标签:医院英文词汇 相关文章
很多同学背了很多难词大词,生活词汇储备却特别低。口语交流的时候什么也不会说, 然后又去背难词大词提高词汇量,造成恶性循环。 今天会通过电影《欢乐好声音》片段,教大家一些生活
台湾籍旅美老师今天交给我们的句子是: But for the most part, official sources like dictionaries only document current usage. New words don't originate from above, but from ordinary people spreading words that hit the right combinatio
1. exploit /iksˈplɔit/ n. 功勋,业绩 Robert E. Peary won worldwide fame for his exploits as an Arctic explorer. 罗伯特E皮尔里以北极探险家的事迹而闻名于世。 2. fortitude /ˈfɔ:tɪˌtu:d/ n. 坚韧 The captain showed remar
solicitude /səˈlɪsɪtju:d/ My brother's solicitude over getting into college ended when he received word that he had been accepted. -- anxious or excessive care; concern; anxiety ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌
allegiance /əˈli:dʒəns/ He swore full allegiance to his nation. -- loyalty; devotion; faithfulnaess; fidelity ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ n. 忠诚 他宣誓赤胆效忠祖国。 ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌
1. condiment /ˈkɒndɪmənt/ n. 调味品 There is a shelf in our kitchen for pepper, salt, mustard, catsup and other condiments. 厨房里有个摆胡椒、盐、芥末、番茄酱及其他调味品的架子。 2. glutton /ˈglʌtn/ n. 贪吃者 I
英语词汇---网球比赛 BASICS 基本词汇 Player 球员 one of the people involved in playing a game, e.g. tennis player or football player 参与比赛的人,比如网球运动员或者足球运
医史、历代医家论述 History of Traditional Chinese Medicine Works of Ancient Medical Scholars 基础理论 Basic Theories 内科 Internal Medicine 传染病 Infectious Diseases 结核病 Tuberculosis 寄生虫病 Parasitic Diseases 心脏血管疾病 Cardiovascular Disease
本期真题 1. Many a player who had been highly thought of has _____ from the tennis scene. A) disposed B) disappeared C) discouraged D) discarded 2. She's fainted. Throw some water on her face and
本期真题 1. It is reported that Uruguay understands and _____ China on human rights issues. A) grants B) changes C) abandons D) backs 2. Only a few people have _____ to the full facts of the incid
本期真题 1. Within two weeks of arrival, all foreigners had to _______ with the local police A) inquire B) consult C) register D) profession 2. Considering your salary, you should be able to______
本期真题 至此,98年1月到05年1月的真题选择都复习了一遍,相信大家也都有所收获吧 感谢大家的支持,祝大家考试顺利! 1._______ elephants are different from wild el
本期真题 1. His temper and personally show that he can become a soldier of the top ______ A) circle B) rank C) category D) grade 2. During the lecture, the speaker occasionally ______ his point by
从柴米油盐说起 中国人用柴米油盐酱醋茶概括了生活所必须的点滴琐事,所以,一说起柴米油盐,说汉语的人头脑中第一印象就是过日子。 其实不只是中国人,全人类又何尝不是如此呢?不同
1. apprentice /ə'prentɪs/ n. 学徒;徒弟 Young Ben Franklin learned the printing trade by serving as an apprentice to his half brother James. 年轻的本富兰克林通过到他的同父异母的哥哥詹姆斯那里当学徒而学会了印刷的
1. craven /'kreɪvn/ n. 懦夫 A hero risks his life to help others; a craven runs from the scene. 英雄冒着生命危险去帮助别人;而懦夫却临阵脱逃。 2. trepidation /ˌtrepɪˈdeɪʃn/ n. 惊恐;惶恐 I thought Carol would be ne