标签:成人多动症 相关文章
UNIT 4 Getting and Giving Information About People Integrated Skills Development Dialogues A. Could I Join the School Library? Lizzy wants to join the school library. She is talking with the librarian
UNIT 3 Introduce People to Each Other Integrated Skills Development Dialogues A. Lizzy, This Is My Friend Li Hong is a mutual friend of Lizzy and Chang. Chang works at the guest house of the technical
UNIT 5 Passport Integrated Skills Development Passage A passport This is Mr. Lin's passport. Mr. Lin is a Chinese scholar. He will go to Japan for a research program. That's why he has the passport. A
UNIT 2 Self-Introduction Integrated Skills Development Dialogues A. I'm from South Africa Lizzy is in her classroom. She shares a desk with Wu Yong, a boy student. Today is the first day of the new te
UNIT 6 Making a Telephone Call Integrated Skills Development Dialogues A. One Moment, please Wang Fang is the secretary of a shoe factory. She is phoning the Business Design Center in Beijing. She wis
UNIT 7 Can I See Your Manager? Integrated Skills Development Dialogues A. Can I See Your Manager? A visitor wants to see the vice-president, and the receptionist is greeting him. Receptionist: Good mo
UNIT 8 Please Send It by E-mail Integrated Skills Development Dialogues A. Would you please Take a Message? Li Ming calls Evans Sons Co. Ltd. and leaves a message. Secretary: Evans Sons Co. Ltd. Can I
UNIT 9 Booking Integrated Skills Development Dialogues A. I'd Like to Book a Seat on a Flight A secretary phones to book an airline seat for Mr. Black, from London to Beijing. Clerk: British Airways.
UNIT 14 Itinerary Integrated Skills Development Dialogues A. Here Is Your Schedule Chen is visiting London. His tour guide Diana is explaining his schedule for sightseeing on Saturday. Diana: At 9:30
UNIT 5 A Manager Is Wanted Integrated Skills Development Passage Managers in Need There has been an impressive change during the first 30 years after the end of World War II. Those three decades saw a
UNIT 8 Making an Apology Integrated Skills Development Passage Addressing the First-Name Custom The first-naming is almost always done by people young enough to be our children. Last year, I sprained
UNIT 9 Welcoming Integrated Skills Development Passage Culture Shock When a person moves from one culture to another, he suddenly finds that much of what he has learned about interpreting the actions
UNIT 8 TV Commercials Integrated Skills Development Passage An Advertising Gimmick Shown on TV Advertisement—most commonly known as
UNIT 3 Social Customs Integrated Skills Development Passage Different Cultures and Different Customs There are many things that we do in our own culture that we never ask questions about. We do things
UNIT 12 An Invitation Card Integrated Skills Development Dialogues A. A Dinner Invitation Wang Hong is studying for her PhD in America. She is working in the same lab with her friend Carl Cooper. Coop
UNIT 9 Traveling In China (II) Integrated Skills Development Dialogues A. A Visit to Dalian Chris Hudson is an American. Now he is having a conversation with FuHao, a local person in Dalian. Chris Hud
UNIT 7 Tourist Information Integrated Skills Development Dialogues A. At a Travel Agent's Mike Hunter is a young doctor from Canada. He has been at an international medical conference in Beijing and t
UNIT 5 To Get the Job: A Big Challenge Integrated Skills Development Dialogues A. I Want to Apply for the Job Wang Ling is going to graduate and she is looking for a job. The Eastern Hotel intends to
UNIT 4 I Want to Further My Study Abroad Integrated Skills Development Dialogues A. May I Ask You Some Questions? A Chinese student, Li Hong, will soon graduate from college. She intends to further he
UNIT 16 Giving Shopping Advice Integrated Skills Development Dialogues A. Could You Give Me Some Advice? Mr. Liu is a travel guide at a travel agency. Now he is giving shopping advice to Bill, one of