时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-附注我爱你


   [00:11.46]HOLLY 1 (WHISPERING): I still know you’re around. 我知道你就在旁边

  [00:15.38]You’re still here, aren’t you? 你一直在这儿,对吧?
  [00:22.42]MAN: So who lived here before? 这儿以前住着什么人?
  [00:22.58]A family. They’re having another baby. So do you have any children? 一家人,他们又要了一个小孩 你有小孩吗?
  [00:26.18]Three. Girls. Teenagers. 三个,女儿,都十几岁了
  [00:29.46]That’s nice. 很幸福啊
  [00:32.06]Ted 2, Sharon says there’s another offer on the table...
  [00:32.46]Uh-huh. Ted,Sharon说还有人出价...
  [00:33.74]...and we have to move on this. ...我们可以去看看
  [00:35.74]SHARON: I think if you offer another hundred grand, they’ll back down. 如果你再出十万的话,他们就会放弃
  [00:38.90]Well, maybe we should talk about it. 也许我们可以再谈谈
  [00:41.02]We don’t have time, Ted. We have to tell her today. 我们没时间了,Ted 我们今天必须答复她
  [00:45.06]We didn’t wanna go over... 我们还没...
  [00:47.38]I know, but we love this apartment, and it is what it is. 我知道,但是我们喜欢这房子,而且它有所值
  [00:49.86]There’s nothing else. This is what an apartment costs. 没别的公寓好考虑,这就是一套公寓的代价
  [00:51.82]- We’re already beyond our cap. - We’ll make it work... - 我们已经超支了 - 我们会想办法的...
  [00:53.10]- Think about another area. - I am not living in Brooklyn. - 考虑其他城区吧 - 我可不住布鲁克林
  [00:56.22]- Will you listen to him? BOTH: What? - 你听他说的好吗? - 什么?
  [01:00.18]He’s obviously worried about this. 他显然正在考虑这个问题呢
  [01:01.50]- Look at him. He’s pale. - Hol. - 看着他,脸色都发白了 - Holly
  [01:03.38]Who are you to tell me how to talk to my husband? 你是什么人,敢教我怎么和我丈夫说话?
  [01:06.06]You shouldn’t push this on him if he doesn’t want to. 你不该逼他,他不想这么做
  [01:07.46]I’ll push what I want on him. He’s my husband. 我想逼他就逼他,他是我丈夫
  [01:10.54]- Say no, Ted. - It is amazing that you are still talking. - 说不,Ted - 你还在说,真令人吃惊
  [01:14.38]- Don’t listen to her. - Ted, she’s being a tyrant 3. - 别听她的 - Ted,她是个暴君
  [01:18.10]She’s got your balls on one of those things that cling back and forth 4. 她对待你就像对待你的睾丸一样,摆来摆去
  [01:20.38]- You know? - Yeah. - 你明白吧 - 明白
  [01:20.94]- You bitch. - Brat 5. - 你这个婊子 - 荡妇
  [01:23.66]- Shut up! - You shut up! - 闭嘴! - 你闭嘴!
  [01:25.46]No, you shut up! I will end you, and when I do... 不,你闭嘴!我会了结了你...
  [01:29.42]- You know what? I’ll tell you... - No. No. No. Okay, tell me. - 你知道吗?我告诉你吧... - 好吧,告诉我吧
  [01:31.90]He’s my husband, I’ll talk to him the way I want to. I’m not living in Brooklyn! 他是我丈夫,我要他怎样就怎样 我就不在布鲁克林
  [01:36.06]VICKY: Do you know who I am? HOLLY: What’s wrong with Brooklyn, lady? - 你知道我是谁吗? - 住在布鲁克林怎么了,三八?
  [02:17.62](DOORBELL BUZZING)
  [02:21.50]Are you Holly Kennedy? 你是Holly Kennedy?
  [02:23.70]- Lf I am, will you sing? - Yes. - 如果我是的话,你要唱歌吗? - 没错
  [02:24.50]- No, I’m not. - Please don’t make this an issue. - 不,我不是 - 请不要介意
  [02:27.74]- I gotta sing and deliver a letter. - A letter? What’s the song? - 我要唱歌,然后送信 - 送信?什么歌?
  [02:30.54]- "Yah Mo Be There." - Just give me the letter. - 《你一定在那里》 - 给我那封信就行了
  [02:33.62]- I could get reported. - By the leprechaun union? - 我会被投诉的 - 被消协?
