时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:初来乍到第三季


   Can you believe it's almost Valentine's Day already? 你能相信居然已经快到情人节了吗

  Remember last Valentine's Day? 还记得去年情人节吗
  We spent it getting down and dirty on the kitchen table. 我们在餐厅桌子上做坏坏的事
  I can't wait to do that with you again this year. 我等不及今年跟你再来一次了
  Doing our taxes is the best way to spend the holiday. 报税真是情人节的最佳打开方式
  Say "Loophole." 说"漏洞"
  Loophole. 漏洞
  Let's just make sure no stray 1099 forms were mailed late 只要保证丢失的1099保税表没有邮寄晚
  so we can get started. 然后我们就可以开始了
  What is it? 这是什么
  Whatever it is, it scares me. 不管这是什么,我被它吓到了
  Go get the children. 去把孩子们叫来
  So, let me get this straight... 让我理清楚
  You found this unwrapped, uneaten pastrami sandwich 你们在邮箱里找到了这个没有包装,没有咬过的
  in your mailbox? 熏牛肉三明治
  Yes. 没错
  Just sitting there. 就放在那儿
  What could this mean, Officer Bryson? 这是什么意思,布赖森警官
  Is it a warning? A threat? 是警告吗,还是威胁
  The flag was up. They wanted us to find it. 邮箱的旗子是立起来的,他们想让我们找到它
  Who's "They"? 他们指的是谁
  We don't know! That's your job! 我们哪知道,这是你的工作
  No one does their job. 没有人是称职的
  No one just does a good job anymore. 现在没人尽心尽力工作了
  I just got a promotion 1, actually. 实际上,我刚升职了
  Anyway, mailbox sandwiches really aren't a police matter. 不管怎样,邮箱里的三明治这个案子不归警察管
  That's more of a Neighborhood Watch thing. 这件事应该归守望相助组织管
  But our neighborhood doesn't have one of those. 但是我们社区没有这种东西啊
  That sounds interesting, though. 但是听上去确实挺有趣的
  Watching your neighbors... That's very Jessica. 监视你的邻居,是我杰西卡的风格
  That's very Jessica. 确实是姐的风格
  Thank you, Officer Bryson. 谢谢你,布赖森警官
  Corporal Bryson. 是布赖森下士
  Okay, sirs, since I've become a bit of a perv this year, 好了,先生们,自从我今年有了点龌龊的小心思
  I think it's only fitting that I bring up 我觉得应该由我把
  this Friday's big dance for discussion. 星期五的舞会提上日程
  Wait, what dance? 等等,什么舞会
  Get your head out of the clouds, Dave! 醒醒吧,戴夫
  I swear to God. 真是没救了
  The Valentine's Day dance. 情人节舞会
  The Robin 2 Scouts 4 do it as a fundraiser 是知更鸟童子军举办的募捐活动
  for all the 8th-to 12th-graders 面向东奥兰多学区的
  in the East Orlando school district. 八年级到十二年级的全体学生
  I hope the Robin Scouts run a better dance 我希望知更鸟童子军办舞会的能力
  than an organization. 能比他们的组织力强点
  You guys are losers! 你们弱爆了
  No one likes you! They like the cookies! 没人喜欢你们,他们只是冲着饼干来的
  You guys have a flat management structure! 你们的管理结构太不立体了
  How do you make decisions?! 你们是怎么决策的
  My sister Cordette told me about it. 我姐姐科莱特跟我讲过
  Legend has it, it's where everyone makes out. 传说中,舞会是大家亲热的地方
  So you're saying this is our best shot 你的意思是这是我们出手的好机会
  at getting our first kiss before we start high school? 趁我们开启高中生活前拿下初吻
  Dave's awake, everyone. 戴夫觉醒了,各位
  Everyone, Dave's awake. 各位,戴夫终于觉醒了
