标签:口红 相关文章
[00:02.52]...but I'm hungry. 但我实在是饿了 [00:05.68]So how about we pretend this is a second date... 我们假装这是第二次约会 [00:06.00]...and we'll starve ourselves another time. 然后下次就什么都不吃 [00:08.80]Now, I've h
You will often find Aki Ra walking quietly through the villages and fields of Cambodia searching the ground. Hes clearing land mines. He buried land mines himself a long time ago. When Aki Ra was a child he was taken from his family by the Khmer Roug
I think you always start with kind of a thought experiment 首先你当然会想 what would it be like to go to the moon? 去月球 Or what would it be like to live on the moon. 或住在月球上会是什么感觉? What would it be like to li, wor
Life can be much easier if most people are not too hard on themselves about their own appearance and personality. Read more on different ways to look and feel beautiful. 如果我们对自己的外表和性格不那么挑剔的话,生活会轻松的多
Is your makeup making you look older? 你的化妆品让你更显老了吗? -How foundation, bronzer and eyeshadow could be adding YEARS to your face. 粉底、侧影粉和眼影是怎么让你的脸看起来更老的? ? Makeup artists have share
Never underestimate a girl it takes a girl to understand just how to win she knows...she can i think it's clear who wears the pants what boy...could stand...a chance she makes it look easy in control completely she'll get the best of you...every sing
Since the day that we met girl I've never had anyone make me feel this way And my heart is sure it wants to be with you Want to give you the whole world...ohh If you make the promise to me, I'm gonna stay Without you here with me, I'm lost and so con
In between these low-paying retail jobs, I did what any normal teenager did in the 1990s. 在这些薪水低廉的销售工作中,我做了90年代每一个正常的青少年都会做的事。 I shoplifted. I'm just kidding. I hung out with my frie
1.You never leave the house without makeup on 1.你永远不会不化妆就出家门 This is actually your nightmare. If God had wanted people to see each other the way they naturally looked then makeup would never have been invented. 这实际上是你
John Mayer - Who Says Who Says John Mayer Who says I can't get stoned? Turn off the lights and the telephone Me and my house alone Who says I can't get stoned? Who says I can't be free? From all of the things that I used to be Re-write my history Who
Millions of women apply foundation, lipstick and mascara every morning, many in the mistaken belief that this will make them look attractive to men. 每天早晨,数百万的女性都要打粉底、抹口红、刷睫毛膏。她们误以为,妆画得
Legendary investor Warren Buffett, the founder and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, shared his best business advice with a group of small business owners. 伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的创始人兼CEO、传奇投资人沃伦巴菲特近日和众多小企业家
You say youre on it but you just dont know Youre spending money like youre on death row You must be mis-educated By all the guys that you dated You think Ill take the bait but I dont think so Ohhhh Am I headed for a car crash? Ohhhh Im just about to
Train在2009年回归乐坛并发行了他们的最新专辑《 Save Me, San Francisco》。其中的《Hey, Soul Sister》以轻松的伴奏,活泼的旋律成了乐队有史以来最受欢迎的单曲,在Billboard榜单上也曾名列前三,还
Nokia has officially made its triumphant return to phone-making. Most mobile phone users remember the Finnish company as the former number one cell phone manufacturer in the world, before Apple and Samsung handsets took over. 诺基亚已经正式成功
文本: Uhm... what's happening right now? Max, are you smoking crack? It's not crack. It's lipstick. I can't afford crack. I'm at the end of my good lipstick and I can't afford to buy a new one so I'm going all Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad? We're mo
Take a walkno cell phone, blackberries, iPhones allowed. Just you, the fresh air, and the blossomingworld. c。独自一人,扔掉手机,黑莓。只有你自己,和春天清新的空气,以及漫山的花朵。 Invite friends over for the fi
1 Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women. 男人被闪电击中的概率比女人高5倍。 2 Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people. 每年有超过2500名左撇子在使