时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-超完美男人


  [00:03.78](Holly) You do The Times crossword 1 in pen? (郝莉) 你在做纽约时报的填字游戏?

[00:05.06]Yeah. ls that a bad thing? 对。有什么问题吗?

[00:11.06]How do you feel about the moon? 你觉得月亮怎么样?

[00:13.62]Excuse me? 什么?

[00:14.70]that comes out every night, even when times get hard... that comes out 甚至在艰苦岁月中...

[00:14.90]Do you think that it`s a little piece of magic... Do you think 它每天晚上都会展现那么一点魔力...

[00:18.42]to remind you that every day holds potential for beauty? 每天都会有一种潜在的美?

[00:21.98]What has Amy told you about me? Nothing. 艾米告诉你关于我的什么了? 什么都没有。

[00:26.74]She just said that you were really smart. 她只是说你真的很智慧。

[00:29.42]And l`m new to town. 而且我刚来这个镇上。

[00:31.70]lt`s a new school. 上新学校。

[00:33.42]l don`t really have a dad to turn to for advice, either. 我也没有一个能够提供建议的爸爸。

[00:36.58]So thought l`d ask you. 因此我想问问你。

[00:42.94]Well, all right. l guess l can try to help. 好吧。我想我可以帮帮你。

[00:44.26]l`m not really a, you know.... 我不是一个真正的....

[00:48.58]lt`s nothing. 没什么。

[00:49.42]What did you want to know? 你想知道些什么?

[00:50.22]lt`s just, l`m going through my teenage years. 只是我现在正在渡过青春期。

[00:55.26]l`m confused about who l am and what my purpose is in life. 我对于我是谁,我的生活目标是什么很困惑。

[00:55.78]And that`s confusing. 并且有些困惑。

[01:00.14]What college l should go to. 我应该上哪所大学。

[01:00.66]lf l should even go to college. 我是不是应该上大学。

[01:04.06]l`m trying to resist peer 2 pressure to do all sorts of things... 我现在正顶着每一份的压力去做...

[01:06.14]that l know that l shouldn`t do, but some of them l kind of want to do. 一些我认为不该做的事情, 但有些却是我想做的。

[01:08.42]lf you know what l mean. 你是否知道我的意思。

[01:10.10]l`m considering getting my nose pierced and my belly 3 button... 我正在考虑在我的鼻子上刺青和在屁股上纹身...

[01:11.54]and nine other parts of my body. 还有身体的其他9个部位上刺青和纹身。

[01:13.98]But my mom said she would totally kill me if l did that... 但是我妈妈却说如果我那么做她一定会杀了我...

[01:17.22]so now l`m just thinking about getting a tattoo 4 on my back. 因此我现在只想在背上弄个纹身。

[01:17.54]But it wouldn`t be really considered my back... 但是我并非真的想纹在背部...

[01:22.42]because it would be so low that you wouldn`t be able to see it. 因为你很难发现。

[01:23.02]Unless l wore my jeans low enough. l`m really confused. 除非你穿一件足够短低腰裤子。

[01:28.86](telephone ringing) (电话响了)

[01:36.42]Where? 在哪儿?

[01:43.10]Yeah? Ben. 你好? 本。

[01:43.38]Yeah? We got big problems down here. 什么? 我们这里有大麻烦了。

  [01:44.98]Huge, massive 5. What? 大麻烦。 什么?

[01:47.14]The pilot light on that big thing that cooks the food? lt`s out again. 母火把炉子烧着了? 它又坏了。

[01:52.14]No, it can`t be broken. l just bought it two months ago. 不,不可能坏的。我才买了两个星期。

[01:55.50]Ben, l am telling you, the only gas l`m smelling is coming from Pablo. 本,我告诉你,我现在只能闻到帕布鲁的味道。

[02:00.90]Okay. 好。

[02:01.06]Calm down. l`m coming right now. Goodbye. 冷静。 我马上就过来。再见。

[02:05.46]Holly, l got a problem at the restaurant, so l have to go. 郝莉,我的餐厅有点麻烦了。所以我现在马上要赶过去。

[02:08.66]No, you can`t! Why not? 不,你不能去! 为什么不能?

[02:13.10]l mean, can l come? Yeah, why not? Come on. 我是说,我能不能去? 可以,为什么不?来吧。

[02:19.06]l`ve got to go to the bathroom really bad. 我必须去厕所。很急。

[02:23.34]Yeah, well, go. 好,去吧。

[02:25.26]There`s the bathroom there, but hurry up. 厕所在那里。不过快点。

[02:27.02]Right there through that door. 就是那扇门。

[02:28.62]l love this. 我喜欢这个。

[02:28.74](laughing) (笑声)

[02:31.42]You have got to be kidding me. 你们一定是在和我开玩笑。

[02:32.90](all laughing) This isn`t going to cover anything. (所有人都笑了) 这件什么也遮不住。

[02:36.10]That`s exactly the point. 这正是重点。

[02:37.78](cell phone ringing) (手机响了)

[02:39.74]Houston, we have a problem. 休斯顿,我们有麻烦了。

[02:41.90]What kind? The very, very bad kind. 哪种? 非常,非常糟糕的那种。

[02:45.62]He`s on his way to the restaurant now. 他现在正在去餐厅的路上。

[02:48.58]Oh, my God! What do we do? 噢,我的天! 我们该怎么办?

[02:51.10]Create a distraction 6. A really, really big one. 分散注意。 真正的能分散注意的事物。

[02:51.50]I’ll see you there. Bye. 我们在那里见。 再见。

[02:55.46](men chattering) (男人们的说话声)

[03:04.70]Do we have to take a cab? l hate cabs. 我们必须乘坐出租吗? 我不喜欢。

[03:06.66]Maybe we should walk. (Ben) What are you, crazy? 也许我们该走着去。 (本) 你怎么了,疯了吗?

