标签:Mp3背单词 相关文章
awkward adj (手脚,说话)笨拙的;使用困难的=lumbering=lumpish=ungainly 【例】The pan is an awkward shape 这个锅的形状用起来不方便。He's very awkward 他很笨 【类】craven:admirable=deft[dexterous]:awkward畏
beatitude, [bi'titju:d] n. 全福, 至福 祝福 东正教或西方正统教中最高一级的主教 【宗】(耶稣所说的)八种幸福=blessedness=happiness
averse adj (带有反感的)反对的=opposed 【例】The minister is averse to=from flattery 部长不喜欢听恭维话。 【记】1)a一再,verse转-头一再转-反对的 2)读:啊!味儿死。味儿死了!味儿死了!这
aver v 断言=affirm(肯定地确认);[法]证明属实 【根】ver真实-证明属实。 【参】verity(n 真实);veracious(adj 诚实的,真实的) 【反】deny(v 否认);belie(v 掩饰,证明为假)
avenge v 为报仇 【例】He was determined to avenge his father 他下决心要替父亲报仇。 【根】venge报复。 参:vengeance(n 复仇);revenge(n /v 复仇)
avaricious, [ .və'riʃəs ] adj 贪财的=greedy 【记】见avarice 【类】stoic:perturb=avaricious:satisfy镇定的不易被干扰=贪财的不易被满足 【反】contented(adj 满足的)
avarice n 贪财=cupidity=rapacity 【根】avar渴求。avid(adj 渴望的) 【记】ava读:爱挖,rice大米。爱挖大米。这种人是不是有周八皮的风范!连大米都不放过,太贪财了! 【类】avarice:money=glu
autobiography n 自传(本人所写作的回忆录) 【例】Her Autobiography was acknowledged to be number one on the best-seller list of 2001 她的自传被公认为是2001年第一本畅销书。 【记】auto自己,bio生命,graphy写-写
bauxite, ['b?:ksait] n 铝土矿(铝的基本矿石) 【记】1)Baux是法国地名,xite=site场所。Baux因产铝而知名。 2)baux读:宝库,xite场所。产铝的宝库
battalion, [bə'tljən] n 营,大队(军队单位,包含一个指挥部,多个班、连等下属单位) 【记】1)读:扶他林。主治:扭伤、拉伤、挫伤和各种关节肌肉疼痛,不仅是刘旋等奥运选手指定用药,
benediction,n 祝福(天主教和基督教在周末进行的祈祷)=blessing=benison;祈祷 【记】bene好,dict说-说好话一祝福 【参】valediction(n 告别演说);malediction(n 坏话) 【反】curse(n 诅咒)
Lesson – 7 1. I was unaware of the critical points involved , so my choice was quite __________ . A. arbitrary B. rational C. serene D. unpredictable arbitrary 主观的,武断的 empiric 主观的,
词汇 lesson-1 1. Living in that ____ house over there has nearly driven the hero of the story mad. A. bleak B. haunted C. gaunt D. acumen bleak 荒凉的 leak 漏,漏水 gaunt 憔悴的,苍白的
lesson-2 1. Texas , the second largest state of America , is ____ in natural resources . A. wealthy B .abundant C. scattered D. deposited Abundant 丰富的,充裕的 Redundant 多余的,过剩的
lesson – 4 1. His long service with the company was _____ with a present . A . admitted B . acknowledge C. attributed D. identified Acknowledge 承认,告知,感谢 admit 承认 commit 委托,犯
Lesson – 5 1. By law , when one makes a large purchase , he should have ______ opportunity to change his mind . A. accurate B. urgent C. excessive D. adequate purchase 购买 chase 追求 forger-me-
Lesson – 6 1.I should like to rent a house , modern comfortable and ______ in a quiet neighborhood . A. all in all B. above all C. after all D. over all above all 首先,尤其是 all in all 总之一