时间:2019-03-16 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-天伦之旅


   [00:05.42]And for that... 所以...

  [00:13.66]But that isn’t what you want to hear, l know 但我知道那不是你想要听的
  [00:14.74]What you want is the news. Well, the news is this 你想要知道近况 近况就是这样
  [00:19.62]Robert, Amy and Rosie promised to visit me for the holidays 劳勃、艾美与罗西 答应我过节要回家
  [00:24.18]and you know what? This time l believe them 你知道吗? 这次我相信他们说的话
  [00:28.74]And David... 而大卫...
  [00:31.26]David... 大卫...
  [00:32.74]l hope he’ll spend Christmas with you 我希望他会与你共渡圣诞
  [00:43.54]I went back to New York to buy David’s painting 我回到纽约购买大卫的画
  [00:50.42]The portrait, l know which one you mean, but l’m afraid it’s sold 那幅人画像 我知道你指哪幅,可惜已经卖掉了
  [00:51.74]lt is sold? 卖了吗?
  [00:56.98]-Were you familiar with the artist or... -Yeah, l... - 你认识这画家还是... - 嗯,我...
  [00:57.38]Well... 嗯...
  [01:00.66]Yeah, not as much as l would like to have been, but, yeah 认识,但我希望我对他更了解些 但我认识
  [01:05.14]Thank you 谢谢
  [01:05.54]Why don’t you give me your details? 不如留个连络方式?
  [01:07.90]lf anything of David’s comes in, l’ll let you know 若有大卫的作品进来 我再跟你连络
  [01:11.98]Excuse me? Excuse me? 请等等?请等等?
  [01:16.46]l just saw your name. l’m stupid. l should have realized 我刚看到你的名字 我真蠢,我该猜到的
  [01:19.74]That’s okay 不要紧
  [01:23.14]l’m sorry 抱歉
  [01:25.22]You know, l knew David. He used to hang out at the gallery all the time 我认识大卫 他以前常来画廊
  [01:27.22]and he used to say that if it wasn’t for his dad 他总是说,若不是因为他爸爸
  [01:34.38]He said he would have ended up painting walls 而可能沦为粉刷墙壁的油漆匠
  [01:35.98]and that dogs pee on walls 那种被小狗撒尿的墙壁
  [01:38.02]Look, we might have something of his in storage. l can check if you’d like 听着,我们可能有库藏 一些他的作品,我可以帮你找找
  [01:43.50]-Okay, sure. -Okay - 好啊 - 好
  [01:45.18]Now, l won’t pretend David’s work was very commercial 我不会假装说大卫的作品很畅销
  [01:49.46]Here it is 在这里
  [01:52.22]He had his own style, and he wasn’t concerned with fashion 他很有他自己的风格 并也不大在意流行
  [02:05.78]But for what it’s worth, l thought he was really special 但我觉得他很特别
  [02:26.46]Thank you 谢谢
  [02:38.90]Hello, this is Frank 1. I’m not out... I mean, I’m not here at the moment 喂,这是法兰克,我没有外出... 我是指,我目前不在家
  [02:44.46]I’m probably out shopping for the holidays 可能在外面买礼物
  [02:49.34]But if you leave a message, I will call you back. Thank you 但若你留言 我会尽快回电,谢谢
  [02:51.66]Don’t laugh, but I promised to cook the turkey for the first time this year 别笑,但我今年要首次烤火鸡

