时间:2019-03-16 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-新婚告急


   [00:01.34]Yes. It sounds totally perfect. 没错,听着就很完美

  [00:07.50]But I can't wait until then. 但我都等不及了
  [00:23.10]Jimmy crack corn! 不管三七二十一啦
  [00:32.82]Close it, bitch! 关上,王八蛋!
  [00:38.70]There's a lock on the door for a reason, junior. 嘿,门上有锁是给你用的!
  [00:40.98](Boy) I'm claustrophobic, okay? 我有自闭恐怖症,OK?
  [00:42.50]No. 没有
  [00:43.30]Do we have a problem? 有什么问题吗?
  [00:43.50]No problem. We're just waiting. 没问题,我们就是等着呢
  [00:56.22]Mexican food. 墨西哥食物
  [01:00.58]That's an oxymoron. 好吃,但爱闹肚子
  [01:08.26]Sweet Lord. Where does that come from? 我靠,真臭啊!
  [01:09.14]- Let's just wait. - Oh, my gosh. 再等等吧,臭死了!
  [01:12.98](Stewardess) The captain is anticipating turbulence 2... 机长提示,前方有湍流
  [01:13.18]and has turned on the frasten seat belt sign. 指示灯已亮
  [01:15.06]Kindly return to your seats. 请回到座位,并系好保险带
  [01:17.46]Okay. 好
  [01:20.54]Breathe through your mouth. Breathe through your mouth. 用嘴呼吸,鼻子憋住
  [01:22.22]Breathe through your mouth. Just do it. Just do it. 用嘴呼吸,来吧,干吧
  [01:23.02]No. 不行
  [01:30.42]Hurry up. 快!
  [01:37.54]Oh! (Laughing)
  [01:42.90]Shh. 嘘
  [01:45.34]This is gonna work. This is gonna work. 肯定行,来呀
  [01:47.42]Wait. I'm gonna step on... 等等. 让我上
  [01:48.90]Perfect. 好极了
  [01:55.26]Aaah! 啊!
  [01:59.62]What? 怎么了?
  [02:01.02]The crapper's got my foot. 我的脚被马桶卡住了
  [02:03.70]Oh. Okay, wait. Let me help. Okay. 哦.来,等一下我来帮你.OK
  [02:05.38]Okay. One, two, three. 一, 二, 三
  [02:13.34]Return to your seats, please. 请马上回到座位上去
  [02:14.42]Be right out. 马上就好
  [02:16.90]Okay. Okay, ready? OKOK,准备
  [02:17.14]Okay. One, two, three. 一, 二, 三
  [02:20.66]Return to your seats now, please. 请马上回座位去
  [02:25.06]Beat it, stew 1! 管不着,傻大姐!
  [02:27.66]Return... 还给你
  [02:34.74]Playtime is over, children. 时间到,别玩了孩子们
  [02:36.18]Stop. 立刻停止
  [02:37.58]Go to your seats.! Do you hear me? 回座位去!听见了没有?
  [02:39.90](Tom) Let's flush it. 我们冲
  [02:41.46](Sarah) You flush. I'll pull. 你冲. 我来
  [02:43.86]I can't get it out. 拉不出来
  [02:45.86]The captain has turned on the fasten seat belt sign! 机长已经将安全带指示灯打开了!
  [02:48.50]Wait, wait, wait. Count of three. Ready? 等一下,数三下,好了吗?
  [02:52.94](Both) One, two, three. 一, 二, 三
  [02:54.10]Ow! Aaah! 哦! 啊!
  [03:00.66](Man On P.A. Speaking French)
  [03:02.62]Well, there's something we can tell the grandchildren about. 我们将来就把这个故事讲给咱们的孙子们听
  [03:05.10]Great story for the kids. 好故事
  [03:14.06]How you doin' there, chief? 你好,长官?(法语)
  [03:14.74]Hey, can we get the, uh, le car for le zak? 嗨,乌拉哇啦先生订的车
  [03:20.66]Bonjour. Ah, les reservations sont pour Leezak. 你好,理查克先生订的车(法语)
  [03:23.02]Ah, oui, mademoiselle. 噢,好,小姐
  [03:26.78]You never told me you spoke 3 French. 你从没告诉我你会说法语
  [03:28.62]It was that summer abroad. 就是那次暑假
  [03:29.58]I backpacked to Europe. 来欧洲自助旅行
  [03:31.50]Ah, here we are, uh, for Mr. And Mrs. Leezak. 啊,签在这里,理查克先生和太太
  [03:33.54]Uh, must be some mistake, non? 嗯,这么称呼是不是有错误?