  [02:34.62]You know, I was in an off-Broadway play with Al goddamn Pacino. 你要知道,我以前可是百老汇演员,和阿尔帕西诺同台
  [02:38.70]I don’t need this shit. You want the balloons? 我才不和你吵,你要气球吗?
  [02:41.46]- No. - Fine. - 不要 - 好的
  [02:45.82](OPENING ENVELOPE)
  [02:54.78]You bastard 6. 你真是个混蛋
  [02:56.70]There’s no way I’m doing this. 我才不干
  [02:57.66]GERRY: Yes, you are. - No, I’m not. - 不,你会的 - 不,我才不会
  [02:59.54]- Oh, yes, you are. - Oh, no, I’m not. - 不,你会的 - 噢,不,我不会
  [03:02.26]Remember the last time? 记得上次吗?
  [03:03.86](SINGING) All you wanna do is ride around, Sally ∮你想骑车去旅行,Sally∮
  [03:08.14]CROWD (SINGING): Ride, Sally, ride ∮骑车,Sally, 骑车∮
  [03:12.18]All you wanna do is ride around, Sally ∮你想骑车去旅行,Sally∮
  [03:17.14]CROWD: Ride, Sally, ride ∮骑车,Sally, 骑车∮
  [03:19.34]GERRY: Yeah! ∮这些天的某个清晨∮
  [03:21.26]One of these early mornings
  [03:24.02]You gonna be ∮你∮
  [03:25.82](CROWD CHEERING) ∮擦拭着哭泣的眼睛∮
  [03:27.78]Wiping those weeping eyes
  [03:33.46]Those weeping eyes, yeah ∮你哭泣的眼睛∮
  [03:36.18]Yeah, yeah, yeah.
  [03:39.94]GERRY: Thank you very much. 非常感谢
  [03:47.26]Oh, my God. 天啊
  [03:53.62]GERRY: Whoo! - One more! - 再来一首!
  [03:55.42]Okay. I guess it’s time to give somebody else a chance here now. 现在该给别人一个站在这里的机会了
  [03:58.54]Anybody else here willing to give it a go? 有谁要来吗?
  [03:58.82]Who wants a shot? 谁要来?
  [03:59.90](CHATTERING) 你自己?不来?年轻小姐
  [04:01.58]Yourself? No? Young lady.
  [04:05.46]Come on. Don’t be shy. 来吧,别害羞
  [04:06.34]- What about Holly? - Stop it. - Holly怎么样? - 别闹了
  [04:11.26]Holly. I don’t know about that, John. Holly?我不知道呀,Jhon
  [04:12.86]Holly’s my wife, by the way. My beautiful wife. 顺便说一句,Holly是我老婆,漂亮的老婆
  [04:14.82]And I do... I love Holly, I do. 而且我真的...真的爱Hlloy,真的
  [04:18.90]But she would never have the guts 7... 但是她没有这个勇气...
  [04:20.66]CROWD: Oh! ...上场来表演
  [04:23.26]...to do something like this.
  [04:26.54]Oh, no. 噢,不
  [04:28.94]In fact, she ate me head off about coming out tonight. 事实上她对我今晚来这儿耿耿于怀
  [04:31.14]You know, she had a long day at the office. 她在办公室度过了漫长的一天
  [04:35.18](GERRY SNORES) 她才不会上来呢
  [04:36.82]Ah. She’ll never do it.
  [04:37.18]Yep. 真的
  [04:38.86](CROWD CLAMORING)
  [04:41.18]GERRY: Oh, you think so? 你这么认为?
  [04:46.26]You think she’d get up here? Okay, I’ll bet you 100 dollars... 你认为她会上来? 好吧,我和你赌100块...
  [04:51.02]...she doesn’t get up on this stage. CROWD: Oooh. ...赌她不会上这个台
  [04:51.60](CROWD CHATTERING)
  [05:00.86](ALL CHEERING)
  [05:01.02]Make it two. 赌200吧
  [05:17.94]- What is she doing? What is she doing? - Ha-ha-ha. - 她干什么?她干什么啊? - 哈哈
  [05:24.60]That’s my wife, the surpriser. 那是我妻子,吃惊吧
  [05:35.46](SINGING) How can I put this in a way 我该如何是好
  [05:36.14]So as not to offend or unnerve 才能免受痛苦煎熬
  [05:36.74]Holly! Holly!
