老友记 第四季 10 The One with the Girl from Poughkeepsi
时间:2019-02-04 作者:英语课 分类:老友记(六人行)
The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie本集简介:
Joey sets a personal record for sticking Oreos in his mouth--15. Ross dates a girl from Poughkeepsie but is concerned about the distance involved in seeing her. Rachel wants a relationship--or at least a fling 1--so Chandler offers to set her up with someone; when his coworkers find out it's Rachel and that she's not looking for a serious relationship, they all bribe 2 Chandler to set them up. Monica gets no respect at work; she hires Joey in order to fire him, so everyone will know who's boss; but Joey likes the tips, so he has a hard time going along with the plan. Phoebe works (and works and works) on a Christmas song for her friends. Ross takes a train to Poughkeepsie to break up, but falls asleep and ends up in Montreal... with a girl from Nova Scotia.
经典对白:4-10玩玩而已的fling故事梗概又一年的圣诞节快要到了,Rachel 很久没有“玩儿了”,她很想找个人玩儿; Chandler 说: there's some nice guys at my ottice ,do you wantme to set you up? 意思是“我们单位的几个小子都不错,要我给你安排 (介绍)吗?” set up 是 lay plang tor的意思. Rachel 先是质问 Chandler 为什么不早一点给她介绍,然后说,她不要干会计 (accountant)这一行的,也不要学法律的这些人的工作都太 boring。 Chandler 听了有点不高兴,因为他就是一个accountant。他反问 Rachel,那么 Ross 是干什么的?他是一个 lion tamer(驯兽师)吗?言下之意是,Ross 的职业其实也是很boring 的,但是你为什么还那么喜欢他?
Rachel: Patrick and I had such a great time last night! I mean I think this could maybe turn into something serious.
Chandler: Really?! I-I thought you weren't looking for something serious? I thought you were looking for some kind of a fling.
Rachel: Well, y'know, possibly. (pause) You didn't tell him that, though? Right?
Chandler: Ummmmmmmm, no.
Rachel: You told this guy that I was looking for a fling?! You don't tell the guy that!
Chandler: Why not?! I'd be thrilled if I heard that some hot girl was just looking to get---oh I see.
讲解Friends 中时常出现关于谈恋爱的表达,老友记这么流行不衰,究其原因,剧中涉及的故事人物都与亲情、友情、爱情有关,而这三者是人类永恒的主题,再加上笑声这一永恒的调味料,不火也难。
I'll ask her out.(我要约他。)I'm going out with Kevin.(我和凯文在约会。)He is dating her.(他在和她约会。)pick up a girl 或是 hit on a girl 有“追女生”的意思;go steady 是指“确定了男女朋友关系”。如果相处一段时间之后觉得很投缘,你就可以说:Let's go steady.当然也有的只是玩玩儿而已 (fling),不是认真的 (not serious about it)。fling 有 a brief sexual 3 or romantic relationship 或 a brief period of indulging 4 one's impulses 5的意思。


I really must fling out all these old newspapers.我真的该把这些旧报纸扔掉了。
It's good to fling off heavy clothing now that spring is here.春天到了,脱去笨重的冬装真让人高兴。

He tried to bribe the policeman not to arrest him.他企图贿赂警察不逮捕他。
He resolutely refused their bribe.他坚决不接受他们的贿赂。

He was a person of gross sexual appetites.他是个性欲旺盛的人。
It is socially irresponsible to refuse young people advice on sexual matters.拒绝向年轻人提供性方面的建议是对社会不负责任。

放纵( indulge的现在分词 ); 容许; 使(自己)沉溺于; 参加
The speaker played to the gallery by indulging in vulgar jokes. 为了哗众取宠,那位演讲者大讲特讲粗俗的笑话。
He did not agree with indulging children. 他反对纵容娇惯孩子。

凭冲动行事( impulse的名词复数 ); 突如其来的念头; 推动; 冲量
The photochemical reactions transform the light into electrical impulses. 光化学反应使光变为电脉冲。
His senses and reasons inhibited his wrong desires or impulses. 他的理智抑制了不正当的欲望或冲动。
- I really must fling out all these old newspapers.我真的该把这些旧报纸扔掉了。
- It's good to fling off heavy clothing now that spring is here.春天到了,脱去笨重的冬装真让人高兴。
- He tried to bribe the policeman not to arrest him.他企图贿赂警察不逮捕他。
- He resolutely refused their bribe.他坚决不接受他们的贿赂。
- He was a person of gross sexual appetites.他是个性欲旺盛的人。
- It is socially irresponsible to refuse young people advice on sexual matters.拒绝向年轻人提供性方面的建议是对社会不负责任。
- The speaker played to the gallery by indulging in vulgar jokes. 为了哗众取宠,那位演讲者大讲特讲粗俗的笑话。
- He did not agree with indulging children. 他反对纵容娇惯孩子。