标签:limited 相关文章
liable -可能的,大概的 liberal -心胸宽阔的,开明的 liberate-解放,使...获自由 liberty -自由,自由权 license -许可证,执照 lick -舔,舔食 lid-盖子 lightning -闪电 likely -可能的,有希望的 likewise -同样的,照样的 limb-肢,臂,腿 limitation -限制,限度 limited -
Topics: American Presidents William Henry Harrison; fringe benefits versus benefits package versus compensation package; teacher versus professor Words: to enlist settlement to negotiate treaty to ally Whig to nominate campaign log cabin slogan inaug
每期节目一话题,让英语磨练耳朵的同时学到更多有益的小知识,丰富知识的同时受益于生活。 Stop Waiting for Approval 别再期待别人的认可 Life is too short to wait any longer. 生命短暂,经不起等待。
This summer, I'm planning on taking a trip to Europe, and I want to be able to get around easily, so I'm looking into buying a cheap train pass or tickets to make travel a little easier. My first step is to talk to a friend who is a travel agent to s
阅读提示: 中国电信股份有限公司是家由中国电信集团依据中华人民共和国公司法,在2002年9月10日建立的合资的股权有限责任公司。其控股者是中国电信
This computer program must have a glitch,it sometimes closes unexpectedly. 这程序一定是有瑕疵了,有时会突然关闭了。 glitch指小问题,小故障或小瑕疵,这是个非常口语的用词。 Manufacturing glitches have slowed
whitewashed transaction 清洗交易 wholesale bank 批发银行 wholesale banking 批发银行业务 wholesale tax 批发税 wholly-owned subsidiary 全资附属公司 W.I. Carr Indosuez Capital Asia
Union Bank of Hong Kong Ltd. 香港友联银行有限公司 Union Finance Limited 友联财务有限公司 unissued share 尚未发行的股份 unit cost basis 以单位成本为基础 unit holder 单位
7 Steve Jobs Quotes To Inspire Your Life 7句激励你的生活的史蒂夫.乔布斯名言 Steve Jobs is remembered as a tremendous innovator. He was a brilliant entrepreneur and amazing visionary. The former CEO of Apple was a leader and a legend.
7 Steve Jobs Quotes To Inspire Your Life 7句激励你的生活的史蒂夫.乔布斯名言 Steve Jobs is remembered as a tremendous innovator. He was a brilliant entrepreneur and amazing visionary. The former CEO of Apple was a leader and a legend.
Limited Partnership 有限合伙(名词),一种伙伴关系,一个或多个伙伴承担偿还债务的法律义务,但还债的额度只限于他们各自拥有的金额。 The venture capital fund was structured as a Bermuda limited partne
Pliferage insurance 盗窃险 A:Recently there has been a great increase in goods stolen abroad. 最近海外货物遭偷窃又增加的趋势。 B:If they steal the entire package, that would be theft, but they don't do that. Generally, thieves open
B share B股;乙类股份 BA Asia Limited 美银亚洲有限公司 BA Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 美银财务(香港)有限公司 back duty 补缴税款 back tax 补缴税款 backdoor listing
CCIC Finance Limited 中芝兴业财务有限公司 ceding company 分出公司 ceding insurer 分出保险人 ceiling 上限 ceiling price 最高限价 central bank 中央银行 Central Bank Bilatera
Chase Manhattan Asia Limited 美国大通亚洲有限公司 Chase Manhattan Bank 美国大通银行 chattels 实产 Chau's Brothers Finance Company Limited 周氏兄弟财务有限公司 Che Hsing Fin
core capital 核心资本 Core Operational and Financial Risk Management Controls for Over-the-Counter Derivatives Activities of Registered Persons 《适用于注册人的衍生工具场外交易活动
share registrar 股票过户登记处;过户处;股份登记员 share repurchase 股份购回;股份回购 share rights 股权 share split 股份拆细;拆股 share transfer 股票过户 share
group account 集团帐目 group consolidated balance sheet 集团综合资产负债表 group loss relief 对集团的亏损给予税项宽免 Group of Seven [G7] 七大工业国 Group of Seven leader
H CB Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 住银金融有限公司 H share H股 Hachijuni Asia Limited 八十二亚洲有限公司 Hachijuni Bank, Ltd. 八十二银行 half-yearly economic report 半年经济报
Indonesian Rupiah [IDR] 印尼盾 Indover Asia Limited 印尼海外亚洲有限公司 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 中国工商银行 Industrial and Commercial International Capital Limited