标签:便宜外教 相关文章
Northern Portugal is known for its black grapes used in the production of world-renowned sweet port wine. Dry soil and high altitude mean fewer grapes. But also a high concentration of sugar in the grapes exposed to the Sun on steep slopes. Port wine
前元音:/i/ 音标发音规则: 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形扁平。该音是字母i或y在重读闭音中的读音。它是个短元音,故发此音要短促而轻快。 音标发音技巧提示: 常
前元音:[i:] 发音规则: 舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高,舌位高于[i],口形扁平。 该音是个前元音,长元音,一定注意把音发足。 技巧提示: 英语[i:]与汉语i衣的比较:英语[i:]比i略低,i略带摩
爆破音[d] 发音要领: [d]是浊辅音,齿龈音一一舌位:舌尖抵住下齿,然后放开,让气流爆破而出,吐气较弱;唇形:微开;声带:振动。 技巧提示: [d]这个音不同于汉语拼音d的发音,不要受汉语
爆破音[p] 发音要领: [p]是清辅音、双唇音舌位:舌身自然放平于口腔中;唇形:双唇紧闭,气流挡在口腔内,在形成一定气流压力之后猛张双唇,气流爆发而出;声带:不震动。 外教单词跟读 sp
双元音[ai] 发音要领: [ai]是合口双元音。舌位:先将舌身平放在口腔中,起始音是低位前元音[a],然后滑向放松的高位前元音[i] 。舌身由[a]的舌位抬向[i]的方位,这一滑动过程中形成的音便是
后元音[u:] 发音要领: [u:]是高位、圆唇后元音。舌位:舌尖离开下齿,舌后部向软腭抬起,在后元音中舌位最高;唇形:双唇收圆,向前用力突出,肌肉紧张,成一小孔;声带:振动。 技巧提示:
爆破音[g] 技巧提示: [g]是浊辅音,软腭爆破音一一舌位:舌后部上升,抵住软腭,然后放开,使气流爆破而出,语气较弱;唇形:自然张开;声带:振动。 外教单词跟读 guess [ges] 猜 bag [bg] 书包
经典语境背诵 Conductor: I am a conductor of bus 52. The IC card is getting more and more popular these days. I think thats not only because its convenient to use but also its cheap. Thats the adventage of a modern life offers. 售票员走过来卖
ONE-POUND FISH 一磅鱼 英语歌词及中文翻译 Can you do the fish song for me? Okay. 你能为我表演鱼之歌吗?好。 Cmon, ladies! Cmon, ladies! Cmon, ladies! Cmon, ladies! One-pound fish! 来吧,小姐!来吧,小姐!来吧,小姐!来
Intermediate - Im Sorry I Love You V (C0054) A: Honey, of course I forgive you! I love you so much!Ive really missed you. I was wrong to get upset over nothing. B: Im sorry I havent called or anything, but right after you decided you wanted a break,
Daily Life - Im Sorry, I Love You II (C0028) A: Im so relieved that your ankle wasnt broken! I feel just awful about this whole thing. I wanna make it up to you. Let me take you out to dinner tonight. My treat. B: That sounds great! Id love to! Here
Elementary - Im Sorry, I Love You III (B0036) A: Steven! Where have you been? Ive been trying to get a hold of you for hours! B: I... um... there was an emergency at work, so... A: I was waiting for you in the restaurant for three hours! And you didn
Daily Life - Applying for a Visa (C0043) A: So, youre applying for a B2 visa, where is your final destination and whats the purpose of your trip to the United States? B: Im going to visit my brother; hes just had a baby. He lives in Minneapolis. A: A
Intermediate - Im Sorry I love You IV (C0045) A: ... so, I said, lets take a break . And since that night, Ive been waiting for him to call, but I still havent heard from him. You dont think hes seeing someone else, do you? B: Come on, dont be so dra
鼻音[n] 发音要领: [n]是浊辅音、齿龈音、鼻音一一舌位:舌尖抵住上齿龈,软腭下垂,和发[b]和[p]音时的舌位相同,气流从鼻孔中出来;声带:振动。 技巧提示: [n]这个音不同于汉语拼音n的
摩擦音[v] 发音要领: [v]是浊辅音、唇齿音;唇形:上齿轻触下唇;气流:气流从唇与齿之间的空隙通过,唇齿发出摩擦而成;声带:振动。 技巧提示: [v]这个音不同于汉语拼音w的发音,在发/v/音
摩擦音[f] 发音要领: [f]是清辅音、唇齿音;唇形:上齿轻触下唇;气流:气流从唇与齿之间的空隙通过,唇齿发出摩擦而成;声带:不振动。 技巧提示: [f]这个音不同于汉语拼音f的发音,不