,and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communica
Thanks for your patience, when is a good time to call you back? 谢谢您的耐心等待,请问您什么时候方便接电话? OK 3 o'clock I'll call you then. Goodbye. 好的,3点。一会给您打电话。拜拜。 Sounds important.Possibly.O
If things are busy in the office you could say to someone on the phone 'we're a bit busy at the moment, could I take your name and number and we'll call you back'? 如果办公室工作很忙,你可以对电话里的人说我们现在有点忙,可以
have a long way to go 有很长的路要走,还需努力,任重道远 You still have a long way to go. Work hard. 你还有很长的路要走呢,努力吧! We still have a long way to go to get to his level. 我们要达到他的级别还有很
英语口语学习方法总汇 (1).We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attent
英语专八、BEC、四六级这些证书再厉害都不及一口流利地道的口语、更能说明你的实际英语水平!然而口语却是大部分英语学习者最想提高的难点。 那么在外国人眼中,什么样的口语才算地道