  I remember my first kiss, back in '93. 回想起我的初吻,那是在93年
  '94? It's hard to remember. 还是在94年,年代久远记不清了
  I kissed lots of girls back in D.C. 在华盛顿的时候我可亲了不少妹子了
  I've never seen you kiss Alison. 我从没见你吻过艾莉森
  Oh, yeah. She and I haven't kissed yet. 对,我跟她还没有接过吻
  We're taking it slow, 我们打算慢慢来
  but I'm sure I'll lay a few on her at the dance. 不过我肯定舞会的时候我会给她点甜头的
  The only light is a disco ball and one floor lamp. 唯一的光线就是一个迪斯科球和一个落地灯
  There are dark, unsupervised slut pockets 那个犹太社区中心到处是
  all over that Jewish Community Center. 不受监视的阴暗角落
  Peter and I just wanted to thank everyone 彼得和我只想谢谢在座的各位
  for the generous welcome-to-the-neighborhood 给了我们这个"欢迎来到社区"的
  lawn frog decoration you gave us. 草坪青蛙摆设
  Frogs are my favorite animals... 青蛙是我最喜欢的动物
  After giraffes and elephants and monkeys. 就排在长颈鹿,大象和猴子之后
  Humans are low on the list. 人类的排名很低
  Okay, thank you, Peter. 好了,谢谢你,彼得
  We'll... put that in the notes. 我们会记下来的
  And it's our pleasure, Ann. 这是我们的荣幸,安
  Sorry it took so long to get to you, 抱歉花得时间有点长
  but not everyone pitched in their share on time. 但不是每个人都按时出了份子钱
  Thankfully, Evan stepped up 幸好,埃文站出来
  and covered our straggler's last $12. 帮我们垫付了最后的十二刀
  Let me guess... You still don't have it. 让我猜猜,你还是没带钱
  I forgot... again. 我又忘了
  I'm sorry, Evan. Next time, I promise. 对不起,埃文,下次一定带,我保证
  Mommy brain. 一孕傻三年
  Okay, well, if that's everything, then... 好吧,如果没有别的事了,那么
  Actually, I have a serious issue I would like to discuss. 实际上,我有一件很严肃的事想要讨论
  Our home was attacked. 我们家被袭击了
  Yes. That's right. 没错
  My husband and I went to check the mail, 我的丈夫和我去检查邮件
  and we found... 结果我们看到了
  a pastrami sandwich just sitting in our mailbox. 我们的邮箱里有一个熏牛肉三明治
  It was freaky. 吓死人了
  That is why I propose 所以我要提议
  that we start a Neighborhood Watch. 我们成立一个守望相助组织
  I know some of you may think I'm overreacting, 我知道你们有些人可能觉得我反应过度了
  like the police did, but I... 警察就是这么觉得的,但是我
  Like hell we do. 我们才不这么想呢
  I don't want a sandwich in my mailbox. 我可不想让一个三明治出现在我的邮箱里
  Who does? 谁想啊
  Really? 真的吗
  Oh, this is amazing. I have so many great ideas. 太棒了,我有好多好主意
  Fantastic. 完美
  We'll put it on the agenda for next week's HOA meeting. 我们要把这件事列上下周的业主协会的日程
  Thank you, Jessica. 谢谢你,杰西卡
  "Mommy brain"? 一孕傻三年
  I guess having a kid gives you permission 我猜生孩子能给你
  to disrespect people. 不尊重人的特赦了
  Evan, when you... Lend someone money,  埃文,当你,借别人钱的时候
  you have to be okay with never getting it back. 就要做好他们不还钱的心理准备
  I know, I know. 我知道,我知道
  Louis, hey, come look at the great ideas I have 路易斯,过来看看我为守望相助组织
  for the Neighborhood Watch. 想出的好主意
  Wow. Are those security cameras? Yes.  哇,那些是监控摄像机吗,没错
