时间:2019-03-16 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-大学新生


   [00:38.30](# "New Day’s Dawning"by Saturn 1 Missiles)

  [00:46.38]For Syd. 给希德
  [00:54.42](man) Syd. 给希德的
  [01:02.66]Yo, sign Syd’s card. 给希德写点什么
  [01:07.42]It’s for Syd. 给希德
  [01:18.34]Hey, Syd! 嗨,希德!
  [01:22.46]Got alitte something for you. 有点小玩意儿要给你
  [01:25.82]What’s this? 什么东东?
  [01:30.58]Just alitte something. 一个小礼物
  [01:38.02]Aw. 哇
  [01:39.70]Guys. From all of us. - 伙计们 - 大伙给的
  [01:41.90](gasps) Is it a Stanley 22 ounce 2 AntiVibe framing 3 hammer? 是斯坦利22盎司防震分头榔头么?
  [01:46.90]No. 不是
  [01:49.38]It’s better than that. It’s actually something you could use at college. 比那个强,是你在大学里用得上的东西
  [01:53.34]Oome on. 看看吧
  [01:57.14](gasps) (laughs) 噢,我喜欢,谢谢了,伙计们
  [01:59.42]I love it. Thanks, you guys.
  [02:02.30]Just don’t spend all your time on it, OK? 别在这上面花太多时间,知道么?
  [02:03.46]I know that you have a scholarship to keep up with, but promise us all you’ll raise hell 4 every now and then! 我知道你能拿奖学金 但向我们保证你会一直努力的!
  [02:09.26](all) Yeah! 耶!
  [02:09.66]Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll smile for my mug shot. 别担心,老爸,进了局子我会笑着拍档案照的
  [02:12.46]Hm. 嗯
  [02:14.34]I’m gonna miss everybody. 我会想你们的
  [02:17.30]Stu. Be careful with the nail gun. 斯图,用钉枪时小心些
  [02:25.34]Big Ron. 大个子罗恩
  [02:28.42]Hold me, please. 来,让我抱抱
  [02:31.54]Oh, all right! 喔,很好
  [02:34.70]OK, you’re crushing 5 me. 好了,你快把我挤碎了
  [02:35.02]Good hug! Back to work. - 抱得好 - 回去工作吧
  [02:36.98]Ow, my collarbone. 噢,我的锁骨
  [02:40.54](Sydney) Know how people joke about being raised by wolves? I was raised by construction workers. 知道人们怎么调侃那些被狼养大的人么? 我是被建筑工人抚养长大的
  [02:47.26]What have you got? Peanut butter. It’s so good. - 你吃的什么? - 花生酱,味道不错
  [02:49.90](man wolf whistles) (man #2) Hey, mamacita! 嘿,辣妹!
  [02:54.86](wolf whistles)
  [02:58.54](wolf whistles)
  [03:02.54]Yeah! 不赖啊!
  [03:05.10](Sydney) I was only nine when my mom died, 我母亲去世时我才九岁
  [03:08.22]which means my formative years were left up to my dad. 那意味着我父亲对我性格的形成影响很大
  [03:14.18]Being a plumberdid give him a certain unique perspective 6... 作为水管工人,父亲的想法的确不拘一格
  [03:17.54]Now, these up here are your, um... 喏,这就是你的,嗯…
  [03:18.62]yourfallipian... 你的输卵槽…
  [03:21.02]That’s not right. Uh... 好像不是这么说的,我看看…
  [03:26.38]Fallopian. These are your... 输卵管,这些是你的…
  [03:29.66]Let’s just call them yourlady tubes. All right? 我们就把它叫作女士管道吧,怎么样?
  [03:32.94]Every month, you... 每个月,你…
  [03:35.94]lay an egg. 下一个蛋(排出一个卵子)
  [03:39.38]Like a chicken. 就像母鸡一样
  [03:40.82]My dad always did his best. 老爸总是尽他所能
  [03:44.58]But sometimes, a girl just needs hermom. 但有时候,女孩还是需要妈妈在身边
  [03:45.78]Understand? 明白了?
  [04:07.54](Dad) Sydney! Time to get a move on, sweetheart! 希德尼,该出发了,宝贝!