  [03:37.42]No, no mistake. Mister and missus. 没错,就是先生和夫人
  [03:41.42]What the hell? 怎么啦?
  [03:42.98]These sports scores are two days old. 这些比赛分数都是两天前的
  [03:44.02]- So? - So, you know perfectly 4 well... 那又怎么样? 你应该知道
  [03:47.70]if I don't have an up-to-date sports section to work with... 如果我不能看到最新的体育报道
  [03:51.06]it throws off my whole day, startin' with my morning dump. 我一天都没法过好
  [03:52.46]Honey, there's gonna be satellite TV in the hotel. 亲爱的,酒店里有卫星电视
  [03:55.70]Oh. 哦.
  [03:58.70]Voila. 哇啦-
  [03:59.50]Ah. I wonder what kind of wheels we got? 噢,让我们看看是个什么车子
  [04:05.46](Tom) I'm telling you. This is not the car. 我告诉你,这不是我订的车
  [04:06.58]I specifically ordered a compact. 我订车的时候非常严格的要了一辆“小型”车
  [04:10.22](Tom) No, this is a Ringling Bros. Compact. 不对,这是马戏团的猴车
  [04:12.22]I've owned Tonka trucks bigger than this car. 我的玩具车比这个都大
  [04:14.74]I mean, honey, I looked at the brochure... 我的意思是,我读过假日指南
  [04:17.58]and there was a Fiesta on the cover... 那封面上是一个大大的车
  [04:20.98]not a Bingo. 绝对没有这么小
  [04:21.66]Aw, baby needs a great big car... 噢,宝宝开心需要
  [04:24.62]to make him happy. 一辆又大又快的车
  [04:27.86]Uh, well, we could really use the Dodge 5 about now. 唉,要是我那辆道奇在这就好了
  [04:29.42](Manly Voice) "Oh, we could really... “唉,要是我那辆道奇在这就好了”
  [04:30.70]use the Dodge about now."
  [04:34.82]What was that? 你什么意思?
  [04:35.86]You just sound so "Uh-merican." 你的美国腔挺起来特别逗
  [04:38.06]"Oh, we could really use the Dodge about now, mmm. “唉,要是我那辆道奇在这就好了”
  [04:42.06]"While I'm makin' a doody... 啊,我要蹲坑了,
  [04:43.34]"and a beer with that? 外带一瓶啤酒吗?
  [04:44.14]"can you hand me my sports section... 你能把报纸体育部分递给我
  [04:44.34]Thank you very much, ma'am." 非常谢谢,女士
  [04:47.54]Are you mocking me? 你在取笑我?
  [04:48.70]No, baby. Just floor it. 没有啦,宝贝,将油门踩到底呀
  [04:53.06]I am flooring it. If I pushed any harder... 我当然踩到底了
  [04:56.54]my foot would blow through the floor... 再踩,就踩穿了!
  [04:58.66]and we'd be Flintstoning our asses 7 there. 到那时,我们的车就成了石器时代的怪物了
  [04:59.42]Ooh! Whoa, whoa! Turn here! 哦! 啊,在这转弯!
  [05:09.30](Tom) You okay? 你没事吧?
  [05:10.30]- Yeah, you? - Yeah. 还好,你呢? 没事
  [05:17.42]If you would've told me about the turn... 如果你早跟我说拐弯...
  [05:18.34]maybe before we passed it...
  [05:19.70]I wouldn't have had to pull such a NASCAR evasive maneuver 8. 我就不用象开赛车一样猛甩了
  [05:22.30]I was busy looking at the map. Somebody had to navigate 9. 我看地图来着,总要有人带路吧?
  [05:31.26]Listen to us. 我们俩听起来
  [05:34.22]We sound like an old married couple. 就像老夫妇吵架似的
  [05:37.70]Never again. 保证以后再也不会了
  [05:47.86]Just for the record... 不过刚才我们差点送了命
  [05:50.42]why did I almost get us killed back there?
  [05:52.86]Because that's our hotel. 那是我们的饭店
  [05:57.42]It looks like a castle. 看上去像一座城堡
  [05:57.82](Whispers) It is a castle. 它就是一座城堡
  [05:58.26]And that's precisely 10 why it looks like one. 也就是为什么城堡这个样子
  [06:02.66]Mmm. Let's go. 走吧
  [06:03.98]Okay. Hee hee. 好,呵呵
  [06:21.34](Both) Oh. 哦.