  I'm also proposing a volunteer nightly patrol shift 我还准备建议成立一个夜间志愿轮班巡逻队
  and an anonymous 5 tip line that will ring directly to me. 还有一个专门打给我的匿名热线
  "J. Huang. 我是黄大姐
  A bandit? 有强盗
  Use the Tasers I distributed. 用我发的电击枪
  Zap him in the area." 把他就地绳之以法
  Hmm. 嗯
  Grandma, you should really keep your money in the bank. 奶奶,你真的应该把你的钱存到银行里去
  It's not safe in the house. 放在房子里不安全
  Oh, Grandma. 哦,奶奶
  Dear, sweet Grandma. 亲爱的,天真的奶奶啊
  You have no idea what hell you hath unlocked. 你根本不知道你解锁了我什么样的阴暗面
  I even came up with a very clever name for it... 我甚至给它取了一个机智的名字
  "Neighborhood Watch Association"... N.W.A. 守望相助组织,就叫NWA
  How's that, now? Y'all talking Dre? 说什么呢,你们在说德瑞博士吗
  Neighborhood Watch. 是守望相助
  Oh. 哦
  I'd pick a new name, Mom. N.W.A. Is already a thing. 还是换个名字吧,妈妈,N.W.A(匪帮说唱团体)已经有别的说法了
  What's it stand for? 它代表的是什么(Niggaz Wit Attitude有观点的黑人)
  I can't say. 我不能说
  Trent! 特伦特
  Eddie. It's not a good time. 埃迪,现在不太方便
  Your mom's not a good time. Let me in. 去你的不方便,让我进去
  I need to borrow the group bottle of Polo cologne 我要借我们的团队古龙水
  for the dance. 为了舞会用
  I'm gonna pre-spray my clothes, so... 我要提前在衣服上喷好香水,这样
  Spa day... That's what's good. 水疗日,不错啊
  I'm really busy right now, Eddie. 我现在很忙,埃迪
  What's that? 那是什么
  Nothing! No, don't... 没什么,不,不要
  "Sparrow Scout 3 Handbook"? 麻雀童子军手册
  No... 不是
  What the hell, Trent?! 这是什么鬼,特伦特
  I thought you said you hated the Scouts. 我以为你说你讨厌童子军
  I only said that so no one would suspect 我那么说只是不想让人怀疑
  that I myself am a Scout. 我就是童子军一员
  Everybody makes fun of Sparrow Scouts, 所有人都取笑麻雀童子军
  and I've built a reputation as a cool person. 而且我辛辛苦苦建立了潮人的形象
  Why do you need the cologne, anyways? 话说回来,你为什么要用古龙水
  I thought you weren't nervous about the dance. 我以为你一点也不紧张舞会的事
  Since you're coming clean with secrets 鉴于你坦白了你的秘密
  and you're a Sparrow Scout, I can obviously trust you. 而且你是个麻雀童子军,我可以完全信任你
  I lied about kissing girls in D.C. 关于在华盛顿亲妹子的事我撒谎了
  I've never kissed a girl. 我从没有吻过妹子
  Hey, great! They did your idea! 嘿,太好了,他们实践了你的主意
  Yes... my idea. 是啊,我的主意
  I was gonna head it up. 我本打算做领头人
  And they said that we would discuss it 他们还说我们在下次
  at the next HOA meeting. 业主协会会议上讨论
  I'm sure this is all just a misunderstanding. 我肯定这次都是一场误会
  No way. I know exactly what's going on here. 没门,我知道这里发生了什么
  Those HOA ladies don't think 那些业主协会的女人们不同意
  I would be good at leading a Neighborhood Watch. 我可以很好地领导守望相助组织
  But I see everything. 但是我洞察了一切
  I'll show them I am amazing at finding things. 我要让她们看看我在找东西上的惊天技能
  There he is. 他在这里
  There he is. 他在这里
  There he is. 他在这里
  Candy cane 6, candy cane, candy cane... 拐棍糖,拐棍糖,拐棍糖
  There he is! 他在这里
  Hey, Jessica? Can I have a word? 嘿,杰西卡,我能说句话吗
