时间:2018-12-05 作者:英语课 分类:约伯记

36Elihu continued:
2"Bear with me a little longer and I will show you that there is more to be said in God's behalf.
3I get my knowledge from afar; I will ascribe justice to my Maker 1.
4Be assured that my words are not false; one perfect in knowledge is with you.
5"God is mighty 2, but does not despise men; he is mighty, and firm in his purpose.
6He does not keep the wicked alive but gives the afflicted 3 their rights.
7He does not take his eyes off the righteous; he enthrones them with kings and exalts 4 them forever.
8But if men are bound in chains, held fast by cords of affliction,
9he tells them what they have done- that they have sinned arrogantly 5.
10He makes them listen to correction and commands them to repent 6 of their evil.
11If they obey and serve him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment.
12But if they do not listen, they will perish by the sword and die without knowledge.
13"The godless in heart harbor resentment 7; even when he fetters 8 them, they do not cry for help.
14They die in their youth, among male prostitutes of the shrines 9.
15But those who suffer he delivers in their suffering; he speaks to them in their affliction.
16"He is wooing you from the jaws 10 of distress 11 to a spacious 12 place free from restriction 13, to the comfort of your table laden 14 with choice food.
17But now you are laden with the judgment 15 due the wicked; judgment and justice have taken hold of you.
18Be careful that no one entices 16 you by riches; do not let a large bribe 17 turn you aside.
19Would your wealth or even all your mighty efforts sustain you so you would not be in distress?
20Do not long for the night, to drag people away from their homes.
21Beware of turning to evil, which you seem to prefer to affliction.
22"God is exalted 18 in his power. Who is a teacher like him?
23Who has prescribed his ways for him, or said to him, 'You have done wrong'?
24Remember to extol 19 his work, which men have praised in song.
25All mankind has seen it; men gaze on it from afar.
26How great is God-beyond our understanding! The number of his years is past finding out.
27"He draws up the drops of water, which distill 20 as rain to the streams ;
28the clouds pour down their moisture and abundant showers fall on mankind.
29Who can understand how he spreads out the clouds, how he thunders from his pavilion?
30See how he scatters 21 his lightning about him, bathing the depths of the sea.
31This is the way he governs the nations and provides food in abundance.
32He fills his hands with lightning and commands it to strike its mark.
33His thunder announces the coming storm; even the cattle make known its approach.

1 maker
  • He is a trouble maker,You must be distant with him.他是个捣蛋鬼,你不要跟他在一起。
  • A cabinet maker must be a master craftsman.家具木工必须是技艺高超的手艺人。
2 mighty
  • A mighty force was about to break loose.一股巨大的力量即将迸发而出。
  • The mighty iceberg came into view.巨大的冰山出现在眼前。
3 afflicted
使受痛苦,折磨( afflict的过去式和过去分词 )
  • About 40% of the country's population is afflicted with the disease. 全国40%左右的人口患有这种疾病。
  • A terrible restlessness that was like to hunger afflicted Martin Eden. 一阵可怕的、跟饥饿差不多的不安情绪折磨着马丁·伊登。
4 exalts
赞扬( exalt的第三人称单数 ); 歌颂; 提升; 提拔
  • How the thought exalts me in my own eyes! 这种思想在我自己的眼睛里使我身价百倍啊!
