时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-天伦之旅


   [00:47.28]∮ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket ∮ 抓住颗流星放入口袋

  [00:50.76]∮ Never let it fade away ∮ 永不让其消逝
  [00:54.80]∮ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket ∮ 抓住颗流星放进口袋
  [00:57.88]∮ Save it for a rainy day ∮ 把它留给雨天
  [01:01.48]∮ For love may come and tap you on the shoulder ∮ 因为爱情会悄然而来 轻轻拍打你的肩膀
  [01:07.64]∮ Some starless night ∮ 在没有繁星闪烁的夜
  [01:11.80]∮ just in case you feel you wanna hold her ∮ 以备你想拥住心爱的她
  [01:14.80]∮ You’ll have a pocketful of starlight ∮ 你会有满满一口袋的星光
  [01:19.00]∮ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket ∮ 抓住颗流星放入口袋
  [01:23.44]∮ Never let it fade away ∮ 永不让其消逝
  [01:27.04]∮ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket ∮ 抓住颗流星放入口袋
  [01:30.28]∮ Save it for a rainy day ∮ 把它留给雨天
  [01:37.68]∮ For love may come and tap you on the shoulder ∮ 因为爱情会悄然而来 轻轻拍打你的肩膀
  [01:42.56]∮ Some starless night ∮ 在没有繁星闪烁的夜
  [01:43.12]∮ And just in case you feel you wanna hold her ∮ 以备你想拥住心爱的她
  [01:49.48]∮ You’ll have a pocketful of starlight ∮ 你会有满满一口袋的星光
  [01:53.72]∮ Pocketful of starlight ∮ 满满一口袋的星光
  [01:57.56]∮ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket ∮ 抓住颗流星放入口袋
  [02:02.52]∮ Never let it fade away ∮ 永不让其消逝
  [02:06.52]∮ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket ∮ 抓住颗流星放入口袋
  [02:09.88]∮ Save it for a rainy day ∮ 把它留给雨天
  [02:16.16]∮ For when your troubles start multiplying ∮ 因为当麻烦接踵而至时
  [02:22.92]∮ And they just might ∮ 它们也许
  [02:25.80]∮ It’s easy to forget them without trying ∮ 它们可以被释怀
  [02:31.36]∮ With just a pocketful of starlight ∮ 只要仅仅拥有满满一口袋星光
  [02:32.72]∮ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket ∮ 抓住颗流星放入口袋
  [02:36.48]∮ Save it for a rainy day ∮ 把它留给雨天
  [02:42.80]∮ Save it for a rainy day ∮ 把它留给雨天
  [02:45.44]∮ Save it for a rainy day ∮ 把它留给雨天
  [02:55.44]-You keeping busy? -Yeah, I’ve been busy. You know - 最近忙吗? - 嗯,还满忙的
  [02:59.20]-Busy doing what? -Busy in the garden - 忙些什么呢? - 忙着整理后院
  [03:01.48]ln the garden. You know what? You’re missing work. That’s what 忙后院的事,你知道吗? 因为你想念上班
  [03:02.88]-l can see that. -No, l’m not missing work - 我很了解 - 我没有
  [03:03.16]Yeah, you’re missing the buzz 1 and the jokes and the guys. l know that 才怪,你是在怀念同事 还有热络的气氛,我很清楚