  I think you're missing the point. 我觉得你重点错了
  Nobody doubts your ability to find Waldo. 没人质疑你寻找沃尔多的能力
  Thank you. 谢谢
  We don't want you involved in the Neighborhood Watch 我们不想让你参与守望相助的事
  because you're not a team player. 是因为你不是个团队协作者
  I can't believe that's why 我不敢相信这是
  they excluded me from the Neighborhood Watch. 他们把我从守望相助组织里踢出去的原因
  Who cares if I'm not a team player? 谁在乎我是不是团队协作者
  That cantaloupe is supposed to last all week. 那个哈密瓜是一个星期的量啊
  What's wrong with being a team leader? 做团队领头人有什么错吗
  Some people row, some people coxswain. 有人划桨,就得有人掌舵
  I just rented "Oxford 7 Blues 8." 我刚租了《牛津之恋》
  Best rowing movie I've seen in a while. 我近段时间以来看的最棒的划船电影
  Okay, I found a Monopoly hat piece, 好了,我找到了一个大富翁棋子的碎片
  Evan's diary, 埃文的日记
  and an R-rated pen in Dad's closet. 还在爸爸的衣柜里找到了一支十八禁的笔
  It's in Mom and Dad's room! 你的钱藏在妈妈和爸爸的房间吧
  I knew it! 我就知道
  Jessica, if you want to be a part of the Neighborhood Watch, 杰西卡,如果你想加入守望相助组织
  you're going to have to learn to be a team player. 你必须学习如何成为团队协作者
  Don't worry. I'll help you. 别担心,我会帮你的
  All right, talk to me, Eddie. 好吧,跟我说说,埃迪
  Why haven't you kissed a girl yet? 为什么你还没和女孩儿接过吻
  Well, the truth is... 好吧,事实是
  Ugh! What is this?! 呃,这是什么
  It's parve. My mom keeps kosher. 这是洁食的,我妈妈要遵守犹太教教规
  I thought you knew that. 我以为你知道的
  Well, the truth is, 好吧,事实是
  I've had this perfect image in my head about my first kiss 自从我看了《因果循环》后
  ever since I saw "Poetic 9 Justice," 我就在脑海中想象过我初吻的场景
  starring Tupac as Lucky and... 图帕克主演乐凯
  Janet Jackson as Justice. 珍妮·杰克逊演嘉丝蒂
  Yes, I know it well. 我知道这个
  Tupac and Janet share a tender kiss on the beach. 图帕克和珍妮在海滩上温柔地亲吻对方
  Right? It was bomb. 是吧,我的脑中轰得一声
  I know it's kind of dumb 我知道那有点儿愚蠢
  and it's not gonna be exactly like that, 而且接吻可能不会恰好像电影里那样
  but I'm waiting for the right moment. 但是我一直等待着合适的时机
  I love that. 我也想
  And the right moment is Valentine's Day. 合适的时机就是情人节
  You heard the guys... This is my best shot 你听到他们说的了,这就是我高中前
  to get my first kiss before 9th grade. 突破初吻的最佳时机
  I can't go into high school a kissing virgin 10! 我不能都高中了还是个接吻处男
  Eddie, relax. 埃迪,冷静
  Above all, Sparrow Scouts are loyal friends. 最主要的是,麻雀童子军是你忠实的朋友
  I'm gonna be your wingman. 我会当你的助攻的
  I know you and Alison as a couple. 我知道你和艾莉森是一对儿
  I guess you did spend last Valentine's Day with us. 好像上个情人节你就和我们一起过的
  At the Janet Jackson concert. 就在珍妮·杰克逊的音乐会上
  Full conversational 11 circle. 回到最初的话题上
  Don't worry. We're gonna get you kissed. 别担心,我们会帮你突破初吻的
  Now, we're both gonna cut our hands and join our blood 现在,让我们两个割掌为盟
  so we never forget this bond of shared secrets. 这样我们就会永远为彼此保守秘密
  I'm not doing that. 不要
  Okay, if you're going to be a team player, 好,如果你想要做一个团队协作者
