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阿利斯泰尔布朗利: 英国铁人三项运动员 Hi I'm Natalie and welcome to Talking Sport. Today were hearing about Britain's best triathlete and learning the words 'pursue' and 'attempt'. A triathlon involves three sports - swimming, cycli
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M: 236, 237, 238 Oh hi Yang Chen, I didn't know you were coming to the gym today. Y: Hi, Mar. What are you doing? M: I'm doing push ups. P-U-S-H, U-P-S. Y: I know you are doing Pushups俯卧撑。 可是我听到你在数238 ,你真的做了238个俯
Y: Patrick, I'm bored. P: I have an idea. Let's watch the poker tournament on TV! Y: Poker tournament? P: Yeah, poker tournament. Y: I know poker, 扑克牌。 可是我只听说过poker face, 没听过还有poker tournament扑克牌比赛。 P: Oh L
Y: Patrick, 你也会看书啊?What are you reading? P: Always funny, Yang Chen. I'm trying to read the Art of War. I am trying to understand it. Y: The Art of War, 孙子兵法? Why? P: You know, Yang Chen, you can apply the Art of War to a lot
Y: Patrick, I can't run anymore. P: Yang, Chen, we've only run a half mile. We have four and a half miles to go before we finish! Y: What? 还有4个半英里? P: I wonder why are you so tired. What did you do last night. Shopping again? Y: Yeh, Macy
Y: Hey, Patrick, look at the Rocky Mountains beautiful, Patrick? 多壮观啊! (Music) P: Yeah, the Rocky Mountains are beautiful, Yang Chen. But I guess when you asked me to go skiing with you, I didn't realize you meant to go ski jumping. Y: Of c
(Tennis ball sounds) Y: Hi 大家好。我是杨晨。 P: 我是Patrick. P: Today, Yang Chen and I are playing a game of tennis. Y: Patrick It's your serve! P: OK, just a minute. To serve S-E-R-V-E is to put the tennis ball in play by throwing it up
Y: Hey Patrick, you really look fit, masculine, strong....... P: Well that goes without saying, Yang Chen. I'm just awesome. Y: You know what? I think you look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. P: You mean I look like a 60-year-old man? Thanks so much, Yan
YC: Umm, 今天我们这里怎么来了一只chicken? PW: I'm not a chicken, Yang Chen. I'm a rooster. YC: Okay, so you are a rooster. 那你今天为什么装扮成一只公鸡呢? PW: I've been asked to be the mascot at my friend's baseball gam
(Tennis ball sounds) Y: Hi, this is Yang Chen. P: And I'm Patrick. And today we are playing a game of tennis. Y: (calling out) Okay, Patrick It's your serve! P: To serve S-E-R-V-E is to put the tennis ball in play by throwing it up into the air and h
Y: 我是杨晨。 P: 我是Patrick. Y: 您一定也和我一样最喜欢看田径比赛,特别是跨栏。 P: hurdles, h-u-r-d-l-e-s。 Y: 一百一十米跨栏就是: P: One hundred ten meter hurdles. Y: hurdle就是障碍。110米跨栏不仅要
P: Hey, Yang Chen, Can I borrow a few bucks? Y: Borrow money? 当然没问题。But why? P: I put all my money down on the horse race, but the horse I bet on didn't win. Y: Betting on horse racing, 赌马? Hey, young man, you really shouldn't gamble.
Y: Aren't the Rocky Mountains beautiful, Patrick? 多么壮观的洛基山脉!啊!I'm so glad you agreed to go skiing with me. P: Uhhh..Yeah, the Rocky Mountains are beautiful, Yang Chen. But I guess when you asked me to go skiing with you, I did
Sports and Technology The Athens Olympic Games have showcased technology that makes athletes go faster. Olympic contenders 1 have been testing experimental versions of high-tech suits and shoes, espec
Sports talk A: Sue? Do you want to join the softball team? We need another player. B: I havent played softball since I was in high school! A: Come on! Itll be fun. We play every other Saturday afternoon from May until August. B: Okay. I guess I could