  [03:07.44]-Don’t tell me that’s not true. Yeah. -Maybe a little - 别跟我否认 - 或许有点吧
  [03:10.92]Are you gonna buy some meat or what? 你到底要不要买肉?
  [03:11.56]Yeah, l’m gonna buy some meat. l’m looking at some meat right now 我是要买啊 我现在正在挑
  [03:14.52]-l want to get some real good steak. -l got a special here on the rump - 给我来些上等牛排 - 今天后腿肉特价
  [03:18.72]Forget the specials 别管什么特价品了
  [03:20.68]l got the children visiting me this weekend from all over the country 我的孩子们这周末 从全国各地飞来看我
  [03:21.60]Got them all around the same table, all four of them 我要和四个孩子聚餐
  [03:27.36]Clean up aisle 2 five. Clean up aisle five, please 五号走道需要清理 请到五号走道清理
  [03:34.44]Excuse me. Do you know about these wines? 抱歉,你懂这些酒吗?
  [03:36.80]-The wine? These wines? -Yeah - 酒?这些酒吗? - 是的
  [03:39.96]l stock this section. Why? ls there a problem? 这边酒是我上架的 怎么?有什么问题吗?
  [03:44.48]No, l just wanna get some expensive bottles of wine for my children 不,我只是想替孩子们 买瓶好酒
  [03:48.20]-This isn’t for children. -l know it’s not for children - 这不是给小孩喝的 - 我当然知道不是
  [03:51.72]lt’s for my children that aren’t children anymore 是给我的孩子们 他们都已经长大了
  [03:55.96]What would be the best one... ones of this? 哪瓶最好...这瓶吗?
  [03:58.24]Well, we got wines from all over the world 我们有来自世界各地的葡萄酒
  [04:01.12]We got English wines, you know, from France 有英国的、法国的
  [04:05.84]We got ltalian wines from all over Europe 意大利的 欧洲各国葡萄酒都有
  [04:09.28]l wanna make a good impression on my kids 我想要给孩子们留个好印象
  [04:13.96]You will. Definitely 你一定会的
  [04:16.48]lt’s got a built-in tenderizing gauge 3 for steaks and poultry 4 烤炉有内建牛排与鸡肉 熟透度测量表
  [04:17.36]with seven different grades 共分七种等级
  [04:19.92]And there’s an automatic spritz to calm flames if the oil catches 这里有自动喷水器 以防炉内的油起火
  [04:22.32]lt is guaranteed for five years with a premium 5 protective seal 外部有五年保证的防护漆
  [04:25.60]lt has an automatic rotisserie 还有全自动旋转烤肉架
  [04:29.68]and when the lid is closed, the oxygen’s reduced to a level 盖子盖上时 内部的氧气浓度会降低
  [04:30.36]that does not support or encourage the fats to ignite 6 到油脂无法起火的程度
  [04:33.52]Yeah 是喔
  [04:37.72]-ls that what it’s going for? -648. That’s the sale price - 这多少钱? - 六百四十八,特价
  [04:39.92]That’s a heck of a deal for this model. That’s as low as l can go 以这款来说真得很便宜了 不能再低了