  • Fancy amuses; imagination expands and exalts us. 幻想使人乐,想象则使我们开阔和升华。
5 arrogantly
  • The consular porter strode arrogantly ahead with his light swinging. 领事馆的门房提着摇来晃去的灯,在前面大摇大摆地走着。
  • It made his great nose protrude more arrogantly. 这就使得他的大鼻子更加傲慢地翘起来。
6 repent
  • He has nothing to repent of.他没有什么要懊悔的。
  • Remission of sins is promised to those who repent.悔罪者可得到赦免。
7 resentment
  • All her feelings of resentment just came pouring out.她一股脑儿倾吐出所有的怨恨。
  • She cherished a deep resentment under the rose towards her employer.她暗中对她的雇主怀恨在心。
8 fetters
n.脚镣( fetter的名词复数 );束缚v.给…上脚镣,束缚( fetter的第三人称单数 )
  • They were at last freed from the fetters of ignorance. 他们终于从愚昧无知的束缚中解脱出来。
  • They will run wild freed from the fetters of control. 他们一旦摆脱了束缚,就会变得无法无天。 来自《简明英汉词典》
9 shrines
圣地,圣坛,神圣场所( shrine的名词复数 )
  • All three structures dated to the third century and were tentatively identified as shrines. 这3座建筑都建于3 世纪,并且初步鉴定为神庙。
  • Their palaces and their shrines are tombs. 它们的宫殿和神殿成了墓穴。
10 jaws
  • The antelope could not escape the crocodile's gaping jaws. 那只羚羊无法从鱷鱼张开的大口中逃脱。
  • The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work. 台钳上有刻痕的虎钳牙帮助它紧咬住工件。
11 distress
  • Nothing could alleviate his distress.什么都不能减轻他的痛苦。
  • Please don't distress yourself.请你不要忧愁了。
12 spacious
  • Our yard is spacious enough for a swimming pool.我们的院子很宽敞,足够建一座游泳池。
  • The room is bright and spacious.这房间很豁亮。
13 restriction
  • The park is open to the public without restriction.这个公园对公众开放,没有任何限制。
  • The 30 mph speed restriction applies in all built-up areas.每小时限速30英里适用于所有建筑物聚集区。
14 laden
  • He is laden with heavy responsibility.他肩负重任。
  • Dragging the fully laden boat across the sand dunes was no mean feat.将满载货物的船拖过沙丘是一件了不起的事。
15 judgment
  • The chairman flatters himself on his judgment of people.主席自认为他审视人比别人高明。
  • He's a man of excellent judgment.他眼力过人。
16 entices
诱惑,怂恿( entice的第三人称单数 )
  • The smell of food entices the hungry children into the hut. 食物的味道把饥饿的孩子们诱进小屋中。
  • With her many persuasions she entices him; With her flattering lips she seduces him. 箴7:21淫妇用许多巧言诱他随从、谄媚的嘴逼他同行。
17 bribe
  • He tried to bribe the policeman not to arrest him.他企图贿赂警察不逮捕他。
  • He resolutely refused their bribe.他坚决不接受他们的贿赂。
18 exalted
  • Their loveliness and holiness in accordance with their exalted station.他们的美丽和圣洁也与他们的崇高地位相称。
  • He received respect because he was a person of exalted rank.他因为是个地位崇高的人而受到尊敬。
19 extol
  • We of the younger generation extol the wisdom of the great leader and educator.我们年轻一代崇拜那位伟大的引路人和教育家的智慧。
  • Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. 我要天天称颂你,也要永永远远赞美你的名。
20 distill
  • This standard set determine the method of petroleum products distill.本标准规定了测定石油产品蒸馏的方法。
  • Distill the crucial points of the book.从书中提炼出关键的几点。
21 scatters
v.(使)散开, (使)分散,驱散( scatter的第三人称单数 );撒
  • He scatters money about as if he were rich. 他四处挥霍,好像很有钱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Truth raises against itself the storm that scatters its seeds broadcast. 真理引起了反对它自己的狂风骤雨,那场风雨吹散了真理的广播的种子。 来自辞典例句
标签: 约伯记 job
all round computer center
battening on
black acrylic matt enamel
casmaria ponderosa
configuration of education
configuration of surface
continuous data protection
criteria of environmental sound level
deadhead time for passenger
display scale
dividing wheel
dog house
element structure
external block effect
family Leiopelmatidae
female thread nipple
finger beam
four wire arm
fuzzy probability field
grown-junction transistor
horizon differentiation
idealized form
interfering noise
keep open
larimichthys crocea
law of indice
lubrication angle
master-slave multiprogramming
miniaturized circuit
moderate speed
monophyletic evolution
Munch, Edvard
nabla fastening
national patent
naval fleet
nom de guerre
olivine stony iron (pallasite)
one-side system
open chock
out tag status
Palo Verde, I.
Palus Putredinis
poppet valves
potential coefficient of the earth
reliable tube
represent to
roger bacons
schedule of amortization
servo-computing element
simulated grain
social navigation
Spiradiclis scabrida
state language compilation
stepping finder
suicide squeeze (play)
summary statement of loan
terrorist organizations
tropical air (mass)
upper half-space
utility airport
variable speed axle generator
variable speed lowering