  [06:27.02]This is the most beautiful thing... 这是我所见过...
  [06:27.70]I've ever seen. 最美的风景
  [06:31.98]Let's go. 来吧
  [06:48.46]Look, baby, look. 看,宝贝,看
  [06:50.78]It comes with free nuns 11. 免费看修女
  [06:52.54]- Bonjour. - Bonjour. - 你好(法语) - 你好
  [06:53.34]- Bonjour. - Bonjour. - 谢谢(法语) - 谢谢
  [06:54.58]- Merci. - Merci.
  [06:55.62]- Bonjour. - Bonjour.
  [06:57.14]- Bonjour. - Bonjour. 谢谢
  [06:58.14](Both) Merci.
  [07:00.94]Ah, bonjour. Merci. 啊, 你好. 谢谢.
  [07:05.38]Bonjour. Merci. 你好. 谢谢.
  [07:07.58]Bonjour. Merci. 你好. 谢谢.
  [07:10.46]Bonjour. Merci. 你好. 谢谢.
  [07:15.46]Oui. 好.
  [07:15.54]I am Henri Margeaux. 我是亨利-玛何克弗
  [07:16.46]Welcome to Hotel DuReve. 欢迎光临杜雷夫酒店.
  [07:18.30]Nous sommes Sarah et Tom Leezak. 我们是莎拉和汤姆-理查克
  [07:20.90]- Leezak, non? - Oui. - 是吗?不可能 - 当然了
  [07:21.50]Oui. 就是啊
  [07:22.50](Henri) Non. 不可能.
  [07:23.22]The honeymooners? 来渡蜜月的那对?
  [07:23.50]- Oui. - Oui. Why? - 真的 - 真的,为什么?
  [07:26.26]It's so fresh and young to have marriage, no? 你们如此年轻亮丽就结婚了,不会吧?
  [07:30.26]No. We're married. 真的,我们已经结婚了.
  [07:34.42]I almost forget. 啊,我差点忘了.
  [07:35.62]Ooh, presents. 哦,礼物.
  [07:36.62]"Congratulations! "恭喜!
  [07:40.26]"Have a wonderful honeymoon 12. "祝蜜月旅行愉快.
  [07:41.26]Peter." 彼得."
  [07:41.38]"Love... "爱你们的...
  [07:44.66]That's a platonic 13 love. 柏拉图式的恋爱
  [07:49.66]Forget about Peter. 别理那个彼得
  [07:50.10]Here, please enjoy. 送给您吧
  [07:54.90]Room, haut, upstairs. 您们的套房,在楼上.
  [08:00.66]Oh! (Laughs)
  [08:09.90]Tell me this isn't your fantasy.
  [08:10.42]Aw! 梦想的是不是就是这样?
  [08:13.38]- (Laughs) - Ah!
  [08:15.86]Good. 'Cause we're paying out the ass 6 for it. 不错,尤其是这么贵的房间,我们把老本都搭上了
  [08:16.46]It's better than my fantasy. 比梦想的还要好.
  [08:20.02]Honey, just for the record... 亲爱的,
  [08:21.74]when you talk about money... 当你谈钱的时候
  [08:24.34]especially in reference to it coming out of your heinie... 尤其是吐出“屁股”(Ass)这个词...
  [08:25.50]it sort of kills the romance of the moment. 太煞风景,我都没情绪了
  [08:28.22](Tom) Right. Sorry. 哦,对不起.
  [08:29.70](Clears Throat)
  [08:31.54]Now fight your deep urge to be cheap... 现在,先别想简朴省钱,
  [08:37.02]and give the bellboy a large tip. 多给服务生些小费。
  [08:38.54]Hey. 你们提供卫星电视吗?
  [08:41.02]Do you guys, uh, provide satellite TV?
  [08:43.70]TV in bar. 电视在酒吧.
  [08:46.98]TV in bar. 电视在酒吧.
  [08:47.50]So there's no TV in this room? 这房间没有电视吗?
  [08:52.62]Ask him if they have ESPN. 问问他有没有ESPN体育台?
  [09:07.74]He said, "The TV's in the bar." 他说电视在酒吧里
  [09:14.98]he wouldn't be concerned with TV. 你还需要电视干什么?
  [09:15.30]He also said that if he were here with me... 他还说,看着我
  [09:20.86]He makes a point. 也有道理
  [09:23.06](Gasps) Oh, I gotta call Mom and Dad. 哦,我先要打个电话给爸妈.