  [04:43.96]-How about 6? -Done. Sure. Absolutely - 六百如何? - 没问题,当然可以
  [04:46.68]-Where do l... -You can just put it right in there - 这要放哪... - 摆在那里就可以了
  [04:50.52]-Looks like somebody’s having a party. -Yeah, it’s just the family - 看来有人要开派对 - 嗯,家庭聚餐
  [05:18.28]-Hello? -Dad, it’s Robert - 喂 - 爸,我是劳勃
  [05:20.16]Robert 劳勃
  [05:21.44]Dad, listen, things aren’t looking very good... 爸,听着 我的状况不是很好...
  [05:28.12]-Sorry. -Well, that’s a shame - 抱歉 - 真可惜
  [05:32.28]That’s a real shame 真是可惜
  [05:34.00]Yeah, you’re gonna miss out on having some fancy wine 你会错过很棒的葡萄酒
  [05:36.88]-and filet 7 mignon steak and... -Have you heard from the others? - 还有菲力牛排与... - 有其他人的消息吗?
  [05:41.24]Yeah, so far all of them are coming 嗯,到目前为止 大伙都会来
  [05:44.72]Some Friday night, some Saturday morning 有人星期五晚上到 有的则是星期六早上
  [05:45.40]-I’m sorry again, Dad. -Yeah, l’m sorry, too, Rob - 我真的很抱歉,爸爸 - 我也是,小劳
  [05:51.08]but you gotta get back to that orchestra 8, Son 但你得回交响乐团去,儿子
  [05:53.76]-I will. You take care. Okay. -Okay. You take care, too. Okay - 我会的,你保重,好吗? - 好的,你也是,好吗?
  [05:57.68]Okay 好的
  [06:19.92]Dad, hi. I can’t stop right now. I’m back on stage in a few minutes 爸,嗨,我现在没时间 我过几分钟还要上台
  [06:23.00]The producers are flying in from Paris and wanna see the original cast 制作人们从巴黎飞来 要与剧组原班人马会面
  [06:28.48]so I just can’t get away this weekend 我这周末真的走不了
  [06:29.96]I’m sorry. I know I haven’t been home since the funeral 我很抱歉,我知道我从丧礼后 就没有回家过
  [06:35.20]but I’m trying, I promise. I love you. I’m thinking of you 但我尽力了,我保证 我爱你,我会想你的
  [06:40.52]Big kiss 亲一个
  [06:41.36]Hey, Dad. It’s Amy 嘿,爸,我是艾美
  [06:45.36]but things have just gotten really crazy at the agency 但公司真的忙到爆
  [06:45.48]I’m really sorry to have to do this 很抱歉打这通电话
  [06:50.84]and Jack’s sick with a fever. He missed school today 杰克又感冒发烧 今天还没去上学
  [06:54.20]So between one thing and another 事情一件接一件
  [06:55.52]we’re not gonna be able to make it this weekend 我们这周末没有办法赶回去了
  [06:56.68]I’m really sorry, Dad 我真的很抱歉,爸
  [07:01.44]I spoke 9 to David today, and he can’t make it, either 我今天跟大卫通过电话 他也没法赶回去
  [07:02.24]And to make things worse 更糟的是
  [07:05.72]He’s got a lot going on, a painting or something, but... 他事情也很多 大概是忙着画画还是什么...
  [07:11.12]Anyway, I promise we’ll make it to you soon. Okay? 我保证我们一定尽快回去陪你 好吗?

  [07:27.40]Well, you can’t 你不行
  [07:28.68]You can’t just go flying all across the country 你现在的身体状况
  [07:32.88]-not in your condition. -Who said anything about flying? - 不能四处搭飞机 - 谁说要搭飞机了?
  [07:35.48]What about buses? What about trains? 如果是搭公车或火车?
  [07:36.88]l’m worried about your lungs, Frank 法兰克,我很担心你的肺
  [07:37.04]Don’t worry about my lungs. Worry about your lungs 别担心我的肺了 担心你自己的肺吧
  [07:39.32]My lungs are fine 我的肺很好
  [07:41.24]Fibrosis of the lungs requires you to take things easy 你的肺纤维化 不能太劳累
  [07:45.52]l’m just going on the buses, on the trains... 我只是搭公车与火车...
  [07:48.28]You picked the wrong job, Frank. l mean 你入错行了,法兰克 我是指
  [07:51.44]breathing in humidified PVC all those years... 这么多年来 长期吸入湿化聚氯乙烯...
  [07:55.84]You know, it’s just about seeing the family. You know, l... 我只是想要见见家人 我只是...
  [08:00.40]Jean always kept in touch with everybody, and now it’s... 洁儿以前总是与大家联系...
  [08:02.40]You know how it is. Now it’s down to me 你是知道的 现在是我的责任了
  [08:07.68]-How are you managing on your own? -l’m fine - 你可以照顾自己吗? - 没问题的
  [08:09.88]-You’re fine? Yeah, fine? -Fine, yeah. l’m fine - 你没问题?是吗? - 没问题,我很好
  [08:14.04]You know, when l lost my wife 我老婆走的时候
  [08:16.72]l found myself talking to her like she was still there 我发觉自己还是跟往常一样 跟她说话
  [08:19.48]lt went on for months 连续好几个月都这样
  [08:21.40]"Where the hell are my shorts?" “我的短裤呢?”
  [08:25.96]No, no. There’s nobody there. No. Talking to myself 其实根本没有其他人在场 完全是我自言自语
  [08:27.96]Crazy, huh? 像个疯子吧?
  [08:30.04]-You do that, Frank? -No - 你会这样吗,法兰克 - 不会
  [08:31.80]-No? No? -Not yet - 不会?不会吗? - 还没有
  [08:35.28]Look, l hear what you’re saying, l do, but this trip 我懂你的想法,真的 但是这趟旅行
  [08:40.28]it’s not what you need right now. You gotta take things easy 对你来说真的负荷太大 你必须要放轻松
  [08:42.96]You do. Stay home 真的,请待在家里
  [08:45.16]You know what you should do? Spend more time in the garden 你知道该怎么做吗? 多花点心思种花养草
  [08:55.16]Ed said it was fine 艾德说没问题
  [08:59.68]He said just take enough medication and stick to trains and buses 他说只要带够药 而且搭火车与客运就行了
  [09:03.24]And l’ll take plenty of pictures, and l’ll bring home the news 我会拍很多照片 也会告诉你们路上的见闻
  [09:12.08]l’ll start with David in New York 我先到纽约看大卫
  [09:14.16]And if anything goes wrong, l’ll be right home 若有任何状况 我马上就回家