  [04:22.34]Wow. 哇哦
  [04:23.18]If your mom was here, she’d know exacty what to say. 如果你妈还在,她知道该说什么
  [04:25.94]She’d be so excited you’re going to her school, gonna join her sorority. 你进了她的母校,她一定高兴坏了 加入她参加过的女生联谊会吧
  [04:29.42]I’m not in yet, Dad. Girl, you’re gonna fit into that place like a... -  老爸,我还没入校门呢 -  孩子,你需要适应新环境,就像…
  [04:33.66]overflow tube in a pressure tank. 就像定压罐里的溢流管一样
  [04:40.26]Oome on, Dad. We said no mushy stuff 7. 行了,老爸,别说这些让人伤感的话了
  [04:40.94]Right. No mushy stuff. 好,不说伤感的
  [04:44.54](bus starts up)
  [04:45.58]Oome here. 来
  [04:53.58]I love you, Dad. 我爱你,老爸
  [05:18.22](Mom) Dear Sydney, 亲爱的希德尼
  [05:20.62]I love you so much. 我的挚爱
  [05:20.70]I’m so sorry I’m not there to see you offto college. 很抱歉不能送你去学校了
  [05:26.90]But since I can’t be, I’ve put some of my favorite memories in this box. 因为我无法送你 所以我把最美的回忆放在这个盒子里
  [05:32.26]Live every moment, Sydney. 享受每一刻,希德尼
  [05:32.62]Grab every opportunity. 抓住每个机会
  [05:35.42]And have fun in everything you do. 高高兴兴地做每件事
  [05:39.62]The friends you meet in college will be yourfriends for life. 大学里结识的朋友将会是你一生的朋友
  [05:44.58]Perhaps you’ll fill this box with yourown memories to pass on to yourdaughtersomeday. 也许你也会把自己的回忆 也装进这个盒子,传给你的女儿
  [05:49.82]And know that though I can’t be there with you now, 要明白,即使我不在你身边
  [05:51.54]I’m always right by yourside every step ofthe way. 我会在你的人生道路上与你并肩同行
  [05:56.50]KφN(Kappa Phi Nu)联谊会 共生与友谊的承诺 (以后出现的各联谊会名称基本都为几个希腊字母组成)
  [06:02.34](# "Warning"by Lil’ Wendy)
  [06:16.50]雷切尔·威奇伯恩 KφN会长
  [06:31.50]南亚特兰大大学(SAU) 热辣排行榜
  [06:34.74]Still the fairest of them all. 还是很公平的嘛
  [06:41.42](# "Fortress"by Pinback)
  [07:22.18]Well, hello there. Oh, hi. I didn’t even know anyone was in here. -  你好啊 -  噢,你好,我不知道有人在这儿
  [07:28.38]Oh, that’s OK. People sometimes don’t see me. I’m Dinky. 没什么,人们有时对我视而不见 我叫汀琦(Dinky,有小不点儿之意)
  [07:30.02]Oh, no, you’re not. No, silly, that’s my name. -  你看起来并不小啊 -  不,傻冒,那是我的名字啊
  [07:33.30]Oh, Dinky? That’s your real name? 小不点儿?那是你的真名吗?
  [07:37.30]Of course not. My real name’s Demetria Rosemead. 当然不是了 我的真名是德米崔亚·罗斯梅德
  [07:39.86]"Dinky" it is. Hi, I’m Sydney White. 还是叫“汀琦”吧,我叫希德尼·怀特
  [07:42.38]Sydney White? The other Kappalegacy? 希德尼·怀特?另一个Kappa会的嫡系?
  [07:48.46]Daughter of Paul White and Deborah Lee, Kappa pledge 8 class 1980? 保罗·怀特和德布拉·李的女儿 1980届Kappa联谊会会员?
  [07:50.30]Yeah. (gasps) 是吧
  [07:52.02]I’m sorry, I feel bad I didn’t order your background check. 真抱歉,我后悔死了,没能仔细查查你的户口
  [07:55.86]I’m the other Kappalegacy! 我是另一个Kappa会嫡系!
  [07:57.66]Oh, my gosh! This is just so exciting! I should’ve known they would’ve roomed us togetherfor rush. 老天,这真是爽毙了! 我就知道她们会很快把我俩安排在一起的
  [08:03.10]Don’t get too comfortable. We’re gonna move to the Kappa house! 别太留恋这里 我们就要搬去Kappa的宿舍了!
