标签:美式发音 相关文章
秘诀65 (14)[]+[]辅音连缀 发音时,爆破音[]]必须十分轻而短促,爆破音[]在发音时,第二个辅音[]的发音已经作好了准备,爆破音[]的爆破与第二个辅音[]的发音同时进行,这是掌握好这一类辅音连缀的关键。 比较常见的错误是在第一和第二个辅音之间添加元音[],主要原因
秘诀10 国际音标 美语音标 Nickname外号:小圆唇长乌音。类似火车长鸣音呜。 1.A: I want to improve my poor English. 我想改进我的破烂英文。 B: Then you should study Crazy English. 那么你就应该学习疯狂英语。 2. Id like to improve my English pronunciation.
李阳美语发音秘诀MP3之秘诀6:悦耳动听在元音 秘诀6 悦耳动听在元音 英语是否好听,主要取决于元音是否饱满、到位!请听下面的录音。 1.Im not myself today. 我今天没心情。 2.I dont care what you do. 你做什么,我都不管。 3.We hope to see you again. 我们希望
Exercise 1-29: Making Set Phrases CD 1 Track 42 Pause the CD and add a noun to each word as indicated by th e picture. Check Answer Key,beginning on page 193. 图片1
Exercise 1-32: Two-Word Stress CD 1 Track45 Repeat the following pairs. Descrip tive Phrase Set Phrase 图片1 图片2 图片3 图片4 图片5 Nationalities When you are in a foreign country, the subject of nationalities natu rally comes up a lot. It
Telephone Tutoring Preliminary Diagnostic Analysis CD 1 Track 3 This is a speech analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of yo ur American accent. Ifyou are studying American Accent Training on your own, please contact toll-free (800) 457-4
A Few Words On Pronunciation CD 1Track 2 I'd like to introduce you to the pr onunciation guide outlines in th e following chart. There aren'ttoo many characters that are di fferent from the standard alpha bet, but just so you'll be familiarwith them,
Exercise 1-37: Descriptions and Set PhrasesGoldilocks CD2 Track 5 Read the story and stress the indicated words. Notice if they are a description , a set phrase or contrast. For the next level of this topic, go to page 111. Repeat after me. There is
Exercise 3-2: Finding [], [], and [ə] Sounds CD 3 Track 7 There are five [], ten [], and seventy-five [ə] sounds in the following paragraph. Underscore themin pen or pencil. (The first one of each sound is marked for you.) Hello, my name is________
Exercise 3-6: Reading the [ə] Sound CD 3 Track 11 When you read the following schwa paragraph, try clenching your teeth the first time. It won'tsound completely natural, but it will get rid of all of the excess lip and jaw movement and forceyour ton
Review Exercise 4: Your Own Sentence CD 3 Track 54 Pause the CD and apply the steps to your own sentences. 图片1 Are you shy? Does doing this embarrass you? Are you thinking that people will notice your newaccent and criticize you for it? Inthe beg
Word Groups and Phrasing CD2 Track 30 Pauses for Related Thoughts, Ideas, or for Breathing By now you've begun developing a strong intonation, with clea r peaks and reduced valleys, soyou're ready for the next step. Y ou may find yourself reading the
Exercise 1-55: Crossing Out Reduced Sounds CD 2 Track 28 Pause the CD and cross out any sound that is not clearly pronounced, including to , fo r , and, that , than , the , a, the soft [ i], and unstressed syllables that do not have strong vowel soun
Exercise 1-58: Creating Word Groups CD 2 Track32 Break the paragraph into natural word groups. Mark every place where you think a pause is neededwith a slash. Hello, my name is_______________. I'm taking American Accent Training. There's a lot to lea
Chapter 6. The American R CD 3 Track 42 American English, todayalthough continually changingis made up of the sounds of thevarious people who have come tosettle here from many countries. All of them have put in theirlinguistic two cents, the end resu
Exercise 5-14: Tandem Reading CD 3 Track39 The last reading that I'd like you to do is one along with me. Up to now, I have read first and youhave repeated in the pause that followed. Now, however, I would like you to read along at exactlythe same ti
Exercise 10-5: Finding S and Z Sounds CD 4 Track 35 Go through the paragraph and underline all of the [s] sounds. The first, [ksent] is marked for you.Next, circle all of the [z] sounds, no matter how the word is written (is = [iz], as = [z], and so
Exercise 8-10; Bker Wlsey's Ckbk CD 4 Track 24 Repeat after me. Booker Woolsey was a good cook. One day, he took a good look at his full schedule and decidedthat he could write a good cookbook. He knew that he could, and thought that he should, but h
Exercise 1-23; Syllable Count Te st CD 1 Track 33 Put the following words into the proper category based on the syllable count intonation. Write thepattern number in the space provided. Check Answer Key, beginning on p. 193. 图片1 图片2 图片3 图
Exercise 1-19: Spelling and Numbers CD 1Track 28 Just as there is stress in word s or phrases, there is intonation in spelling and numbers. Americansseem to spell things out much more than other people. In any bure aucratic situation, you'll be asked