  you have to learn how to deal with challenging teammates. 你得学习如何和难缠的团队成员相处
  So what do you do if someone disagrees with your idea? 所以,如果有人不同意你的观点,你会怎么做
  Well, why would they do that? 他们为什么会不同意
  Okay. Just pretend I'm the HOA. 好吧,假装我是业主协会
  Tell me an idea you have for the Neighborhood Watch. 告诉我一个关于社区监督的建议
  I think we should put up security cameras 我觉得我们应该在死胡同里
  in the cul-de-sac. 装上监控摄像头
  No, that's too expensive. 不行,那样太贵了
  We buy them wholesale 12 using funds from the October car wash! 我们可以拿十月洗车的基金批发
  Would I have suggested it if I hadn't already done the math? 如果我没做过计算,我还会提出这个建议吗
  We have work to do. 我们得好好训练了
  What do you do if someone suggests an idea 如果有人提出了一个比你的主意
  that's worse than yours? 还烂的主意,你怎么办
  I think we should start a volunteer nightly patrol. 我觉得我们应该搞一个夜间志愿巡逻
  Uh-huh. And who will tend to the children 嗯哼,那谁去照顾那些
  that get maimed in the streets, Jenny? 在外边受伤的小孩呢,詹妮
  What do you do if you suggest an idea, 如果你提出了一个建议
  then someone else suggests the same idea 然后别人提出了同样的建议
  and they get credit for it? 并且得了功劳,你怎么办
  I also think we should set up an anonymous tip line. 我认为我们还应该建立匿名举报热线
  I had an idea for your Neighborhood Watch. 关于守望相助,我有个想法
  What if you set up a phone number people can call 要是成立一个热线让大家
  to report suspicious activity in the neighborhood? 来举报社区的可疑活动怎么样
  That's my idea! 那是我的主意
  I mean, uh, maybe you can have the same idea as me... 我的意思,呃,也许你可以和我,或者说在我之后
  After me... 有同样的想法
  Because you're slower... 因为你脑子
  mentally. 转得慢
  And that is why surveillance cameras, 那就是监控摄像
  nightly patrol shifts, and an anonymous tip line 夜间换班巡逻,和匿名举报热线
  would increase security 会增强社区安全性
  and decrease mailbox sandwiches in our neighborhood. 降低邮箱三明治事件发生概率的原因
  We could also publish a newsletter 我们还可以做一个公开简报
  to update everyone on our progress. 刊登我们的进展
  My hair is red. 我的头发是红色的
  Great idea, Lisa. 好主意,丽莎
  Let's definitely do that. 让我们着手做吧
  You're ready. 你可以出师了
  It was really tough. 这真得很难
  We both said some things we didn't mean, and some we did. 我们都说了一些无心的话,还有些话是有心的
  But I refuse to call my divorce a failed marriage. 但是我拒绝管我的离婚叫失败的婚姻
  We made a beautiful child together, 我们有了一个漂亮的小孩儿
  and if that's not a success, I don't know what is. 如果这还不算成功,那我就不知道这算什么了
  So, I'm wondering if there's any childcare 所以,我想知道社区里有没有
  available in the neighborhood. 儿童看护中心
  I work two jobs, and I can't always be there 我打两份工,所以彼得回家的时候
  when Peter gets home from school. 我总是不在家
  I don't prefer to be touched. 我不喜欢有人碰我
  You know, I've thought about it, 我考虑过那件事了
  and it's okay if you don't pay me back the $12. 如果你不还我十二刀就算了
  What's important is that Ann and Peter 重要的是,安和彼得
