The Cretacious period isn't as hot as the Jurassic. 白垩纪没有侏罗纪炎热。 The temperatures are still hotter than today, but the relatively cooler climate allows the dinosaurs to be more active. 气温仍比如今要高,不过相对凉爽的

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It exploded with the force of a million nuclear bombs and unleashed the power of the sun. 它爆炸的威力相当于一百万枚核弹,释放出太阳的能量。 It set alight the entire biomass of earth and cooked the atmosphere. 它点燃了地球

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The impact of this asteroid was unparalleled. 这次小行星的撞击威力空前。 The power it released was greater than the combined force of man's entire nuclear arsenal. 它释放的能量比人类整个核武库加起来都要强大。 Recrea

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A pair of adult T-Rexes are on the hunt. 一对成年霸王龙出去狩猎。 They must leave their babies unguarded. 它们只能留下它们的孩子们。 The juveniles are unaware of approaching danger. 幼龙们没意识到正在接近的危险。

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Their jaws are a little bit different. That's how we tell these two animals apart. 它们的双颚也有些不同。这也被用来区分这两种动物。 Nanotyrannus has more teeth in its jaws. 矮暴龙的嘴里牙齿更多。 The teeth are prett

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Well, the answer is amber - fossilized tree sap. 答案是琥珀,树液的化石。 We find all kinds of prehistoric insects, plants, and even small reptiles trapped within amber. 我们能发现琥珀里面裹着各种史前昆虫、植物甚至小型

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They were the elite, the predators that ruled the earth. 它们是精英,是统治地球的掠食者。 They ranged from the giant T-Rex, who relied on size and long curved teeth, to the smaller Raptors, who used speed and cunning. 它们中有霸王

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We see the same sort of behavior among lions where the male will simply act as a distraction to drive prey towards the awaiting female. 我们在狮群中见到类似行为雄狮只是起干扰作用把猎物赶向等待着的雌性。 It's a great w

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We can look at modern jaguar to see animals that sort of play the same role that Ceratosaurus does. 我们可以参考现代的美洲豹,来看一看差不多扮演着角鼻龙角色的动物。 Jaguars take on medium to smaller prey, but it's hesi

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In 2007, paleontologists of Manchester University made a breakthrough discovery. 在2007年,曼彻斯特大学的古生物学家们取得了一项突破性的发现。 By studying the leg bones, musculature and mechanics behind them, they were able

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Megalodon. The largest carnivorous fish ever to prowl the oceans. 巨齿鲨。海洋中出现过的最大的掠食性鱼类。 Megalodon as a species, it receives a lot of interest. 巨齿鲨这个物种,引发了很多人的兴趣。 It is the clo

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The Allosaurus was so focused on the fact that Camarasaurus was stuck, it wasn't in top predator mode. 异特龙过于关注圆顶龙被困泥中,这一点它们没有使用顶级掠食者模式。 That meant it got in too close. 就是说它们靠得

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Under the intense heat of the Jurassic sun, scientists believe an unseen force would begin to take its toll. 在侏罗纪烈日的曝晒之下,科学家们相信一种不可见的力量会发挥其威力。 The massive size of these Allosaurus make

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Gastonia lowers his body to protect his underside. 加斯顿龙伏低身体保护身下。 His tail is heavily armored, but its powerful muscles are able to move it with surprising speed. 它的尾巴全副武装,但其有力的肌肉能带动尾巴以

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You really want to detect a predator before it gets close enough for you to be able to see it and so they potentially used other senses like the sense of smell. 它们确实会想在掠食者靠近得能够看见之前就探测到它,所以它们潜在

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Along with its enormous size, one feature set T-Rex apart from all other meat eaters- true binocular vision. 除了其巨大的身躯外,有一个特点让霸王龙从所有肉食者中脱颖而出真正的双目视力。 It had forward focusing vi

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Along with its deadly claws, Utahraptor relied on its teeth as an effective means of killing its prey. 除了其致命的爪子外,犹他盗龙凭借它的牙齿作为一个杀死猎物的有效工具。 And to ensure it always had a fresh set, Uta

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The bear could have pulled a door off a car with ease or crushed a steel drum like a tin can. 这种熊能不费力地扯下车门,或者把钢鼓踩烂就像是罐头一样。 But in the cave, a second, super-sized ice age monster was found. 不过在

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This makes hunting for the Mega Lion nearly impossible. 这就让拟狮的捕猎有了极大难度。 Without heavy cover to hide his body, he is unable to get close enough to ambush his prey. 没有严实的掩护来遮挡住它身体,它就没法靠

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Normally, the lion would hunt at night, to help it ambush its prey and to save energy. 通常,拟狮在夜间狩猎,这有助于伏击其猎物并节省体力。 Hunger had pushed it to hunt by day when the bear is awake and hunting as well. 饥饿

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