标签:妈妈的手 相关文章
A Cat Came Fiddling Out Of A Barn A cat came fiddling out of a barn 一只猫蹑手蹑脚地走出谷仓 With a pair of bagpipes under her arm 手臂下面夹着一对风笛 She could sing nothing but fiddle dee dee 她唱不了任何东西除了乱拉
THERE WAS AN OLD WOMAN There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children she didn't know what to do. She gave them some broth without any bread. She whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.
Doctor Foster Went to Gloucester Doctor Foster went to Gloucester In a shower of rain, He stepped in a puddle, Right up to his middle, And never went there again.
HICKORY, DICKORY, DOCK Hickory Dickory Dock 希克力 迪克力 多克 The mouse ran up the clock 老鼠爬到座钟上 The clock struck one 座钟敲打一点钟 The mouse ran dow 老鼠逃到座钟下 Hickory Dickory Dock 希克力 迪克力 多克
Mother Pig's Joke 猪妈妈的玩笑 Once upon a time a little pig lived in a little house. 从前,有一只小猪住在一座小房子里。 He lived there with his mother. 他和他妈妈一起住在那里。 Two very fine apple trees grew in Mot
Language Points Good boy/girl! I'm so proud of you. You are a grown man. What a big girl! beddy-byes Put on your jim-jams. nighty-night Sweetheart, Behave. If u can't do better than that, go back to your room.
每一个人都要感谢母亲给予我们宝贵的生命和无私的爱。如今母亲节(Mothers Day)就要到了,这正是慰劳我们伟大母亲的绝妙时机,何不趁此机会为母亲挑一份爱意十足的礼物呢?不过送礼要送到
The Man In The Moon The man in the moon Looked out of the moon And this is what he said, Tis time that, now I'm getting up, All children went to bed.
TOM, TOM, THE PIPERS SON Tom, Tom, the pipers son, Stole a pig, and away he run, The pig was eat, And Tom was beat, And Tom ran crying down the street.
WEE WILLIE WINKIE Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town, Upstairs and downstairs in his night gown; Tapping at the windows, crying at the lock, Are the children in their beds, for it's now ten o'clock?
OLD MOTHER HUBBARD Old Mother Hubbard; Went to the cupboard, To give her poor dog a bone; But when she got there The cupboard was bare, And so the poor dog had none.
LITTLE BO-PEEP Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep, And cant tell where to find them; Leave them alone, and theyll come home, And bring their tails behind them.
Dance to Your Daddy Dance to your daddy My bonny laddy, Dance to your ninny, My bonny lamb; You shall have a fishy On a little dishy, You shall have a fishy When the boat comes in.
I Had a Little Nut Tree I had a little nut tree, Nothing would it bear, But a silver nutmeg, And a golden pear. The King of Spain's daughter Came to visit me, And all for the sake Of my little nut tree.
A Surprise for Mother 给妈妈的惊喜 Jim and Nancy and May had gone to bed. 吉姆、南希和梅已经上床睡觉了。 Mother had said good-night, but the children were not asleep. 妈妈已经跟他们道了晚安,但是孩子们却睡不着。
One in five mothers feels namers remorse and would pick another name for their child if they had the choice, according to a survey before the annual announcement on baby names. 在宣布年度宝贝名字之前,一项调查显示,五分之一的妈
A top parenting expert has warned mothers that being too possessive of their sons and not letting men be strong father figures can be detrimental to their boys' upbringing. 一位高级育儿专家提醒各位母亲,对儿子的占有欲过强,父亲
重要词汇 strict 严格的;严厉的 a strict teacher 一位严格的老师 be strict with.. 对某人很严格 Lily is very strict with her kids. 莉莉对她的孩子很严格。 be heavy/hard/ on A:Hello,Julia,I know a party that will begin a
今年美国偶像亚军Lauren Alaina也是一个唱功相当不错的姑娘,美偶现场翻唱了乡村歌手Kristy Lee Cook 的Like My Mother Does,她的这首目前在Billboard上冲到第20位。 Artist:Lauren Alaina Song:Like My Mother D
像妈妈一样:Lauren Alaina - Like My Mother Does 今年美国偶像亚军Lauren Alaina也是一个唱功相当不错的姑娘,美偶现场翻唱了乡村歌手Kristy Lee Cook 的Like My Mother Does,她的这首目前在Billboard上冲到第2