  feel welcome in the neighborhood. 能在这个社区里感到温暖
  Mm-hmm. 嗯嗯
  Carol-Joan, are those new sandals? 卡罗尔·琼,这双凉鞋是新的吗
  Did you buy new sandals when you know you owe me $12? 你在知道欠我十二刀的情况下还买了新凉鞋吗
  I had your money, but I-I had to tip my colorist. 我准备还你的钱了,但是我得给我的染发师小费
  So, that's it for the HOA. 业主协会的事情就到这里了
  The Neighborhood Watch committee will be staying after 守望相助组织委员会请留步
  to discuss the success of the signs we put up. 我们来讨论竖立警示牌的成功
  So, Jessica, whenever you're ready 所以,杰西卡,你要是想
  to leave... 走
  Actually, I would like to stay. 实际上,我想要留下
  I have a couple of ideas 我有一些想法
  I would like to constructively 13 add 在你们已经很不错的想法上
  to all of your already-great ideas. 再增添一些建设性的意见
  Um... okay. 嗯,好吧
  So, I've done some research, 我做了一些调查
  and I think the Neighborhood Watch 我认为如果我们安装监控和
  could be even better if we add security cameras, 夜间巡逻
  a nightly patrol... 会更好
  Mm, yeah, we're not doing any of that. 嗯,我们不会做这个的
  Oh, well, just hear me out. 噢,就听我说完嘛
  It's just that there have been no new sandwiches in mailboxes, 没有人再在邮箱里放三明治
  so the signs seem to be working. 所以那些警示牌应该起作用了
  She worked really hard on these ideas. 她为了这些想法真的付出了很多努力
  If you'll just listen... You know what? Never mind.  如果你能听,你知道吗,算了
  Meeting is adjourned 14. 散会
  And to the saboteur who brought the cheesecake bars, 还有带来芝士蛋糕条的坏人
  you can take them with you. 把它们带走
  They'll be by the door. 就在门边
  You know I'm getting ready for bikini season. 你们知道我为了穿比基尼已经准备减肥了
  Forget it, Louis. 算了,路易斯
  They're never gonna let me be part of the Neighborhood Watch. 她们永远不会让我成为守望相助的一员的
  I'm gonna stop at 7-Eleven for a Chipwich. 我去便利店买个冰激凌
  I'll see you at home. 回家见
  I feel so bad for your mom. 我为你妈妈感到很难过
  She did such a good job learning to be a team player, 为了做一个团队协作者,她努力了很多
  but she wasn't rewarded for it. 但是并没有回报
  The set of eggs Carol-Joan has on her, 卡罗尔·琼好大的胆子
  to wear her brand-new sandals in front of me. 还敢在我面前穿着她的新凉鞋
  They kept saying "The signs are enough. 她们一直说"有警示牌就够了
  The signs are enough." 有警示牌就够了"
  Go to an ATM! 去ATM机啊
  Put on your new sandals and walk to an ATM! 穿上你的新凉鞋,去ATM机取钱啊
  Maybe they'd hear Jessica out 也许她们认为警示牌没用的时候
  if they thought the signs weren't enough. 才会听进去杰西卡的话
  I don't understand women with unpainted toenails. 我真是不理解那些不涂脚指甲油的女人
  Here you go. 给你
  I'm bugging 16 out. 我要溜了
  Don't bug 15 out. 别跑
  You'll take Alison to the roof of the building 你把艾莉森带去顶楼
  and use this telescope to show her 然后用这个望远镜给她看
  the star that you paid to name after her. 你花钱用她的名字命名的星星
  And then I'm gonna pop a "Kiss me" Sweetheart 然后我就放一首《吻我》
  and I'm gonna kiss her. 然后我就亲她
  Hey, Eddie. 嘿,埃迪
  Hey, Trent. 嘿,特伦特
  You guys ready to go inside? 你们准备好进去了吗