  [08:09.02]Ah! We’re gonna be sisters! 啊!我们要成为好姐妹啦!
  [08:10.26]Yay. We’re jumping now.
  [08:10.38](squeals) 是啊,咱们跳啊跳
  [08:13.78]I’ve been waiting to become a Kappa since I can remember. All the women in my family were Kappas. 从记事起我就想加入Kappa 我家所有女性成员都是Kappa人
  [08:18.42]Look. My momma gave me herwhen I was five. 看,在我五岁时我妈妈给了我这个
  [08:22.22]She even has alitte pledge pin. She sure does. - 她还有个联谊会胸针呢 - 确实有啊
  [08:27.58]Does she come with a mini Kappa dream house? 她是住在迷你Kappa梦幻小屋吗?
  [08:27.66]Oh... Oh, I wish. 哦…哦,我想是
  [08:34.26]Now, what were you thinking about wearing to the first rush party? 问你,你打算穿什么参加迎新会?
  [08:35.74]Let me... Let me just show you what I was thinking. 来…我来让你看看我准备的
  [08:38.94]OK. Now, - 好的 - 这里
  [08:41.14]those... Those are my top five. 那些…那些是我的五大候选
  [08:41.60]Wow. 哇哦
  [08:46.06]I don’t even have a top one. 我连"一大"都没有呢
  [08:49.18]I might have a skirt in here somewhere. Oh, no. -  我这儿好像有件裙子 -  哦,不
  [08:51.66]Did you have aluggage mishap 9? 你带的都是这样的货色么?
  [08:54.54]No. Well, what about in that bag? -  不 -  那箱子里装的是什么?
  [08:59.02]Oh, wait until you see this! 哦,等着大吃一惊吧!
  [08:59.10]Oh. Oh, this bag. 啊,哦,这个嘛
  [09:04.78]My comic-book collection. 我的漫画收藏
  [09:07.58]Oh. My. 哦,我…
  [09:08.62]Pretty cool, huh? 很酷吧,哈?
  [09:12.62]Yeah, uh, you know what? 是啊,嗯,你知道么?
  [09:15.42]Why don’t you just wear something of mine to the first rush party? 不如你穿件我的衣服去参加迎新会吧?
  [09:16.10]Oh, OK. Yeah. That might be best. 哦,好啊,很好,那样最好了
  [09:20.66]You know, this is gonna be fun. I’ve never really had alot of girlfriends before. 这一切将会很有趣的,在之前 我没有这么多女性朋友
  [09:26.42]Not just girlfriends. 不仅仅是女性朋友
  [09:28.90]Sisters. 是好姐妹
  [09:32.02](squeals) (squeals)
  [09:45.14](music stops)
  [09:58.50]雷切尔·威奇伯恩 学生会主席

  • Astronomers used to ask why only Saturn has rings.天文学家们过去一直感到奇怪,为什么只有土星有光环。
  • These comparisons suggested that Saturn is made of lighter materials.这些比较告诉我们,土星由较轻的物质构成。
  • He poured in every ounce of power but couldn't make it.他竭尽了全力却无济于事。
  • He has used up the last ounce of oil.他已用完最后一滴油。
n.构架; 框架; 骨架; 构架系统
  • The government is framing a new bill to put a cap on gambling. 政府正在制定新的法案以对赌博加以限制。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Why may not several Deities combine in contriving and framing a world? 为什么不可能是数个神联合起来,设计和构造世界呢? 来自哲学部分
  • It's a hell of a hike from Sydney to Perth.从悉尼到珀斯的徒步旅行简直苦死了。
  • The boss really gave me hell today.老板今天着实数落了我一通。
  • You can get a perspective of the whole city from here.从这里你可以看到城市的全景。
  • We may get a clear perspective of the people's happy lives.我们知道人民对幸福生活的展望。
  • We could supply you with the stuff in the raw tomorrow.明天我们可以供应你原材料。
  • He is not the stuff.他不是这个材料。
  • Take this ring as a pledge of our friendship.收下这枚戒指当作我们友谊的信物。
  • The old man is willing to pledge for him.那位老人愿意为他担保。
  • I'm afraid your son had a slight mishap in the playground.不好了,你儿子在操场上出了点小意外。
  • We reached home without mishap.我们平安地回到了家。
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