  [05:38.42]There’s a rumor 8 going all around That you ain’t been getting served 流言四起 说你即将离去
  [05:41.50]All right. 好吧
  [05:43.18]They say that you ain’t you know what In, baby, who knows how long 他们说你已经不再是你,宝贝,谁知道这已有很久
  [05:48.14]It’s hard for me to say what’s right When all I wanna do is wrong 当我所做全是错误,我还能说什么是对的
  [05:54.42]Get off Twenty-three positions in a one-night stand 在短暂交汇时,褪去你所有的衣衫
  [05:57.82]Get off I’ll only call you after if you say I can 我会等着你同意,再打你电话
  [06:01.90]Get off, let a woman be a woman And a man be a man 脱掉吧,就让女人做一回女人,让男人做一回男人
  [06:06.14]Get off If you want to, baby 如果你愿意,请褪去衣衫,宝贝
  [06:10.62]Here I am Here l... 我在这,我在
  [06:12.58]ALL: Oh! - Oh, God!
  [06:15.22](SIREN WAILS)
  [06:20.18](GERRY SIGHS)
  [06:26.70]Do you mind coffee? 要咖啡吗?
  [06:30.30]How do you feel? You look good. 感觉如何,你看起来不错
  [06:37.66]I’m sorry, baby, but I have to say you were really good before... 对不起,宝贝,但是你真的很棒
  [06:41.14]My nose is broken, Gerry. My ankle is twisted. Happy? 我的鼻子都折了,Gerry 我的脚踝扭了,你高兴了吧?
  [06:45.50]- Are you mad at me? - I didn’t wanna go out... - 你在生我的气? - 我不想上场的
  [06:48.42]...and you made me. 是你硬让我上去
  [06:51.06]I hate karaoke and you forced me to go up there. 我讨厌卡拉OK,你硬逼我去那里
  [06:53.26]Come on, honey. It was nobody’s fault. 拜托,宝贝,谁都没有错
  [06:56.86]Oh, come here, baby. Give me a... 哦,来吧,宝贝,给我一个
  [07:01.14]Give me a kiss. 给我一个吻
  [07:11.38]Well, how long are you gonna be mad for? 你要生气多久啊?
  [07:18.82]HOLLY: I never let him off the hook. 我一直都没让他好过
  [07:19.90]Anytime I was mad, I made him feel bad. 每次我生气,我就让他很难受
  [07:21.62]I was mad when we left the house that night. 那晚我离开家,我就在生气
  [07:24.30]I was mad at him because our apartment was too small. So stupid. 我对他生气,嫌房子太小了,真是太愚蠢了
  [07:27.98]Baby, you were married. 宝贝,你们结婚了
  [07:28.26]Married people make each other feel like shit on purpose sometimes. 结婚的人有时故意气对方
  [07:32.34]It just feels good. 这种感觉很好
  [07:33.70]Gerry knew you were crazy about him. He told me all the time. Gerry知道你很爱他 他一直都这样跟我说
  [07:37.42]Well, I wish I would’ve told him that night. 我真希望那晚没跟他说那样的话
  [07:38.70]So tell him now. 那现在告诉他
  [07:44.54]It’s slightly dirty. Just slightly. 有点肮脏,有点
  [07:51.82]Ooh. 他真性感,不是吗?
  [07:54.30]He’s delicious, isn’t he?
  [07:55.66]You could serve coffee on that ass 9. 那屁股都可以搁咖啡杯了
  [07:59.46]Do you have to be so vulgar about men, like they’re pieces of meat? 你怎么对男人这么俗啊?好像他们是一块肉一样
  [08:04.46]I’m sorry, John. I forgot you’re sensitive about your flat ass. 对不起,约翰,我忘了你对扁平的屁股很敏感
  [08:07.70]JOHN: Hoh. 知道吗,Denise 这就是你单身的原因
  [08:09.38]You know, Denise, that’s why you’re not married.
  [08:13.60]- Ahem. - Women act like men... - 嗯 - 一个行为像男人的女人
  [08:17.78]...then they complain men don’t want them. 总是抱怨男人不要她们
  [08:19.78]Oh, is that why? Oh. 哦,这就是原因啊
  [08:20.74]Okay. Because I thought it was something different. 好吧,我以为是什么特别的原因
  [08:24.42]I thought it was because I thought that I deserve the best. 我认为我应该得到最好的男人
  [08:27.18]And he’s out there. He’s just with all the wrong women. 而他就在那里,爱上了错误的女人
  [08:30.66]And let me be clear. 我说明白了吧
  [08:32.58]After centuries of men looking at my tits instead of my eyes... 一直以来,男人只会盯着我的胸部,而不是眼睛
  [08:37.06]...and pinching my ass instead of shaking my hand... 捏着我的屁股,而不是握着我的手
  [08:39.70]...I now have the divine right to stare at a man’s backside... 现在我有这个权利盯着男人的臀部
  [08:45.18]...with vulgar, cheap appreciation 10 if I want to. 用庸俗下流的方式来欣赏,只要我乐意
  [08:48.10]- Well said. - I thought so. - 说得好 - 我也这样认为
  [08:52.46]New York City, how we doing? Huh? 纽约人,大家好吗?
