标签:北极熊觅食记 相关文章
Blizzardcam nearly met its match with the most playful bear it's ever encountered. The bear wanted to know how it worked. Blizzardcam deployed snowballcam as a decoy. This was the polar bears' favorite spy camera and this young male was no exception.
The mother and cub are thrown a lifeline by a change in the weather and ocean currents. It is a huge swim out to the ice floes for the little cub. He finally makes it to the ice, nine months after he was born. His mother has triumphed against the odd
Finally she leaves him some scraps to chew on. A young male arrives, a dangerous situation for the cub. She growls a warning. Its not enough. The cub slips. The mother must get her cub away from danger as quickly as possible. They head north. She kno
Calcium from the bones will help the mother's milk supply, but the cub needs meat to survive. Now they have another problem. Other bears can't be trusted with small cubs. But fortunately they seem more interested in what lies beneath the surface. It
At last, there is hope. They have finally reached the pack-ice that forms the polar icecap. Its the ultimate hunting habitat for polar bears. The icecap stretches all the way to the North Pole. Seals are found wherever it meets the sea. Its been a lo
But it's not enough. For a hunting bear, it doesn't get much worse than this. The seal could hardly fail to notice. But this battle-hardened seal is in no rush. Finally he gains some purchase, he's back in the game. He still believes he's in with a c
Time for kick off. It's polar bear football. Their ball control needs practice. But they are experts at dribbling. The game descends into argument. The spycams return to the benches, the bears may be play-fighting, but things still get out of hand. M
This is a high-risk strategy. Like the male at the whale carcass, some bears don't do sharing. She stands up to make herself look bigger. The cub copies. Luckily, this bear has no appetite for a fight. There is a feeding etiquette around a seal carca
If it hasn't already been seen, that is. The bears at the whale carcass are in food heaven, but their peace is about to be shattered. This male heavyweight prefers to eat alone. He is bigger than the other bears and likes to throw his weight around.
They continually chatter away to each other. It's all about keeping aggression under control. Their massive claws rake the skin like knives, cutting it into strips. At two years old, this bear is testing his status, standing up to other bears. Sharin
Back on Svalbard, it's high summer. Barnacle geese that had overwintered in Scotland have started to breed. Their calls bring hope to hungry bears. The cub stays back as his mother explores the possibilities. Bears have only recently discovered this
Every hunt presents a different challenge, so he plans a new strategy each time. He slinks into the water, using a channel between the ice floes to act as cover. He swims, hardly making a sound, reaching six miles per hour at times. His front legs pr
Its seaweed. Kelp is not wildly exciting, but it does contain carbohydrates and some protein too. The cub must find acrobatics rather strange. Hungry bears eat virtually anything. Its a question of making the most of whats around, and its never too s
Rising Temps Lower Polar Bear Mercury Intake气候变暖为北极熊健康带来福音 As climate change warms the Arctic, sea ice there is disappearing at record ratessea ice that polar bears prefer to prowl. As a result, some bears are spending mor
The islands of Svalbard in Arctic Norway. They might be remote, but they are under surveillance. Spy cameras are capturing the most intimate images ever taken of polar bears. They're revealing some remarkable behavior and discovering an animal of sur
She blinks in the sunlight. She spent her confinement in semi-darkness. She checks that the coast is clear and then reveals her secrets. Time for a stretch. She's been cooped up with her cubs since she gave birth three months ago. They learn by examp
But polar bear courtship is never straightforward. She likes to play hard-to-get. It's also a challenge for blizzardcam. She's testing his fitness, making sure he is a good catch. He skills on the slopes show room for improvement. And now, the female
She's aware of his difficulties and uses her body as a shield. She must stay attentive if her cub is to survive in this harsh Arctic world. Realizing he's exhausted, she digs a hollow to rest him. In the dens like this, she suckles him six times a da
Whoa, a brick! I'm gonna go get your brothers. 哇,一块砖头!我去叫你的兄弟们。 No! They can't find out! I got to start acting like an older brother. 不!不能让他们知道!我必须开始像一个真正的大哥一样。 Hey,
Oh, Elissa...You're such a beautiful queen. Oh! What's going on? 艾丽莎...你真是美丽动人。什么情况? Good morning. That's your new bed floor. We're gonna need this for our guest. 早上好。地板就是你的新床了。这个要给我