时间:2018-12-29 作者:英语课 分类:大学英语自学教程上

[00:06.09]You Can't Do It Because It Hurts Nobody
[00:13.45]Who do you think breaks the law in our society?
[00:19.98]If you believe that only tough guys commit crimes,you may have to think again
[00:27.72]Answer the following questions honestly.
[00:33.18]Has anyone you know ever driven drunk 1?
[00:38.84]Can you think of a friend who has used drugs?
[00:45.61]Are you aware that your parents may not always tell the truth when they go through customs?
[00:55.46]Won't some of your friends admit that they have stolen an item from a store?
[01:03.92]Have any of your friends ever copied a CD onto a tape for someone else?
[01:12.70]In case you did not know, all of these acts are against the law.
[01:21.24]Now, among the people you know, how many have never broken the law?
[01:28.50]Does that mean that most members of our society should go to jail 2?
[01:36.08]Unlike in the movies, we can't divide the world into bad guysand model citizens.
[01:44.54]Real life is much more complex.
[01:49.69]In the same way that diseases 3 range from the common cold to fatal 4 forms of cancer,
[01:58.15]crimes vary 5 in degree.
[02:02.72]For example, smoking in an elevator will inconvenience people but
[02:09.67]much less than threatening them with a gun.
[02:15.24]In addition to breaking the law themselves
[02:20.83]people tolerate 6 various levels of crime.
[02:25.97]Why are we tolerant 7 of some crimes?
[02:32.03]It may be that, by seeing others do something, we accept it more easily.
[02:39.79]We may even start committing that crime ourselves.
[02:45.67]For instance 8, most people will find it easier to speed on a highway
[02:52.33]when everybody else is driving over the speed limit.
[02:57.29]When people celebrate a sports championship,
[03:03.04]if they see someone breaking store windows,
[03:07.90]they might start breaking windows themselves or even steal from the store.
[03:15.47]So the people around us influence how much law-breaking we can tolerate.
[03:22.74]We must also wonder whether seeing violence on television
[03:30.00]or reading about it in the newspapers every day
[03:35.14]makes us tolerate crime more than we should.
[03:40.40]We become used to seeing blood on the news on television,
[03:47.06]or in full color in newspapers and magazines.
[03:52.52]Because we see thousands of dead people on TV,
[03:58.58]maybe we just try to ignore the situation behind the violence.
[04:02.21]也许我们才企图无视造成暴力的环境。 [04:05.84]If so many citizens tolerate violence and crime,
[04:12.11]or even commit crimes themselves,it may simply be because of the human mind.
[04:20.75]Our minds may not care about specific laws.
[04:27.70]Instead,our minds may have a system of values
[04:34.76]that usually prevents us from hurting other people to improve our own lives
[04:42.83]Yet, when it comes to respecting the rights of a mass of anonymous 9 individuals,
[04:47.70]然而,当涉及到尊重众多不知姓名个人的权利时[04:52.57]we might not be so responsible.
[04:58.03]While most people would not steal a wallet containing $50,
[05:05.79]they may not mind cheating on taxes,
[05:10.94]because cheating on taxesdoes not hurt any one person.
[05:18.30]It hurts society,
[05:20.29]它伤害 社会,
[05:22.27]but "society" remains 10 an abstract 11 ideathat is not as real as a neighbor
[05:31.02]or a friend's friend.
[05:34.97]Perhaps this is why someone who robbers 12 few dollars by force from a comer store
[05:42.41]will often end up with a longer jail term than a fraud 13 artist
[05:50.17]who swindles thousands of dollars:
[05:55.13]threatening the life of an individual is not acceptable 14 in our society.
[06:02.29]When we look at the questions in the first paragraph
[06:07.93]and realize that many people have misconceptions about law-breaking,
[06:15.38]we could think it is surprising that only about 10% of Canadians
[06:22.82]have a criminal record.
[06:27.40]How could we improve the level of honesty in our soeiety?
[06:33.95]Would a larger police force keep everyone honest?
[06:41.21]Would severe laws help make our soeieiy better?
[06:47.28]Probably not.
[06:51.64]The police Would never be able to keep an eye on everyone,
[06:58.40]and people would still find ways to bend new laws.
[07:05.48]Honesty will have to come from social pressure:
[07:12.04]in the family,at school, on the job,
[07:17.68]each and every one of us can enoourage honesty by showing
[07:24.34]which behaviors are unacceptable.
[07:29.20]Teaching respect should become everyone's responsibility.