  [02:54.94]l got the whole family coming. What’s the biggest bird you got? 我全家都要回来吃团圆饭 你们最大的火鸡多大?
  [02:57.54]Half a dozen of them 给我半打
  [03:00.02]And treat the children to some expensive wine 并让孩子们喝些上好的葡萄酒
  [03:03.10]-You got some reds on the right. -Excellent choice, if l may say so, sir - 右边是红酒 - 先生,非常好的选择
  [03:05.38]-That’s the sale price. Yeah. -lt’s the sale price? - 那是特价,对 - 这是特价?
  [03:11.06]I’m even thinking of replacing the old tree 我甚至想要将旧的那颗圣诞树换掉
  [03:13.38]lf l gave it to you for any cheaper, l wouldn’t be making any money 我再算你便宜就没赚头了
  [03:15.94]Let me tighten 2 it. lt has to... You’re letting it droop 3 too much 我拉紧一点,必须要... 你挂太松了
  [03:19.90]l need a little more slack 4 to get around... How does this look? 我需要放一点才能绕过... 这样如何?
  [03:24.10]-Dad’s side’s perfect. -You kidding me? - 爸爸那边很棒 - 开什么玩笑?
  [03:24.82]Yours needs work 你这边还要乔一下
  [03:27.18]-Yeah? -Yeah - 是吗? - 嗯
  [03:27.58]-Thank you. -What’s that sound? - 谢谢 - 那是什么声音?
  [03:33.82]-You’re timing 5 the turkey? -Yeah - 你火鸡有计时? - 对啊
  [03:34.02]-What’s that? -Turkey - 那是什么? - 火鸡
  [03:38.34]That’s so efficient 真有效率
  [03:39.38]Jesus! 老天!
  [03:41.70]Now you’re... 你现在...
  [03:48.18]lt’s not cooked yet, Dad. l just checked it 还没熟,爸爸 我刚看过了
  [03:50.62]-You just checked it? -Yeah, the juices are still red - 你刚看过? - 嗯,汁还是红的
  [03:54.02]Well, why don’t you stick to the potatoes and l’ll do the turkey? 不如你管马铃薯就好 火鸡由我搞定?
  [03:58.66]Okay 好啊
  [04:07.02]This is you! 这是你做的!
  [04:08.62]Look, it has your name and the third grade written on its butt 6 看,上面有你的名字 还有三年级写在它屁股上
  [04:13.30]-Do you remember that? -l remember when l made this - 你记得吗? - 我记得我什么时候做的
  [04:14.86]Yeah 嗯
  [04:18.38]-Hey, Dad, are you okay? -Yeah - 爸,你还好吗? - 嗯
  [04:21.38]Check that turkey, Grandpa 去看看火鸡吧,外公
  [04:27.74]Dad, that’s a big bird. You’d better cook it properly 爸,这只鸡好大 最好烤好
  [04:31.90]-Just to make sure. -l will. l will - 确认一下 - 我会的,我会的
  [04:34.30]Well, Mom actually would have cooked it for at least another 30 minutes 妈至少会再烤个30分钟
  [04:37.74]Yeah, well, there’s something l need to tell all of you about your mother 是喔,有件关于你妈的事 我必须要跟你们大伙讲
  [04:41.54]As much as l loved her and as a good cook as she was 尽管我很爱她 她的厨艺也很精湛
  [04:44.74]in all the 41 years we’ve been married, she always over-cooked the turkey 但在我们41年的婚姻以来 她每次火鸡都烤过熟

  [04:47.42]every single year. l just never had the heart to tell her 每年都如此 我只是不忍心跟她说
  [04:54.46]All right. Perfect 好的,刚刚好
  [05:09.58]Hi, honey. Will you help me get him burped? 嗨,甜心 可不可以帮我替他打嗝?
  [05:11.66]There we go 来吧
  [05:14.94]-This one’s yours, if you want, Robert. -Yeah, that would be great. Thanks - 劳勃,你要的话,这个给你 - 好的,谢谢
  [05:17.82]-l’m kind of on a diet anyway. -Good boy - 反正我也在减肥 - 好样的
  [05:21.90]-Where’s his tray 7? -Grandpa, watch out - 他的盘子呢? - 外公,小心
  [05:25.66]Watch out. Okay, that’s hot 小心点,很烫
  [05:31.42]Your family is making its way in the world 你的家人在世界闯荡
  [05:33.22]and you can be proud of the children and their achievements 你可以因孩子们与他们的成就 而感到骄傲
  [05:38.10]And, if you were to ask me, I would have to say in all honesty 若你问我 我必须老实说
  [05:44.38]-everybody’s fine. -Are you hungry? - 大家都很好 - 你饿了吗?
  [05:49.74]Everybody’s fine 大家都很好
  [05:52.30]-Babysitter. -Yeah, l know - 保姆 - 嗯,我知道
  [06:07.86]∮ For so long ∮ 长久以来
  [06:08.54]∮ I was out in the cold ∮ 我备受冷落
  [06:12.22]∮ And I taught myself to believe every story I told ∮ 只有极力说服 相信每个故事
  [06:21.86]∮ Heading into the sun ∮ 却向往阳光
  [06:25.26]∮ But it’s been too long ∮ 这样经久已过
  [06:28.38]∮ Now I wanna come home ∮ 如今我将归家
  [06:34.70]∮ Came so close ∮ 这么贴近
  [06:40.30]∮ To the edge of defeat ∮ 这失败边境
  [06:41.90]∮ But I made my way in the shade ∮ 但我默默前行
  [06:43.94]∮ Keeping out of the heat ∮ 置身名利之外
  [06:49.06]∮ It was fun shooting out of the stars ∮ 这是个大玩笑 对星星嗤之以鼻
  [06:51.30]∮ Looking into the sun ∮ 却仰望太阳光芒
  [06:54.70]∮ But it’s been too long ∮ 这样经久已过
  [06:58.38]∮ Now I wanna come home ∮ 如今我将归家
  [07:00.98]∮ Home, where there’s nothing but sweet surrender 8 ∮ 家 被甜蜜塞满
  [07:08.30]∮ To the memories from afar ∮ 千里之外的记忆中
  [07:15.30]∮ Home, to the place where truth lies waiting ∮ 家 有真相等待
  [07:22.34]∮ We remember who we are ∮ 永远记住 我们是谁
  [07:30.58]∮ For too long ∮ 长久以来
  [07:34.14]∮ I was out on my own ∮ 我只身在外
  [07:37.66]∮ Every day I spent trying to prove I could make it alone ∮ 每天劳心费力 只想证明自己 只身也可
  [07:45.22]∮ It was fun hanging on to the moon ∮ 这是个大玩笑 固执于月光下
  [07:47.46]∮ Heading into the sun ∮ 却向往阳光
  [07:50.98]∮ But it’s been too long ∮ 这样经久已过