  We're ready. 准备好了
  Well, well, well. 啧啧啧
  Look who wants to come into our house. 看看是谁想要进我们的地盘
  Walk away, Scout hater. 走开,童子军黑粉
  No way any of you are coming into our dance. 你们谁也别想来我们的舞会
  And here's the thing about flat management structure... 还有,根据公寓管理章程
  If you come after one of us, you get all of us. 如果你跟着我们其中任何一个人,你就完蛋了
  Mm-hmm. 嗯哼
  Oh, my God. 噢我的天
  Corporal Bryson, what happened? 布赖森警官,发生什么了
  Sad day, Louis. 倒霉的一天,路易斯
  It appears someone stole Ann's ceramic 17 lawn frog. 似乎是有人偷了安的草坪陶瓷青蛙摆件
  This seems a little excessive for a stolen yard decoration. 偷个庭院装饰警察都来了似乎有点儿过了吧
  It was also a hide-a-key for her latchkey son, Peter. 那个装饰也是藏她留给儿子彼得的大门钥匙的地方
  He's missing. 彼得不见了
  Something horrible happened. 悲剧发生了
  Ann's son, Peter, is missing. 安的儿子彼得失踪了
  What?! 什么
  Why can't these white people keep track of their kids? 这些白人怎么不看好他们的孩子
  Every time we look at a milk carton, 每次我们看到一盒牛奶
  we have to see their failures. 都能感受到他们的失败
  Okay. Let's go to the tapes. 我们去看看录像
  You put up an unsanctioned security camera? 你偷偷装了一个监控摄像机吗
  I thought you learned how to be a team player. 我以为你学会做团队协作者了
  I did. 我会了呀
  But if the team doesn't go along with what you want, 但是如果整个团队都不同意你的想法
  you got to do your own thing. 那你只能自己行动了
  Okay, so, the Robin Scouts won't let us in the dance. 知更鸟童子军不让我们进去跳舞
  Feels dramatic, but sure. 感觉很戏剧化,但毫无意外
  Here's the new plan... 我有个新计划
  I know a burger place down the street 我知道街边有一家汉堡店
  that lets you dictate 18 the number of straws you get. 能让你自己决定拿多少根吸管
  We go there, you and Alison get two straws, 我们到那去,你和艾莉森拿两根吸管
  and you share a romantic milkshake. 你们就可以浪漫共享一杯奶昔
  Yeah, yeah, that's good! 听起来不错
  And I still have the Sweethearts. 我还是可以和亲爱的在一块
  This night can still be perfect. 这个夜晚也一定会很美妙
  Now, we're both gonna cut our hands and join our blood... 现在,让我们两个割掌为盟
  Dude, stop. 兄弟,别说了
  I found it. I found your money. 我找到你藏的钱了
  It was in Evan's underwear drawer. 在埃文的内衣抽屉里
  The camera was recording 19 the whole day 彼得失踪的那一整天
  that Peter went missing. 摄像机都在录像
  I stole the lawn frog. 我偷了那个草坪上的青蛙
  What? 什么
  I thought that if something went missing, 我以为丢了点东西
  the Neighborhood Watch would see their signs weren't enough 守望相助组织就会发现他们的标志根本不够用
  and listen to your great ideas. 她们就会接受你的主意了
  But I didn't mean for the thing that went missing 但我从没想到失踪的竟然
  to be a child. 是个孩子
  You got a child kidnapped? 你居然导致一个小孩被绑架了
  That is the sweetest thing you've ever done for me. 这是你为我做过最贴心的事了
  You're not mad? No.  你不生气吗,不生气
  You really want me to have the things I want in life. 你总是希望我能得偿所愿
  And you'll do whatever you have to to help me get them. 而你也会想尽办法替我实现
  I'm never gonna be mad at you for that. 我怎么会生你的气