[07:38.27]Text B
[07:42.11]Marriage in Iran and America: A Study in Contrasts
[07:48.77]Though marriage is practiced in almost all countries of the world,
[07:55.40]the customs are quite different from one culture to another.
[08:00.37]It is interesting for me to compare the customs of marriage in the United States
[08:07.31]with those in my country.
[08:11.47]I've lived in the U.S.for four years now,
[08:17.35]but I'm still not comfortable with the customs here.
[08:22.07]In fact, what seems strange to me is that courting or dating
[08:25.50]其实,令我看起来奇怪的是求爱或约会的目的 [08:28.92]is not always for the purpose of finding 15 a husband or wife.
[08:34.06]Some people seem to do it as a hobby.
[08:38.30]Here in the United States,
[08:41.74]I have noticed that courting is begun by the young couple themselves,
[08:47.80]and they seem to have a lot of freedom to decide and do what they want.
[08:54.18]Both young men and women date a number of different people.
[08:59.43]They do it without the knowledge or help of their parents.
[09:05.38]In fact,I have known several friends who got married
[09:11.55]with out even telling their parents or other family members.
[09:16.62]At the actual wedding ceremony,
[09:21.27]the father of the bride symbolically 16 gives his daughter to the groom 17.
[09:27.01]It's only a custom, I think,
[09:31.38]because the bride and groomalready know each other quite well[09:33.96]因为新娘,新郎已彼此很了解。
[09:36.55]The bride and groom stand together
[09:40.21]in front of the religious leaderor govemment official to be married.
[09:45.95]The official reads from a short prepared speeh and then  asks both the man and woman
[09:54.31]if they are willing to be married to the other,
[09:58.67]If they both say "yes,"and nobody attending the wedding stands up to object
[10:06.43]they are declared "man and wife."
[10:10.87]It is interesting that the two families are asked
[10:16.91]if there are any objections 18 right during the ceremony.
[10:22.16]Perhaps it is because the family members
[10:26.42]are not as involved in the wedding preparations as they are in Iran.
[10:32.48]Marriage is different in a number of ways in my country.
[10:37.83]In Iran,courting is more serious
[10:42.38]and is performed strictly 19 for the purpose of marriage.
[10:47.03]It is definitely 20 not a part of the fun-filled years of growing up
[10:53.30]like it is here in American.
[10:57.06]It is the mother of the young man
[11:00.61]who initiates 21 the process by visiting the home of a potential bride
[11:06.36]She goes to inspect the girl,
[11:10.01]and discover the position and wealth of the girl' s family.
[11:15.06]If she is pleased, then she will return another day with her son.
[11:21.09]If her son is also pleased,
[11:25.32]then the two families get together to talk,about the dowry, the wedding ceremony,
[11:32.27]who they will hire to perform the marriage and other matters.
[11:37.03]The actual marriage ceremony is quite different,
[11:42.67]however from the American wedding ceremonies I have seen.
[11:46.93]The bride,dressed in white, with a veil 22 over her face,sits in a room alone.
[11:54.08]She sets on a special piece of silk
[11:58.52] which is surrounded on two sides by very long pieces of flat bread. [12:01.65]她坐在一块别致的丝绸上,两边围满了长长的扁面包。
[12:04.77]Two mullahs stand outside the door to this room reading from the Koran.
[12:11.61]Twice the bride must remain silent to the questions of the mullahs.
[12:19.06]The groom' s mother then presents a gift of gold
[12:24.52]to show that her side of the family is serious.
[12:29.24]The bride then responds to the mullahs
[12:33.97]in much the same manneras do Americans when they say "I do.".
[12:39.75]The groom is allowed to go into the bride's room
[12:44.89]while the mullahs take care of the offidal marriage papers.
[12:50.35]One more difference between the marriage iage customs of the United States
[12:57.01]and my country
[13:00.07]is that the bride does not immediately go to the home of her new husband.
[13:05.53]For several months,she continues to stay at her own home
[13:11.48]preparing her dowry and receiving instructions from her mother
[13:17.36]on how to be a good wife and mother.
[13:21.02] After a few months, the groom and his relatives come for the bride
[13:27.78]and take her to his home along with the dowry.
[13:32.23]Though I can certainly see the advantages of the freedom that is given
[13:38.76]to American youths to choose whom they will marry and when,
[13:44.03]I think I still prefer the customs of my home country.
[13:49.68]I suppose that's because there is not so much guessing and uncertainty 23.

