标签:坚持修改 相关文章
Stand up for something, even if it means standing alone sometimes. 人要有所坚持,即便是有时候坚持意味着孤立无援。 图片1
alter v. 改变,修改 例句:Annie had to alter her clothes after losing weight. 安妮瘦了以后,衣服也得修改了。 alert adj. 提防的,警惕的,机敏的 n. 警惕,警报 v. 使警惕 例句:Although Alfred's over eighty, h
Turmoil and uncertainty in Egypt deepened Wednesday after the country's defiant president insisted he will not step down in the face of demands by millions of protesters. The plane carrying Bolivia's president was rerouted to Austria after various Eu
必背句型: A:Was a law amended or repealed easily? 法律能轻易地被修改或废除吗? B:A law should be amended or repealed only by the same procedures that were used to enact it. 法律只有经与其颁布程序同样的程序,方能被修
Don't wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect. 不要去等待完美的时刻,把握好现在,让此刻变完美 。 图片1
If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants. 如果我看得比其他人远,那是因为我站在巨人的肩膀上。(Isaac Newton) 图片1
本单元是关于午餐换世界杯门票的对话 Tim: Yeah and just tidy up that display now. Oh good morning madam. Customer: Hello. It's nice to see you on this side of the counter for a change. Tim: Yes, I've been promoted. I'm an Assistant Manager now! Cust
冰冻三尺,非一日之寒;英语学习是一个长期积累的过程,短期的突击无异于舍本逐末、杯水车薪。然而,这并不意味着我们不能够通过掌握考试规律来调整我们的临考状态、提高我们的应考能力。 1、心理 古人云,不战而屈人之兵,很大程度上取决于心理因素。随着考试改革的深
Lesson 1 Stand 1.I can fix it standing on my head. 2.Don't stand on the ceremony. 3.You still stand a chance. 4.I'll stand on my own feet soon. 5.I'll not stand in your light. 6.If only he could stand in my shoes. 7.She won't stand for it. 8.He'll st
Lesson 39 Perfct! 1.Perfect!完美极了! 2.What a perfect day!多美好的一天哪! 3.You're perfect!你真棒! 4.Perfect answer!回答正确! 5.His English is perfect.他英语很纯熟.
Done is better than perfect. 期望完美往往抵不过完成一件事。(Sheryl Sandberg) 图片1
For the first time in its history, seven female college graduates have been admitted to China's Standing Peacekeeping Force. The new recruits have each mastered at least two foreign languages, and undergone six months of peacekeeper training. They re
Kenya's Parliament has unanimously approved a bill to amend the constitution to allow for a power-sharing agreement between the country's two main parties. Both sides have expressed strong support for the deal, but the bigger test will be to see how
Topics: D.B. Cooper; the Underground Railroad; extend versus expand; God forbid; brown-bag lunch Words: to hijack threat unsolved mystery flight attendant bomb parachute in exchange for frayed unconvinced slave to escape to be sympathetic toward to e
Topics: U.S. zoning laws; how to become a TV or movie screenwriter; unless versus if, in versus at for locations, persecute versus prosecute Words: zoning law urban sprawl mixed-use zoning high-density neighborhood exclusionary affordable housing str
Topics: U.S. Mint; how auctions work; cache versus cash; listen to versus listen for Words: mint coins circulation worn out to melt down to deface pennies auction high-end antique bid cash cache cachet to listen to to listen for
Topics: Brown v. Board of Education; yearbooks in American schools; indeed; none of them is/are; down to the wire Words: case party landmark decision inferior to rule to enroll to desegregate yearbook keepsake peers hairdos autograph indeed none of t
Dance like we're 22! 我们今天一起来唱Taylor Swift最新的歌曲叫22 It feels like a perfect night 今夜似乎是个完美夜晚 to dress up like hipsters 打扮成文青 and make fun of our exes 嘲笑我们的旧恋人 Hipster 到底是什么
中英文标点符号的差异 汉语目前使用的标点符号是参考借鉴西文标点体系而制定,它既保留了西文标点的主体特征,又带有与汉语语言特点相适应的特色。因而,中英文标点符号之间存在着一