标签:浪漫求婚秘诀 相关文章
秘诀55 (4)[]+[]辅音连缀 发音时,爆破音[]]必须十分轻而短促,爆破音[]在发音时,第二个辅音[]的发音已经作好了准备,爆破音[]的爆破与第二个辅音[]的发音同时进行,这是掌握好这一类辅音连缀的关键。 比较常见的错误是在第一和第二个辅音之间添加元音[],主要原因
秘诀74 词尾浊辅音[d]+[s] 的辅音连缀在口语中的读音 d+s= ds在口语中发音时,不要读完了[d]再读[s],而是ds两个辅音在发音时一起发出来,也就是说只读一次;即:ds读作[d]。 word + s=words 1.I love all words. 我爱所有的单词。 2.Words are the key to beautiful E
秘诀33 (2)sk + 元音 口语读音为[sks + 元音] scare v. 惊吓;受惊。 school n. 学校 IPA: []口语中读音[] IPA: []口语中读音[] K.K: []口语中读音[] K.K: []口语中读音[] 1. Im so scared. 我很怕。 2. You scared me. 你吓了我一跳。 3. He has studied English in s
秘诀32 (1)sp + 元音 口语读音为[spsb + 元音] spend v. 花费. speak v. 说话;谈话。 IPA: []口语中读音[b] IPA: []口语中读音[b] K.K: []口语中读音[b] K.K: []口语中读音[b] 1. How do you spend your leisure? 你是怎样消磨空闲时间的? 2. He spends a lot of time
秘诀7 口齿清晰在辅音 如果辅音发不好,元音再标准也是口齿不清!英语的辅音和中文有很大的区别,而且复杂得多!是学习发音的特大难点。 辅音主要是舌、齿、唇的相互配合。请欣赏下面的辅音。 1.I think you ought to do it by yourself. 我想你应该自己去做。 2.I don
秘诀13 连读技巧 (1)字尾辅音+字首元音俗称异性相吸 这是地道、纯正美语的秘诀!要刻苦操练! 在意思密切相关的一组词中,如果前一个词以辅音结尾,后一个词以元音开头,这两个音有时可以连起来读,这种现象叫连读。用符号表示。 1. Ill be backin halfanhour. 我半小
李阳美语发音秘诀MP3之秘诀4:一口气训练法 秘诀4 一口气训练法 当美国人讲话的时候底气很足,令人羡慕!为什么呢?因为他们讲话时用的是腹腔、胸腔、喉腔、口腔、鼻腔合五为一,所以底气十足。我们中国人讲话时用的是嘴巴,没有底气,说话时发音不饱满,力量不足。所以
Detour to Romance Located in the checkroom 2 in Union Station as I am, I see everybody that comes up the stairs. Harry came in a little over three years ago and waited at the head of the stairs for th
Do you think that it's a rather final get this sort of getting-together all the men in the flim? Do you think that one day you might fall in love and get married to a man? Since you already have a male companion, a male friend called Max? Do you thin
Don Walling brought friends and family to the Brooklyn Bridge last Friday, so they could see him propose to the love of his life, Gina. What started as a real life fairytale moment quickly turned to horror, as you can clearly see on the Port Jeff Sta
秘诀19 略音(3)异类爆破+异类爆破 类似的辅音如:[][];[][];[][];[][] 出现时,同样省前读后。 1. A:What do you think? 你认为怎么做? B: Sorry, I wasnt listening. 对不起,我刚才没听。 2. The boss has always been very good to her. 老板对她一直非常好
[ ] + [ ] = [] 此情况基本上都连读 1. How about you? 你呢? IPA: [ ][ ] + [ ] = []口语中读音[ ] K.K: [U U][ ] + [ ] = []口语中读音[U U] 2. Take care that you dont spoil your new clothes. 小心,别把你的新衣服弄坏。 3. A:Im very glad to meet you . 认
浪漫与告白 Romantic 浪漫款 这些也许是爱情小说里的主人公们会说的台词,现实生活中听起来或许严肃又浪漫,保不准也会很傻气。 1. I'm infatuated with you. 我对你神魂颠倒。 2. You're my lover. 我的
Sydney's fun and romantic, but also expensive 悉尼浪漫有趣,但也很昂贵 Sydney ranks in the world's top ten for romantic fun -- but living that dream costs a lot, according to the latest survey 悉尼被列为世界十大浪漫有趣城市但
1、c.h.i.n.a. 中国 come here. i need affection。来这我需要爱 2、k.o.r.e.a. 韩国 keep optimistic regardless of every adversity。虽然事与愿违保持乐观 3、h.o.l.l.a.n.d 荷兰 Hope our love lasts and never dies。希望我们的爱
Suspended 2000ft above the ground, a Georgia bride and groom were literally floating on air on their big day as they tied the knot on a hot air balloon. 在距离地面2000英尺(约609米)的热气球上,佐治亚州的一对夫妇在空中举办
遇到喜欢的人,如何鼓足勇气让对方知道?想要和你看星星看月亮,从诗词歌赋谈到人生哲学(琼瑶体附身~),你给个机会不?给单身们的福利,喜欢TA就从约TA出去开始吧~浪漫口语走起! 第一
哎呀,老天爷你就从来没到这个车站来过?他指向杂志摊。我一直就在那儿。那个摊儿是我的。我看过每个上楼的人。 她的脸色开始变得有些苍白。过了一会儿,她向楼梯看去,声音微弱地说