  • People who drives when they are drunk should be heavily penalised.醉酒驾车的人应受重罚。
  • She found him drunk when she came home at night.她晚上回家时,经常发现他醉醺醺的。
  • The castle had been used as a jail.这城堡曾用作监狱。
  • If she carries on shoplifting,she'll end up in jail.她如果还在店铺里偷东西,最终会被抓进监狱的。
n.疾病( disease的名词复数 );弊端;恶疾;痼疾
  • Smoking is a causative factor in several major diseases. 抽烟是引起几种严重疾病的病因。
  • The illness frequently coexists with other chronic diseases. 这种病往往与其他慢性病同时存在。
  • The enemy got a fatal blow in the battle.敌人在战斗中受到致命的打击。
  • I made the fatal mistake of letting her talk.我让她讲话是犯了严重的错误。
  • Cherries vary in colour from almost black to yellow.樱桃的颜色由近乎黑到黄各不相同。
  • Old people don't like to vary their habits.老年人不喜欢改变他们的习惯。
  • She can tolerate that rude fellow.她能容忍那个粗鲁的家伙。
  • The teacher cannot tolerate eating on the class.老师不容许在课堂上吃东西。
  • She's tolerant toward those impudent colleagues.她对那些无礼的同事采取容忍的态度。
  • A tolerant person usually has breadth of mind.有宽容精神的人通常胸襟开阔。
  • Can you quote me a recent instance?你能给我举一个最近的例子吗?
  • He's a greedy boy,yesterday,for instance,he ate all our biscuits!他是个贪吃的孩子――比如,他昨天把我们的饼干都吃了!
  • Sending anonymous letters is a cowardly act.寄匿名信是懦夫的行为。
  • The author wishes to remain anonymous.作者希望姓名不公开。
  • He ate the remains of food hungrily.他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。
  • The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.残羹剩饭喂狗了。
  • He is an abstract painter.他是一个抽象派画家。
  • He made an abstract of a long article.他对一篇长文章做了摘要。
n.抢劫者,强盗,盗贼( robber的名词复数 );盗匪
  • The robbers fled empty-handed. 抢劫犯一无所获地逃走了。
  • The policeman discharged his gun at the fleeing robbers. 警察向逃跑的强盗开了枪。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • We will introduce legal safeguards against fraud.我们将推行防止欺诈的法律条款。
  • The prosecutor accused the defendant of fraud.原告控告被告犯有欺诈罪。
  • The terms of the contract are acceptable to us.我们认为这个合同的条件可以接受。
  • Air pollution in the city had reached four times the acceptable levels.这座城市的空气污染程度曾高达可接受标准的四倍。
  • The finding makes some sense.该发现具有一定的意义。
  • That's an encouraging finding.这是一个鼓舞人心的发现。
  • By wearing the ring on the third finger of the left hand, a married couple symbolically declares their eternal love for each other. 将婚戒戴在左手的第三只手指上,意味着夫妻双方象征性地宣告他们的爱情天长地久,他们定能白头偕老。
  • Symbolically, he coughed to clear his throat. 周经理象征地咳一声无谓的嗽,清清嗓子。
  • His father was a groom.他父亲曾是个马夫。
  • George was already being groomed for the top job.为承担这份高级工作,乔治已在接受专门的培训。
n.反对( objection的名词复数 );异议;厌恶;反对的理由
  • I think we can safely dismiss their objections. 我认为我们对他们的异议完全可以不予理会。
  • The chairman overrode the committee's objections and signed the agreement. 主席不顾委员会的反对,径行签署了协议。
  • His doctor is dieting him strictly.他的医生严格规定他的饮食。
  • The guests were seated strictly in order of precedence.客人严格按照地位高低就座。
  • The team will definitely lose if he doesn't play.如果他不参加比赛,这个队肯定会输。
  • I shall definitely be home before six o'clock.6点以前,我一定回家。
v.开始( initiate的第三人称单数 );传授;发起;接纳新成员
  • The booklet initiates us into the problems of living abroad. 这本小册子使我们对国外的生活情况有了初步了解。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Everybody initiates and receives messages in some form or other. 每个人都以各种不同的方式发出并接收信息。 来自辞典例句
  • Please veil your face.请用面纱遮住脸。
  • There was a veil of mist over the mountains.山上覆盖着一层薄雾。
  • Her comments will add to the uncertainty of the situation.她的批评将会使局势更加不稳定。
  • After six weeks of uncertainty,the strain was beginning to take its toll.6个星期的忐忑不安后,压力开始产生影响了。