时间:2019-03-16 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-大学新生


   [00:10.12]Up and at 'em, guys. 快起床,伙计们

  [00:12.52]It's time to make some plans. 该制定计划了
  [00:15.68]I know you're still pissed at me, but come on. Are you gonna wallow here in this fleabag motel 我知道你们还恨我,但你们还想睡在这个 廉价旅社里吗?
  [00:22.48]because some prissy girly-girl who probably doesn't know who Gandalf is screwed us over? 继续被那个连甘道夫(指环王中的人物) 都不认识的娘娘腔耍么?
  [00:32.92]You're right. I bet she doesn't know who Gandalf is. 没错,我打赌她不知道谁是甘道夫
  [00:42.56]We're still mad at you, though. That's OK. I want you to be mad. - 但我们还是对你感到挺不爽的 - 我的确希望你们不爽
  [00:44.16]I want you to get fired up so we can win this election, 拿出激情来,赢得选举
  [00:49.72]because the Freedom to the 7th Power party will prevail. 第七力量必胜
  [00:52.88]Yeah! With our new candidate for president. - 耶! - 我们要选一个新候选人
  [00:58.52]Me. I'm gonna run against Rachel. 我来,我要作为雷切尔的对手
  [01:03.84]And we're gonna take her down. 击败她
  [01:06.28](# "Stand Up"by Melee)
  [01:07.20]I'm Sydney White and I'm running forstudent council president... 我是希德尼·怀特,竞选学生会主席…
  [01:12.36]I'm Sydney White and I'm running forstudent council president on the Freedom to the 7th Powerticket. 我是希德尼·怀特,代表第七力量竞选 学生会主席…
  [01:16.24]Your papers count for three quarters of yourfinal grade and no late papers will be accepted. 论文占分数的四分之三,迟交不收
  [01:22.48]As you're writing these papers, I want you to think about the mechanics of modern campaigning. 这次论文的论题是现代竞选的技巧
  [01:27.20]You may be wondering why you should even care. Why bothervoting? 你们可能会疑惑为什么应该关心 为什么要去参加无聊的投票?
  [01:32.76]The Greeks win every year and it's one more way they run the school. 联谊组织每次都能赢得竞选,他们以此控 制学校
  [01:34.76]There's a whole lot of talk today about the need to cater 1 to your base, 关于基础工作今天有很多可说的
  [01:40.00]but there's something to be said for thinking outside of that box. 但有时我们要站在圈外想一想
  [01:42.76](Sydney) Freedom to the 7th Power! 自由的第七力量!
  [01:48.04]Whoo-hoo! Freedom to the 7th Power!
  [01:49.32]R.O.T.C.:Reserve Officers' Training Corps 2 后备军官训练营
  [01:51.00](man) Good job. 干得好
  [02:01.20]The fact is that 80%/ ofthe student body at Southern Atlantic is not Greek. 80%/. 在南亚特兰大,80%的学生都不是 联谊会成员
  [02:05.04]Take the Kennedy campaign in 1960. He was inherenty an outsider - 想想肯尼迪1960年的竞选,他显然是个局外人
  [02:11.44]a Oatholic had never been elected as president - who reached out to other outsiders. 在其他人看来:天主教徒从未当选过总统
  [02:17.16](students chant in Hebrew) 牌子上字为:犹太学生联合会
  [02:23.76](Sydney) To those students I say, it's time foryou to be heard. 对那些人我要说,轮到你们被倾听了
  [02:23.84]L'chaim. L'chaim. 干杯
  [02:33.28](Carlton) Minorities, women, the poor - 少数民族,女人,穷人
  [02:36.48]the disenfranchised won that election for John Kennedy. (男同、女同、变性人出演:诗歌之夜) 那些被剥夺了选举权的人选了肯尼迪当总统
  [02:47.52]"Naked Pain." An epic 4 poem in 12 parts. “尖锐的疼痛”,十二章史诗
  [02:54.76]It's time foryou to be heard, and we are here to listen. 倾听你们的时刻到了,而我们会在此聆听
  [03:04.60](chanting in Hebrew)
  [03:10.68]It's alesson worth remembering. 记住这堂课吧
  [03:54.52](Rachel) Here you go. Don't vote for Sydney White. (传单上文字:这就是主席的材料?) 给你,不要选希德尼·怀特
  [03:55.88]Let's keep it Greek, all right? Does this looklike your next president? 投联谊组织一票吧,这样的家伙 看起来像主席的样么?
  [04:02.68]Vote Rachel Witchburn. 请投雷切尔·威奇伯恩一票
  [04:04.32]Hi, ho. 你好
  [04:06.80]Bye, ho. 再见
  [04:10.48]Don't vote for Sydney White. Vote Rachel Witchburn. Rachel Witchburn. 不要选希德尼·怀特,投雷切尔·威奇伯恩的票
  [04:29.08]No way. You read peoplespunisher too? 怎么可能,你也看peoplespunisher 那个网站吗?
  [04:32.36]I write it. 我开的
  [04:33.96]Oh, my God. It's the most genius thing ever. 天哪,你是个天才