  [07:54.26]∮ Now I wanna come home ∮ 如今我将归家
  [08:11.46]∮ Home ∮ 归家
  [08:33.30]∮ For so long ∮ 长久以来
  [08:38.26]∮ But I taught myself to believe every story I told ∮ 只有极力说服 相信每个故事
  [08:45.46]∮ It was fun hanging on to the moon ∮ 这是个大玩笑 固执于月光下
  [08:48.89]∮ Heading into the sun ∮ 却向往阳光
  [08:51.82]∮ But it’s been too long ∮ 这样经久已过
  [08:55.03]∮ Now I wanna come home ∮ 如今我将归家
  [08:58.26]∮ Yeah, it’s been too long ∮ 这样 经久已过
  [09:01.37]∮ Now I wanna come home ∮ 如今我将归家
  [09:04.57]∮ Been too long ∮ 经久已过
  [09:07.67]∮ Now I wanna come home ∮ 如今我将归家

  • A frank discussion can help to clear the air.坦率的谈论有助于消除隔阂。
  • She is frank and outgoing.她很爽朗。
  • Turn the screw to the right to tighten it.向右转动螺钉把它拧紧。
  • Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation.一些国家实行紧缩银根的货币政策,以避免通货膨胀。
  • The heavy snow made the branches droop.大雪使树枝垂下来。
  • Don't let your spirits droop.不要萎靡不振。
  • Slack off those ropes there,there's a storm coming!把那里的绳索放松,暴风雨就要来了!
  • Some are hard at work and some are slack in work.有的勤奋工作,有的则消极怠工。
  • The timing of the meeting is not convenient.会议的时间安排不合适。
  • The timing of our statement is very opportune.我们发表声明选择的时机很恰当。
  • The water butt catches the overflow from this pipe.大水桶盛接管子里流出的东西。
  • He was the butt of their jokes.他是他们的笑柄。
  • There were two glasses of champagne on the tray.托盘里有两杯香槟酒。
  • A waitress came in,carrying tea on a tray.一名女侍者走进来,手端放着茶的托盘。
  • He preferred to die rather than surrender to the enemy.他宁死也不愿向敌人投降。
  • Liu Hulan would rather die than surrender before the enemy.刘胡兰在敌人面前宁死不屈。
ab init(io)
accessory posterior palatine canal
Carex angustiutricula
chops and changes
close bend test
collating machine
constant ambient pressure
critical indices
dead palsy
differentially coherent transmission system
draper canvas
elliptical tubesheet
end symbol
endurance impact test
Fagus longipetiolata
first maxilla
Fruška Gora
gaffer tape
grain-by-grain selection
ground water rice soil
hip circle
hire oneself to
kiln-dried wood
linkage tube
log steaming
Mann-Whitney U test
mentha pulegiums
multiple rotate instruction
nested factor
number of hospital beds
odd even interleaving
one-sided operator
PAL (process assembler language)
pectinate ligament of iridocorneal angle
Pilot Orders
planar spacing
plate slab mill
platinic selenide
post bail for someone
potassium metaphosphate
Primula monticola
ramularia panicola zinssmeister
reactive vacuum sputtering
sand iron
second inversion
sesbania exaltatas
set you free
simon cowell
size putty
snap head bolt
space medium
spontaneous hyperinsulinism
stood out
Substituted Vessel
suppressor of harmonics
surface matching
take up a quarrel
tank coating
Tarnier's forceps
The boot is on the other leg.
TL (time limit)
topographical drafting
tract fasciculus cerebello-spinalis
transcranial magnetic stimulation (tms)
two-dimensional autocorrelation
ultra-short-wave communication
undecane dicarboxylic acid
versatile tractor
zinc sulfate floatation method