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The Worlds Biggest Spittoon In the spring, the eastern half of North America turns into one big spittoon for spittlebugs. Wandering through a meadow, its easy to spot the gobs of foam they produce, stuck to the stems of various plants. What makes spi
Why Do Stars Twinkle? If youve ever glanced skyward on a clear evening, youve probably noticed with some wonderment the sheer numbers of stars. Some are tiny, barely visible points. Others radiate strong white light. And from our earthly vantage poin
Why Does Spot Have Spots? In dogs with multicolored coats, white areas have no pigment cells. Black, brown or yellow areas, on the other hand, get their color from special pigment cells. When a dog is just an embryo, these pigment cells travel from t
Can You Predict The Future? Its impossible to know the future. We can guess, but no one has actual knowledge of whats going to happen down the road. But if youre someone who trusts her feelings, youre more likely to accurately predict future events t
Does Bacon Stop Nosebleeds? Time to go the A Moment of Science mailbag. A listener writes: Dear A Moment of Science, Ive heard that pork can be used to stop a nosebleed. Is this true, or just a myth? Well, there are lots of anecdotal stories about do
Science Hero: Jules Verne 科学英雄:儒勒 凡尔纳 儒勒?凡尔纳(Jules Verne,1828年2月8日-1905年3月24日),法国小说家、博物学家,现代科幻小说的重要开创者之一。他一生写了六十多部大大小小的科
Racial Stereotypes and Memory Although there has been much debate about whether race has a biological or social basis, the bottom line is that race is a psychological reality for many people. That is, many folks assign other individuals to racial cat
Why Is It So Difficult To Spot A Plane In The Air? How many times have you heard a jet plane going over, looked up to see it, but not been able to find it even though you were looking toward where the sound was coming from? Well, this moment of scien
Glow In The Dark Cats, Monkeys, And HIV Have you heard the one about the jellyfish, the monkey, and the glow in the dark cat? Actually, its no joke: scientists are experimenting with ways to combat HIV and AIDS by injecting cats with genes taken from
How X-Ray Technology Is Helping Examine Millets Artwork In the 1840s, a new painting by Jean Francois Millet was unveiled in Paris. But, horror of horrors, no one seemed to like it! Some critics thought the images were too violent; others thought the
Why Does Plastic Wrap Cling To Itself? What makes kitchen plastic wrap cling so maddeningly to itself, and so conveniently to the sides of bowls and plates? Plastic wrap clings for two reasons: its elastic and its sticky. That probably seems pretty o
Cooking Under Pressure When you boil potatoes on the stove top, it can take half an hour to cook them til tender. But, when you boil them in a pressure cooker, instead presto, theyre ready in about five minutes. Whats the difference? What makes press
A Magical Glow? Have you ever wondered why fluorescent colors, like you see in highlighters or clothing dyes, for instance,seem so much brighter than other colors? Its because they seem to reflect more light than they receive! It may sound like a mag
Leaves Inspire Better Solar Panels What do leaves and solar panels have in common? Both absorb sunlight and turn it into energy. But while solar panels typically have smooth surfaces, leaves have tiny wrinkles and folds that allow for maximum light a
Did You Know That Moose Can Have Arthritis? Its easy to tell, even at a glance, that people and moose are pretty different. Moose, at least males, have big, wing shaped antlers. People have no antlers. Moose are herbivores, eating only plants. We eat
High Inflation Fairs, carnivals, festivals or anywhere you can buy helium-filled balloons, youre sure to see at least one balloon rising into the sky after someone accidentally lets it go off. What happens to the balloon after it rises out of sight?
For A Stress Free Life, Get A Dog! As most dog owners will attest, having a dog is great for several reasons. For one, dogs are typically loyal, steady companions. Many studies have shown that caring for a dog is a great way to get more exercise, rel
What Do Octane Numbers Mean? At the gas pump, you have a choice of octane numbers. 87? 93? Whats the difference? To explain octane numbers, lets take an imaginative leap into the internal combustion engine of a car. Inside the cylinders are combustio
The Nightlife Of Plants Most plants grow buds, flower, or lie dormant at specific times of year. What Triggers These Seasonal Changes? Temperature and rainfall often play a role, but the most important factor to many plants is the length of the day.
In The Past, Insects Were Huge! Once upon a time, hundreds of millions of years ago, many insects were much larger than they are today. Scientists have found fossilized remains of dragonflies with wingspans several feet in diameter. Other insects wer