  [04:37.76]Did you know that the Brew 3 House has a spoken-word night devoted 5 to that blog? 你知道布雷酒屋特意把一次专场 献给那个博客么?
  [04:41.12]Really? Yeah. - 真的? - 没错
  [04:42.28]And I know this is really embarrassing, 我知道这令人为难
  [04:45.56]but I swore that if I ever met the peoplespunisher guy, 我发誓如果见到那个建立 peoplespunisher 网站的人
  [04:51.88]well, I'd hook up with him. 就不放过他
  [04:57.12]Dammit! 真他妈的!
  [05:08.96]Need some help? 需要帮忙吗?
  [05:11.56]Oh. Hi. 哦,你好
  [05:14.24]Listen, I'm really... 听我说…
  [05:16.00]Is that a Stanley 22 ounce AntiVibe framing hammer? 那是斯坦利22盎司防震分头榔头?
  [05:21.28]Yes, it is. Oan I touch it? - 是的 - 我能摸摸吗?
  [05:25.36]You can have it. 可以送给你
  [05:29.20]I saw you guys with the signs. I thought I could help. 我看见你们的标志了,想来帮帮忙
  [05:34.68]And I'm really sorry about what happened the other night. 那天晚上的事真的很抱歉
  [05:38.76]I had nothing to do with what Rachel pulled. 我和雷切尔干的那些事情无关
  [05:41.84]Yeah, I was involved in the Greek Oenter, but Rachel twisted everything around. 联谊中心的事情确实和我有关,但雷切尔 歪曲了事实
  [05:44.16]Yeah. I know what that's like. 好了,我知道是怎么回事
  [05:49.40]You're gonna do great at the debate tomorrow. 祝你赢得明天的辩论
  [05:57.76](heavy rock music)
  [06:20.00]I thought we might do alitte business. 我们谈笔交易吧
  [06:23.40]Huh. 哈
  [06:35.92]I thought you finished Oarlton's paperlast week. I did. - 我记得你上周就交了卡尔顿布置的论文了 - 是交了
  [06:36.20]I wanted to add some of the ideas from our campaign. 我加入了我们竞选活动的经验
  [06:40.92]You really are a dork. 你真是个呆子
  [06:54.60]What just happened? Make it come back. I don't... 怎么回事?快恢复
  [06:58.20]She just opened it. 她刚刚打开
  [07:01.16]Voila. One poisoned Apple. 瞧啊,毒苹果
  [07:08.92](computervoice) Self-destruct. 自毁
  [07:10.52](Lenny) Oh, my God. 老天
  [07:13.88]Oh, no. 哦,不
  [07:19.48]All right, pay up. 好了,给钱吧
  [07:25.40]Yes! 真棒
  [07:31.68]She's gone catatonic. 她受刺激了
  [07:34.88]It's no use. Even I can't fix this. 没用的,我也没辙
  [07:37.96]My paper, due tomorrow. 我的论文,明天要交
  [07:41.24]The debate, tomorrow. 辩论会,明天开始
  [07:44.04]The guy definitely knew what he was doing. 那黑客显然有备而来
  [07:47.52](Terrence) What about? Ow. - 那是什么? - 哇
  [07:48.48]I can'tlet herwin like this. 我不能让她就这样赢
  [07:50.88]But the debate starts in 12 hours. 离辩论开始不到12小时了
  [07:54.64]I'm just gonna have to pull an all-nighter. 通宵干吧
  [08:57.20](PA) The debate's about to begin. Candidates, please report to the stage. 辩论会马上开始,候选人们请上台
  [09:05.04]We couldn't find her anywhere. She should be done with her paper by now. - 到处都找不到她 - 她一定刚搞定论文
  [09:14.80]We need all candidates on stage now. 所有候选人请上台来
  [09:30.80]Sydney. 希德尼
  [09:32.28]Sydney, you gotta wake up. 希德尼,快醒醒
  [09:42.52]I know you're tired, but you can't give up now. You mean alot to those guys out there. 不要放弃,那些家伙还等着你呢
  [09:51.96]You mean alot to me. 你对我来说很重要

  • I expect he will be able to cater for your particular needs.我预计他能满足你的特殊需要。
  • Most schools cater for children of different abilities.大多数学校能够满足具有不同天资的儿童的需要。
  • The medical corps were cited for bravery in combat.医疗队由于在战场上的英勇表现而受嘉奖。
  • When the war broke out,he volunteered for the Marine Corps.战争爆发时,他自愿参加了海军陆战队。
  • Let's brew up some more tea.咱们沏些茶吧。
  • The policeman dispelled the crowd lest they should brew trouble.警察驱散人群,因恐他们酿祸。
  • I gave up my epic and wrote this little tale instead.我放弃了写叙事诗,而写了这个小故事。
  • They held a banquet of epic proportions.他们举行了盛大的宴会。
  • He devoted his life to the educational cause of the motherland.他为祖国的教育事业贡献了一生。
  • We devoted a lengthy and full discussion to this topic.我们对这个题目进行了长时间的充分讨论。
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