  [08:54.22]- Hey, guys, we’re here! GROUP: Yay! 嗨,伙计们,我们来了
  [08:55.54]Give a warm welcome to our next singer. 让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎下位歌手
  [08:56.02]Rumor has it this is her return engagement. Put your hands together... 有传言说这是她的东山再起之作 掌声有请
  [08:59.50]...for Holly. Holly
  [09:06.70](SIGHS) 这首歌唱给你,Gerry,你这个混蛋
  [09:08.38]This is for you, Gerry, you son of a bitch.
  [09:15.54](SONG INTRO PLAYING)
  [09:28.66](SINGING) I just wanna tell you 我只想告诉你
  [09:32.94]Nothing you don’t want to hear 没有你不想听的话
  [09:35.70]All I want is for you to say 我只想要你说
  [09:43.34]Oh, why don’t you just take me Where I’ve never been before? 为什么不带我去那些我未曾去过的地方
  [09:48.98]I know you want to hear me Catch my breath 我知道你想听到我的声音,捕捉我的呼吸
  [09:53.98]I love you till the end 我爱你直到永远

1 holly
  • I recently acquired some wood from a holly tree.最近我从一棵冬青树上弄了些木料。
  • People often decorate their houses with holly at Christmas.人们总是在圣诞节时用冬青来装饰房屋。
2 ted
  • The invaders gut ted the village.侵略者把村中财物洗劫一空。
  • She often teds the corn when it's sunny.天好的时候她就翻晒玉米。
3 tyrant
  • The country was ruled by a despotic tyrant.该国处在一个专制暴君的统治之下。
  • The tyrant was deaf to the entreaties of the slaves.暴君听不到奴隶们的哀鸣。
4 forth
  • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
5 brat
  • He's a spoilt brat.他是一个被宠坏了的调皮孩子。
  • The brat sicked his dog on the passer-by.那个顽童纵狗去咬过路人。
6 bastard
  • He was never concerned about being born a bastard.他从不介意自己是私生子。
  • There was supposed to be no way to get at the bastard.据说没有办法买通那个混蛋。
7 guts
v.狼吞虎咽,贪婪地吃,飞碟游戏(比赛双方每组5人,相距15码,互相掷接飞碟);毁坏(建筑物等)的内部( gut的第三人称单数 );取出…的内脏n.勇气( gut的名词复数 );内脏;消化道的下段;肠
  • I'll only cook fish if the guts have been removed. 鱼若已收拾干净,我只需烧一下即可。
  • Barbara hasn't got the guts to leave her mother. 巴巴拉没有勇气离开她妈妈。 来自《简明英汉词典》
8 rumor
  • The rumor has been traced back to a bad man.那谣言经追查是个坏人造的。
  • The rumor has taken air.谣言流传开了。
9 ass
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
10 appreciation
  • I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to you all.我想对你们所有人表达我的感激和谢意。
  • I'll be sending them a donation in appreciation of their help.我将送给他们一笔捐款以感谢他们的帮助。
aclerda takahashii
agente provocateuse
alkaline - earth metal
ancestry filtered form strategy
auxiliary rope
Ban Khamphô
banana families
bomb racks
caloric stimulation
cane mill
Carex orbicularis
cartographic induction method
cave sickness
cell repository
Clematis texensis
conditioning equipment
cropping die
dilute sewage
dissolved flux
farmed out
fertility erosion
fractional film defect
front-cell focusing
geared ring
grey jade
hudsonite (cortlandtite)
it is the same with
ligamenta annularia
Liparis luteola
low temperature waste heat recovery
low-angle grain boundary
meridional extension
motion of crab
motor skills disorder
moulder's bulb
mutsamudu (moutsamoudou)
nodular fibromyositis
non polarized light
pick up grasp
pointing accuracy
postocular spots
primary orientation flat
radiation control area
Rauwiyan, I.
renal efficiency
required freight rate
returned content
servomotor position indicator
squeeze money out of sb.
swinging bracket
teeter on the brink
the Court of Appeals
tidal range
tie something in with something
translation body
transverse parallax screw
trot sb out
unit acceleration force curve
urban social security system
van der waals shift
vibration time