6. Lend a helping hand-When you arrive, ask if there is anything you can do to help. 6.伸出援助之手--当你到时,去询问有没有什么事需要你的帮助。 Often there are last minute things that need to be done and your offer will be
12 Ways to Make Holiday Dinners Happy Events 12种使假日晚餐开心的事。 Since you will be celebrating Christmas and New Years during the next two weekends with family and friends, I want to give you a few timely reminders on what I call part
If you harbor hard feelings or have a bad attitude, you don't need to wonder if people know. They do and it never reflects well on you. 你不用想别人是否知道你心怀恶意或态度恶劣,他们能看出来,这对你的形象有百害而无
Communication without words 非语言沟通的力量 You have no doubt heard the proverb:Actions speak louder than words. It's true. Your body is a crucial part of communicating your inner feelings. 你一定听过这个谚语:行动胜于空谈。说
9. Number multiple topics. If you are covering more than one point, break out each point using numbers. 9.在每个小题目前标上序号。如果你的信中不止一个信息点,用序号把它们标明, I have yet to see a better way to comm
Improving Your Written Communication Skills 提高你的书面交流能力 Do you form opinions about people based upon their written communications with you? 你会通过别人和你的书面交流来判断对方吗? Can you distinguish between th
Controlling Your Emotional Energy 控制好你的情绪能量 Have you ever noticed that when you are focused on something that is exciting, you can get by with less sleep and feel great? 你有没有留心过这种情况--当你集中精力于一件激
Dont Worry About What You Cant Control 不用担心你所控制不了的 This is lesson No.48 from my book Little Things Matter, 100 Ways to Improve Your Life Today. 这是来自我的书《小事情重要》的48课,今天100种方法改善你的生活
10. Listen With Interest 10.带着兴趣去听 Being a good listener is one of the most important skills you can master if you want to advance your career and build meaningful relationships. 善于倾听是你能掌握的其中一项最重要技能,它
7. Serve one another. Be intentional. 服务对方。刻意用心。 We are both very thoughtful about the little things we do to serve each other. 我们都对我们做的小事情非常周到的服务。 This is about putting the other person's nee
19. Give your spouse freedom. 给你的伴侣自由, We give each other the freedom to do things that give us pleasure independently. 我们给彼此的自由独立做事,给我们快乐。 Of course, we don't take advantage of it, but giving your
What Are You Doing That Bugs People? 做哪些事会招人烦? What is the number one thing people do that bugs you? 别人做什么最招你烦? Think about it for a moment. Do you have something in mind? 花点时间想想看。想出来了吗? How
In the context of personal and professional development, you need to know one of the worst things you can do is something that annoys or bugs another person. 在人际关系和职业发展环境中,你要知道,你做的最不好的事就是去烦扰
Start with your spouse, your children, or another family member. 就从你的配偶,子女或其他家庭成员开始吧, Ask them for their honesty. And when they do offer to tell you, dont get defensive. 让他们实话实说。当他们准备好
Be aware of the green-eyed monster 小心嫉妒者。 Two of the most destructive emotions are envy and jealousy, both of which stem from the same source:our own insecurity. 两种最为消极的情绪就是嫉妒和妒忌,两者的根源相同:我们
Writer and speaker, jennifer james explains it this way, jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. 作家兼演说家,詹尼佛詹姆斯这样说:妒忌明显是害怕自己没有价值的表现。 Jealousy scans for evi
On the other hand, when you focus on developing your unique strengths, talents and abilities, 而反过来,如果你讲注意力集中在培养自己的特长、天赋和才能上, your self-image will grow, your insecurities will fade away and y
To live a balanced life where you enjoy all the benefits life has to offer, goal setting in the following key areas is important. 能够平衡地生活,享受生活给你带来的种种好处,应该着重从以下关键领域确立你的目标。
25 Tips to Staying Married 25 Years 25个保持婚姻新鲜感的秘密 Yesterday, we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. 昨天,我们庆祝我们结婚25周年纪念日。 We cant believe we are old enough to have been married for 25 years. 我们
Live By Design, Not Default 生活是走出来的,不是默认的 Goal setting is fundamental to any type of achievement. 设定目标是获得任何成功的基础。 If you want to live a life of purpose, setting goals will increase your odds of
- 生活英语听力文章 第11期:有评价才有提高(1)
- 生活英语听力文章 第12期:有评价才有提高(2)
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