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3OpenSesame! ThefourthMthingmustbeoutthere,saidAnnie. Besidethedoorwasabuttonwiththewordopenonit.Anniereachedforthebutton. Wait!Jackgrabbedherhand.Theresnoaironthemoon.Remember? Oh.Right.ButwehavetogoouttofindtheMthing. Letsseewhatthebooksays,sai
8 骑士 水灌满杰克的鼻子,淹过他的头。他的眼镜掉了,他及时地抓住了它。他咳嗽起来,胡乱地划动双臂。 杰克!安妮在头顶上喊着。 我在在护城河里!杰克气喘吁吁地说。他努力踩水,想
2 哦,天啊,木乃伊! 杰克和安妮向窗外望去。 树屋停在了一棵棕榈树上。这棵树旁边还有很多其他的棕榈树,这一片绿洲的四周被沙漠环绕着。 喵!又是一声猫叫。 杰克和安妮一起往下看
3 他是活的! 它去哪里了?杰克说。 他和安妮从那个洞往里看。 他们看见一条长长的走廊。燃烧的火把照亮了墙壁。深色的影子若隐若现。 我们进去吧。安妮说。 等等。杰克说。 他拿出那本
9Ouch! Thesunshoneontheocean.Itsparkledlikeadiamond. Jackfeltsafenow.Hisdolphinwastakinggoodcareofhim. Thedolphinssloweddownastheynearedthereef. Jackloweredhisfeet.Hefeltthebumpycoral.Heletgoofthedolphinsfinandstoodupinthewater. Anniestood,too. The
Come on, Jack! Annie called. She was almost tothe river. Just a minute! he shouted. He wanted to study thegiraffes and zebras. He pulled out the Africa book and found a pictureof giraffes. He read: The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. Itsl
The forest was cooler than the sunny plains. It was filled with shadows and bird calls. Where are you? Jack shouted. Here! said Annie. He found her in a thick glade. Bright rays steamed between the trees. Greenleaves and vines swayed in the dappled l