标签:儿童 相关文章
USAID Unveils New Efforts to Reduce Child and Maternal Deaths 美国国际开发署努力降低儿童和孕妇死亡率 WASHINGTON The head of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Rajiv Shah, says that every day this year 18,000 mor
Somalia Aims to Improve Lives of Children 索马里改善儿童生活状况 MOGADISHU Somalia's president signed into law the Convention on the Rights of the Child on January 20. Somalias children continue to face daily challenges posed by conflict,
3 这儿是哪儿 杰克望着窗户外面。 他低头看了看书中的画,又望了一眼窗户外面。 外面的世界与画中的世界它们一模一样,完全相同。 无齿翼龙翱翔在天空。地面上覆盖着羊齿植物和深深的
4 亨利 当安妮伸出手时,杰克倒吸了一口凉气。 天哪!安妮总是试图与动物们交朋友。不过这次也太过火了。 不要太靠近它,安妮!杰克大声喊道。 但是安妮摸了摸无齿翼龙的冠,摸了摸它
7 准备,就位,走! 快跑!安妮!快跑!杰克大叫着,朝树屋跑! 他们一起急急忙忙地冲下山。穿过高高的草丛,越过羊齿植物,经过无齿翼龙身旁,到达绳梯下面。 他们爬上绳梯。不一会儿
1 进入树林 救命啊!有妖怪!安妮喊叫着。 是啊,没错。杰克说,还真是一个大妖怪,就在宾夕法尼亚的蛙溪镇。 快跑,杰克!安妮说着,顺着街道跑起来。 噢,我的天哪。 这就是杰克同他
3 跨过吊桥 安妮站在树下面,朝着雾蒙蒙的远处看去。 依我看,骑士这是要往那座吊桥去。安妮说,吊桥通向那座城堡。 等一等,我看看书。杰克说,把手电筒给我! 他从她手中接过手电筒
9 奇妙的兜风 无齿翼龙滑落到地面上。 它那明亮、机灵的双眼盯着杰克。 杰克该怎么办呢?爬到它的背上去?但是我太重了。杰克想。 别多想了。行动吧! 杰克看了看霸王龙。 它开始上山了
2 再度出发 这儿一个人也没有!安妮朝着地面大声喊道。 杰克想着回家。接着,他又想着树屋里那所有的书。 他开始爬绳梯。当他快到树屋时,他看到远处天空中的亮光。天开始破晓了。 他
When a lion was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down beside him. This soon wakened the lion. He was very angry, and caught the mouse in his paws.
No signs of sedentary lifestyles, here at the S school in Oxford. Motivation, choice in sport and fun are all part of a formula to stay off the threat of the expanding waist lines of children in the UK. Since I came to this school, I've been doing a
We all remember people on another parts of the world who are fortunately excited about the Olympics but actually worried about the next meal when theyre gaining after eat. Would you have had a huge reminder with the poorer families in the Horn of Afr
The U.N. Children's Fund says it is deeply concerned about the condition of thousands of children who have been displaced by conflict in northwestern Pakistan. UNICEF says children are in urgent need of health, education and other services. 联合国儿
Bright light flooded the tree house again A rustlingsound came from outside the window. Annie peeked out and laughed. Hey, there, shesaidJack looked out, too. A giraffe was eating leaves offthe tree. It had a sweet, goofy face. Jack peered at the wor
Oh, no! No! No! Shouted Annie. She raced down the bank, until she reached asandy, clear spot. Here! Here! she called. The wildebeests followed her with their wild eyes. Jack watched in disbelief as the swimmers changedtheir course. Slowly, all the wi
Jack and Annie crouched in the tall grass. Therewas a big lion, three lionesses, and a bunch of cubs. I think they're sleeping, whispered Annie. Yeah, said Jack. But for how long?He pulled the Africa book from his pack and openedit. He found a pictur
Be still, said Jack. Jack and Annie stood frozen as an elephant steppedout of the shadows. It waded into the pond anddipped its trunk into the water. Oh, wow, said Annie. Jack breathed a sigh of relief. An elephant wasn'tgoing to chase them and eat t