标签:巨蟹 相关文章
很多同学都对十二星座颇有研究,那你知道怎么用英语和别人讨论星座吗?赶快听听今天的节目,并告诉我们你最喜欢的星座,或是你和哪个星座不合吧! 听力提示: 1. horoscopes 占星术,星座
听力文本: 小高:我的天哪,它们出来了!出来了!我的天呐,简直无法置信! 京晶:怎么了,小高?什么出来了? 小高:2015年星座运程呀!完全无法自控呀有木有! 京晶:我刚才也看了,
Don has cancer. He is 12 years old. But he is lucky. The doctor knows how to fix Dons cancer. The doctor told Dons mom to bring him to the hospital. Dons mom said no. She will let God fix Dons cancer. God will fix Dons cancer. She does not trust the
Aries key phrase: I Am! 白羊:我是! Taurus key phrase: I have! 金牛:我有! Geminis key phrase: I think! 双子:我认为! Cancers key phrase: I Feel! 巨蟹:我感觉! Leos key phrase: I Will! 狮子:我愿意! Virgos key ph
依赖、敏感、善变、吹毛求疵。 由于拥有顾家、爱家的优秀特质,使巨蟹夫人视家庭为生活唯一重心,她喜欢孩子的程度,掌控先生行踪的能力,简直有如007侦探员一般,教人叹为观止。 Th
黏黏腻腻的巨蟹老公,彷佛有妈妈的味道。在面对事业和财务时,却又显得勇猛无比,冲锋陷阵,不失英雄本色,巨蟹老公似乎比双子座更具有双面个性。 Cancer Husband The husband of this group love
Her son was upset. He hadn't gotten a bicycle for his birthday. His mom said, We'll give you one next year, I promise. Next year you'll be bigger, stronger, and smarter. All of those things will help you be a better bike rider. And you'll be safer to
Don has cancer. He is 12 years old. But he is lucky. The doctor knows how to fix Don's cancer. The doctor told Don's mom to bring him to the hospital. Don's mom said no. She will let God fix Don's cancer. God will fix Don's cancer. She does not trust
今天我们要学的词是 sunburn. Sunburn 晒伤。When summer arrives, so do the sunburns. 夏天来临,被太阳晒伤的情况就会出现。比如,周末去海边没擦防晒油,I got a bad sunburn on my back. 我后背严重晒伤。In
白羊Aries Assertive = 武断 Risk-taking = 爱冒险 Independent =独立 Easily-angered =易怒 Strong-willed =意志力强 金牛Taurus Territorial = 占有欲强 Achievers =事业有成 Utilizers = 善于最有效利用事物 Responsible = 有责任
A: Kate , I want to break up with my boyfriend tomorrow. A: 凯特,我打算明天向我男朋友提出分手。 B: Gosh! Why? Does he do something wrong? B: 天啊,为什么?他做错了什么事吗? A: No. He does very well. A: 没有,他表现
运用天文学知识强化记忆 北回归线 the Tropic of Cancer 不能说 the Northern Tropic 南回归线 the Tropic of Capricorn 不能说 the Southern Tropic 为什么? 因为 Aries 白羊宫(黄道第一宫 3月21日- 4月19日) Taurus 金牛