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Weak consumer spending figures in the US are dampening hopes the countrys economic recovery will be quick. Household spending fell for the first time in five months in September, down 47 billion dollars or 0.5%. Government spending was behind the thi
An Indonesian governor says he'll let 78 Sri Lankan asylum seekers be taken off from an Australian customs ship only if he's given a guarantee they won't stay longer than a month. The asylum seekers were due to be moved to an Indonesian detention fac
The election campaign has stepped briefly back in time with Kevin Rudd and John Howard duelling over who should lead the country. John Howard launched a stinging attack on Julia Gillard at a Liberal Party fundraiser last night, calling her a total fa
Documents show the Federal Government was planning ads promoting its super profits tax before the Henry review was publicly released. The review recommended the mining tax. Letters between Federal MPs show the Government expected the tax to affect sh
A report into Northern Ireland's Bloody Sunday massacre has found the killing of 13 Catholic protesters by British soldiers was unjustified. British Prime Minister David Cameron has apologized for the deaths as he handed down the findings. It found t
The Obama administration has unveiled a plan to reduce the role of nuclear weapons as part of its national security strategy. The government is promising not to launch a nuclear attack on non-nuclear states and says it sends a message to Iran and Nor
Australian aid is expected to arrive this morning in areas of Fiji, hardest hit by a powerful cyclone. Authorities are still trying to contact 17 Australians in Fiji's north. But damaged infrastructure is hampering communications. Cyclone Tomas has f
Hello, Kathryn Stolarchuk with the National Weather. To the satellite image first, we can see a cloud stream over Queensland carried by humid easterlies is generating showers and storms in the northern tropics. More cloud across the south along a tro
The Federal Opposition says it would be happy to fight a double dissolution election over proposed changes to private health insurance. The Senate has given the government another double dissolution election trigger by blocking legislation to means t
The New South Wales Emergency Services is urging Coonamble residents who refused to evacuate their homes to heed major flood warnings. About 1,000 people have already left their properties as the Castlereagh River rises. The town is preparing for its
Leading the news this morning, the Muslim-Brotherhood Mohamed Morsy has been named Egypt's first democratically-elected leader, thousands of people are celebrating the result in Cario's Tahrir Square, and Mr.Morsy has greeted the nation, promising to
European leaders in Brussels have signed a new treaty designed to prevent the 17 Euro-zone countries from living beyond their means.Beliefs hope the accord will also prevent a repeat of the crippling debt crisis,which led to the bailouts of Greece,Ir
Our top stories this hour. The Tennis World has been rocked by allegations of match fixing which officials deny. A joint invesigation by the BBC and BuzzFeed News found a co-group of 16 players, all rating the top 50, are suspected of fixing matches
Former Foreign Minister Bob Carr has come under strong criticism for suggesting the Jewish lobby has too much power. Mr. Carr told 0730 Jewish groups enjoyed extraordinary influence over the Gillard government. The Council of Australian Jewry says Mr
Prime Minister Tony Abbott says the historic free trade agreement with Japan will be worth billions of dollars to the local economy. The deal will see tariffs on Australian beef halved and Japanese cars become much cheaper for consumers. Oscar Pistor
And there were mixed results on Wall Street overnight. The Dow closed down slightly, while the Nasdaq and SP 500 posted modest gains. In London, the FTSE also climbed. To commodity markets. West Texas Crude is trading at 104 US dollars a barrel. Tapi
And two explosions in Boston, at the finishing line of Boston marathon have claimed two lives. According to local media outlets, including the Boston Globe, more than 100 people injured and are being treated in nearby hospitals. There's been a series
The Christmas Islan ddetention centre is overflowing now because of a surge in asylum seeker arrivals. More than 2,200 asylum seekers have been detained on the island. That's about 200 above the official capacity. Now this has forced authorities to h
And the latest inflation figures are due out this morning. Economists are tipping a rise of 0.7% in the first three months of the year. Now that will take the annual CPI to 2.8%. Apple's quarterly profit has fallen for the first time in almost ten ye
The Federal Government's revenues are continuing to fall. The prime minister will review their 12-billion-dollar revenue shortfall in a speech later today. Now despite the financial hit, the prime minister will push ahead with her education reforms a