[03:09.18]We`re going to the River Bistro. l get carsick. 我们要去河流小酒馆。 我晕车。

[03:21.98]Boys! 男孩子们!

[03:29.74]Come on, get your free beer. 来吧。来拿你们的免费啤酒。

[03:34.10]Free beer! 免费啤酒!

[03:38.98](people chattering) (人们在说话)

[03:41.90](man #1) Bring on the beer. (男人A) 拿啤酒来。

[03:46.46](man #2) Yeah, bring on the Beer. (男人B) 对,拿啤酒来。

[03:48.46]Look, it`s time for your break. Bye-bye. 现在你休息。再见。

[03:50.74]Hi! How are you? Good. 嗨!你们怎么样? 很好。

[03:56.70]Some sort of Village People convention 7 in town? 村里人到城镇来开会?

[03:58.78]Free beer? Why would l give you.... l`d give you free beer. 免费啤酒? 我为什么要给你们.... 我给你们免费啤酒。

  [03:58.86]We saw the sign outside and we want the free beer. 我们看到外面的牌子了,我们来拿免费啤酒的。

[04:05.86]You look absolutely parched 8. 你看上去真热。

[04:08.70]Thanks a lot, my friend. 很感谢,我的朋友。

[04:20.06]l think l`m going to need another mimosa... 我需要再来点mimosa(酒精饮料)...

[04:21.66](Jean) l`ll get the waiter. (简) 我来叫服务员。

[04:21.94]to open the rest of these gifts. 以便打开余下的礼物。

[04:25.90](Ben) Lance! (本) 兰斯!

[04:27.42]Hi, Mom. What are you doing here? 嗨,妈妈。 你在这里干什么?

[04:31.46]Free-- Lance! 免费-- 兰斯!

[04:32.10]l just, l miss you. 我只是很想你。

[04:35.38]What is this? What, nothing. 这是怎么回事? 什么,没什么。

[04:36.14]ls this your idea? No. 这是你的主意吗? 不。

[04:37.74]No, l would never do-- 不,我永远不回那么做--

[04:40.22]Well, actually l would do that, but l didn`t do it. 其实我会那么做的,但这不是我干的。

[04:43.22]Why didn`t l? The sign says free beer. 我为什么不那么做? 上面写啤酒是免费的。

[04:44.38]We want our free beer. Yeah. 我们要免费啤酒。对。

[04:47.66](all) J-E-T-S! Jets! (所有人) J-E-T-S! Jets(球队名字)!

[04:50.34]What`s that? 那里怎么了?

[04:52.46](Holly) Look! What a neat gift! (郝莉) 看!多么优雅的礼物!

[04:53.42](gasping) (惊讶声)

[04:54.66](all laughing) (所有人都大笑)

[04:55.94]l feel like a queen. 我感觉象个王后。

[04:57.74]Fellows, we`re not a sports bar, but one free beer on the house... 伙计们,我们不是运动酒吧,但是每人一杯免费啤酒...

[04:58.70](men chanting) (人们在喊口号)

1 crossword
  • He shows a great interest in crossword puzzles.他对填字游戏表现出很大兴趣。
  • Don't chuck yesterday's paper out.I still haven't done the crossword.别扔了昨天的报纸,我还没做字谜游戏呢。
2 peer
  • Children are easily influenced by their peer.孩子很容易受同辈影响。
  • He is a peer.他是一个贵族。
3 belly
  • The boss has a large belly.老板大腹便便。
  • His eyes are bigger than his belly.他眼馋肚饱。
4 tattoo
  • I've decided to get my tattoo removed.我已经决定去掉我身上的纹身。
  • He had a tattoo on the back of his hand.他手背上刺有花纹。
5 massive
  • A massive sea search has failed to find any survivors.经过大规模的海上搜救仍未找到幸存者。
  • He drank a massive amount of alcohol.他喝了大量的烈酒。
6 distraction
  • Total concentration is required with no distractions.要全神贯注,不能有丝毫分神。
  • Their national distraction is going to the disco.他们的全民消遣就是去蹦迪。
7 convention
  • How many delegates have checked in at the convention?大会已有多少代表报到?
  • He sets at naught every convention of society.他轻视所有的社会习俗。
8 parched
  • Hot winds parched the crops.热风使庄稼干透了。
  • The land in this region is rather dry and parched.这片土地十分干燥。
acid-proofing alkaliproofing coating
advice of transfer of letter of credit
aluminium spirit level
amended shipping instructions
anticorrosive paint
Antwerp Mannerists
arm revolving gear
astern parts
automatic retailing
built - in motor
bullo r.
bump caps
capitalist society
children of the same venter
coastal patrol boat
control element
control of desert
Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims
Differential Aptitude Test
dummy record
electric annealing furnace
emergency alarm signal
erio fast brilliant fuchsine
expansion joint of rail
first-order system
fish-tail end
fixed back beam
fixed pressure operation
fractional excretion of filtrated sodium
general election campaign
genus Denisonia
God Bless America
gotten to know
green shell bean
hall church
have one's legs under someone's mahogany
hydraulic rock breaker
Impatiens desmantha
later that day
legal copy
light switch toggle
loop anchorage
market class and greads
multi drill
new crop
no blocking
notch bar
O'Beirne's tube
Office XP
oil dip rod
out of sort
pop quiz
public security officer
running in wear
shellac flakes
spatial aggregation
steam generation
stress of soil moisture
suker rod pumping equipment
synchro coupling
thick walled cylinder
tower dryer
turn traitor