标签:世界锦标赛 相关文章
这一讲是我们这套二十四讲系列节目的最后一讲。我们要跟您继续谈谈二十世纪末发生在亚洲的金融危机。 亚洲的经济危计是从金融行业开始的。它是如
上一讲中我们谈了货币的历史和它的三种基本功能。这三种功能的英文是: 1 Medium of exchange 交换媒介 2 Unit of account 计算单位 3 Store of value 价值储存手段
These patches which look like shadows are really land and are called by a long name: continents. 这些看起来像阴影的斑块实际上是土地,它们有个很深奥的名字:大陆。 These continents have names, and if their names were pri
The part of the World that isn't patches of shadow or snow is water. 环绕着大陆的水叫做海洋, The water all around the continents is the ocean, and though of course there are no walls nor fences dividing it into different parts, 尽管并没
Nevertheless, people think this is where the Garden of Eden once was. 虽然如此,人们仍然认为这就是伊甸园曾经所在的地方。 They even point out an old apple-tree that once bore some apples and say, That's the original tree. 他们
World Leprosy Day started in 1954 and takes place on January 29th. It aims to raise awareness about the disease leprosy. In particular, it is an opportunity to inform people that leprosy is a curable disease and is not passed on by touching leprosy s
And then came an even more exciting find, in a cave called Lascaux, a gallery of pictures of breathtaking beauty. As more and more paintings came to light, they revealed prehistoric artists had painte
They wrote on long strips of this papyrus, which were then rolled up into scrolls. 他们写在这种莎草纸的长条片上,然后卷成书卷。 A whole heap of these scrolls has survived. 一大堆这样的书卷被保存下来了。 And when w
Only rarely in the course of all that time did people turn against this strict conformity. 在这整个漫长的时期中人们只对这种严格的老一套反对过两次。 Once was shortly after the reign of King Cheops, about 2,100 BC, when the
There are seven days in a week. 一星期有七天。 I don't need to tell you their names because you know them already. 我不必告诉你他们的名字因为你已经知道了。 But have you any idea where and when it was that the days were each
Picture a vast plain, crossed by these two rivers. 你想象一个极其辽阔的平原,这两条河流经这个平原。 A land of heat and swamp and sudden floods. 这个平原上的土地又热又湿,有时洪水突如其来。 Here and there
Unlike Egypt, Mesopotamia was rarely ruled by just one king. 美索不达米亚(两河流域)不像埃及,它很少由一位国王统治,Nor did any single empire survive long within firm frontiers. 也没有一个王朝的统治延续长久、
One of the first Babylonian kings to rule over the whole region left a long and important inscription, engraved in stone. 统治全国的头一批巴比伦国王中有一个国王留下了一段这样的重要铭文,它被凿在一块石头上。 I
The script is called cuneiform, meaning wedge-shaped. 人们称它为cuneiform,意思是楔形文字。 Books made of papyrus were unknown to the Mesopotamians. 人们在美索不达米亚不曾发现过莎草纸书。 They inscribed these signs in
But the mummies of other kings and those of many ancient Egyptians have been found undisturbed in their tombs. 但是人们却发现别的国王的以及许多古代埃及人的木乃伊仍还在他们的墓穴里。 A tomb was intended to be a dwell
Glory be to thee, oh Nile! 赞美你啊,尼罗河! You rise out of the earth and come to nourish Egypt! 你来自大地,来到这儿,给埃及输送营养! You water the plains and have the power to feed all cattle. 你灌溉田野,喂养全部
HBO has once again stepped up the TV game with their latest hit, Westworld, which follows the creators, AI hosts and guests of a futuristic Western theme park. HBO电视台的新剧《西部世界》讲述了创造者、人工智能接待员和游客们
China may surpass the US as the worlds largest seed market next year as commercialization in the seed industry accelerates. These comments come from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences just before the World Seed Congress kicks off in Beijing on Mo
当你爱上一个不爱你的她时 即使你事业很成功,生活很满足. 但你是否也觉得心里空空的呢. 就算和朋友一起大笑一起狂欢 是否有乐极生悲的感觉呢. 越是大笑,笑到最后越是想哭 曲终人散之后是否还是孤单 正如音乐里所说的. i have everything i want but the girl. 输了你
what is the world coming to 这世界怎么了 I can not believe this. What is the world coming to? 简直不敢相信,这世界到底怎么了。 Mike has a girlfriend? What is the world coming to? 麦克都有女朋友了?这世界怎么了!