  [09:24.54]Talk about killin' the romance. 还说煞风景呢。
  [09:26.66]I told 'em I'd call. It'll just take a minute. 我说过我会去电话的,马上就好
  [09:32.70]Hi, Mom. It's Peewee. (Giggles) 嗨,妈妈,我是老么
  [09:34.10]Oh, say hi to Pussy 14 for me. 哦,代我向波西问好.
  [09:38.54]Tom says hello. 汤姆向你问好.
  [09:42.98]Yeah. Oh, it's so great. 哦,真是太棒了.
  [09:46.74]"To Tom and Sarah. "致汤姆和莎拉
  [09:49.70]Enhance thy honeymoon. Love, Kyle." 祝蜜月愉快 - 你们的凯利。"
  [09:51.58]I'll call you later, Mom. Bye. 我待会再给你去电话,妈妈,再见
  [09:58.18]Cheese and rice. Is that a Thunderstick A-200? 天呐!那是雷霆A-200震动器吗?
  [09:59.02]And since when did you become the expert? 你什么时候成了个专家啦?
  [10:00.62]I told you about that night I had in college. 我跟你说了,有一次在大学里...

  • The stew must be boiled up before serving.炖肉必须煮熟才能上桌。
  • There's no need to get in a stew.没有必要烦恼。
  • The turbulence caused the plane to turn over.空气的激流导致飞机翻转。
  • The world advances amidst turbulence.世界在动荡中前进。
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
  • The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said.证人们个个对自己所说的话十分肯定。
  • Everything that we're doing is all perfectly above board.我们做的每件事情都是光明正大的。
  • A dodge behind a tree kept her from being run over.她向树后一闪,才没被车从身上辗过。
  • The dodge was coopered by the police.诡计被警察粉碎了。
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
  • All the fighters landed safely on the airport after the military maneuver.在军事演习后,所有战斗机都安全降落在机场上。
  • I did get her attention with this maneuver.我用这个策略确实引起了她的注意。
  • He was the first man to navigate the Atlantic by air.他是第一个飞越大西洋的人。
  • Such boats can navigate on the Nile.这种船可以在尼罗河上航行。
  • It's precisely that sort of slick sales-talk that I mistrust.我不相信的正是那种油腔滑调的推销宣传。
  • The man adjusted very precisely.那个人调得很准。
n.(通常指基督教的)修女, (佛教的)尼姑( nun的名词复数 )
  • Ah Q had always had the greatest contempt for such people as little nuns. 小尼姑之流是阿Q本来视如草芥的。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • Nuns are under vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. 修女须立誓保持清贫、贞洁、顺从。 来自辞典例句
  • While on honeymoon in Bali,she learned to scuba dive.她在巴厘岛度蜜月时学会了带水肺潜水。
  • The happy pair are leaving for their honeymoon.这幸福的一对就要去度蜜月了。
  • Their friendship is based on platonic love.他们的友情是基于柏拉图式的爱情。
  • Can Platonic love really exist in real life?柏拉图式的爱情,在现实世界里到底可能吗?
  • Why can't they leave my pussy alone?为什么他们就不能离我小猫咪远一点?
  • The baby was playing with his pussy.孩子正和他的猫嬉戏。
Abies excelsa Poiret
ability of manager
adjustment after reconciliation
aircraft electrical system
alternaria violae galloway et dorsett
basic Q factor
bell rock (inchcape rock)
biological spaceprobe
Carnian Stage
catabatic winds
caudal medullary rest
cavity respiratory
chronic constrictive pericarditis
Cockburn Town
coefficient of stability
combustion liner
congenital auricular cyst
contact assembly
cooling passage
darwin's theory of evolution
declaration under open policy
direct irritation
electronic impulser
elliptic paraboloid of revolution
family carangidaes
fixed-width fonts
flux rating
fuel changing
galling of rings
genus Hydrocharis
glass level cut
goods bought in replacement
hadron multiplet
high moisture grains
immersion angle
landing zone of emergency rescue
low temperature camera
microphone response
normal anomaly
ordinary differential operator
ore harbour
overhead copying camera
overload time relay
prinovolva pudica
propellant evaporation
propellant transfusing room
propeller motor
resistant exercise
resolution line
rotary molding
sealing cone
ship to air net
single-voltage rating
small austere airfield
soldering bar
stope pillar
sural nerve
truncation of convolutional code
Tylostypia sven-hedini Kr.
typical cell
virtute officii
X-ray powder pattern