  [09:20.56]Got my keys, got my wallet 钥匙带了,皮夹带了
  [09:25.92]My keys, got my medication 钥匙带了,药带了
  [09:33.04]Camera 相机
  [09:35.32]Got my keys 钥匙带了

1 buzz
  • My brain was in buzz.我的脑袋嗡嗡响。
  • A buzz went through the crowded courtroom.拥挤的法庭里响起了一片乱哄哄的说话声。
2 aisle
  • The aisle was crammed with people.过道上挤满了人。
  • The girl ushered me along the aisle to my seat.引座小姐带领我沿着通道到我的座位上去。
3 gauge
  • Can you gauge what her reaction is likely to be?你能揣测她的反应可能是什么吗?
  • It's difficult to gauge one's character.要判断一个人的品格是很困难的。
4 poultry
  • There is not much poultry in the shops. 商店里禽肉不太多。
  • What do you feed the poultry on? 你们用什么饲料喂养家禽?
5 premium
  • You have to pay a premium for express delivery.寄快递你得付额外费用。
  • Fresh water was at a premium after the reservoir was contaminated.在水库被污染之后,清水便因稀而贵了。
6 ignite
  • The rocket rises and we can see the second stage ignite.火箭升高了,我们可以看到二级点火。
  • The burning gases can ignite the lean mixture.燃烧着的气体能点燃稀的混合气。
7 filet
  • They feasted us on filet mignon and strawberry shortcake.他们拿出鱼片和草莓松脆饼盛情款待我们。
  • You cannot make filet mignon out of chopped liver.你不能从品质差的肉制造品质高的肉。
8 orchestra
  • He plays the violin in an orchestra.他在管弦乐队中演奏小提琴。
  • I was tempted to stay and hear this superb orchestra rehearse.我真想留下来听这支高超的管弦乐队排练。
9 spoke
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
Acadian chickadee
adaption of the budget
Bacillus adhaesioformans
Bellamy, Edward
bivalent hydroearbon radical
bovine albumin
cherry picking
cloth press
correlation between series
crural septum
delay of operation
diagonal shear
dinoderus minutus
disk dish
do violence
dorm rooms
drill conductor
earthenware ship
eccentric latitude
egg crate
exactly divisible
fire assay
format loop
foundry work
free decomposition
fuel handling building crane
function genomics
funds in court
genus myopuses
genus thysanocarpuss
geothermal degree
hull construction method
infiltrative exophthalmos
intestine loop
leading edge flap actuation system
limitedaccess highway
marine compressor
Mary Queen of Scots
material preparation
mechanical press brake
minstrels' gallery
negative euthanasia
note of allowance
one-way circuit
out gate
oxyphthalic acid
pattern of behavior
polypedates eiffingeri
precision optical instrument
preemptive self-defence
Profit Table
saccharated ferrous oxide
set-up box
shot after shot
soldering fluid
spirochetal hemorrhagic bronchitis
spotted slate
time delay integration device
timing pointer
under cooled steam
unsymmetrical flow
variable reduction
venae tympanicae
zone of welding current