  Now let's see what happened to that little snowball. 让我们看看那个小雪球到底怎么了
  Marvin? 那不是马文吗
  Look. 快看
  Hey, sweetie! 亲爱的
  Mwah! Mwah! 么么哒
  I did it. 是我做的
  I put the sandwich in your mailbox. 是我把三明治放进你们信箱的
  Why would you do that? 你为啥要这么做
  Well, I went to the doctor last week, 我上周去看了医生
  and she told me that I had high blood pressure. 她说我有高血压
  Now I have to sneak 20 my sandwiches 我现在得偷偷吃三明治
  'cause Honey won't let me eat cured meats anymore. 因为哈妮不让我吃熏肉了
  But she keeps popping up out of nowhere, 但她总是不知道从哪突然冒出来
  like a sexy jack-in-the-box. 就像玩偶盒里的性感玩偶一样
  I can't believe this. 太难以置信了
  I know... 我明白
  A lady doctor. 一个女医生
  Oh, she's good, though. She's not half bad. 不过她很棒,她半点错都没犯
  I'm sorry... Why are we solving the sandwich case 抱歉,不过为什么我们要在有孩子走失的情况下
  when there's a child missing? 来解决三明治案件呢
  Marvin, did you see Peter when you were outside 马文,你在外面偷偷吃三明治的时候
  eating your sneaky sandwich? 看见过彼得吗
  I did. 看见了
  He asked me where he could get a new house key, 他问我哪里能买到一个新的钥匙
  and I told him there was a locksmith at the mall. 我告诉他商场里有一个锁匠
  So he couldn't find his key 所以他找不到钥匙了
  and thought he could go to the mall and get one made? 认为自己可以去商场买一把新的
  And you just let him go by himself? 那你就让他自己去了
  Well, the boy's 17 years old. He can go where he pleases. 这男孩都十七岁了,他想去哪都行,他开心就好
  He's 10. 他才十岁
  Oh. 哦
  We'll never find Peter here. 这么多人我们找不到彼得的
  Jessica, there's no way... There he is!  杰西卡,找不到的,他在那
  Huh. 哈啊
  You look really pretty, Alison. I like your hair like that. 艾莉森,你真好看,我喜欢你的头发
  Thanks. It's the same way I always wear it. 谢谢,我一直这样
  Even though we didn't get to go to the dance, 即使我们不能去跳舞
  this has been a really great Valentine's Day, Eddie. 这也是一个非常棒的情人节,埃迪
  I'm glad you said that. 你这么认为真好
  Eddie? Are you okay? 埃迪,你还好吗
  Oh, no. 哦,不
  Time to make the Boys In Beige proud! 是时候让童子军以我为荣了
  What are you doing, Trent?! 特伦特,你在干嘛
  It's okay! I earned a badge for this! 没问题的,我因为这个还得过徽章
  Now get back, Olsen! 后退一点,奥尔森
  I got you, buddy 21. 有我在,兄弟
  Unh-unh. 啊
  It's always just the three of us on Valentine's Day, huh? 每次情人节都是我们三个,对吧
  I can't thank you enough. 真是太感谢你们了
  Of course. We're happy to help. 没关系,很开心能帮到你
  I just hope they find that monster 我真希望他们能找到那个
  who stole our hide-a-key frog. 偷藏钥匙青蛙的坏蛋
  Yep, no problem. Good thing you have a Neighborhood Watch. 没问题的,庆幸的是有守望相助组织的存在
  Bye. 再见
  Let's not tell Daddy about this, okay, sweetums? 别告诉老爸这件事了,好吗,宝贝
  Okay. I won't tell Tanya, either. 好,我也不会告诉坦尼娅的
  Tanya? 坦尼娅
  Who the hell's Tanya? 坦尼娅是谁
  You were really amazing today. 你今天真是太棒了
  We never would've found Peter without you. 多亏了你我们才能找到彼得
  Those neighborhood ladies may not think you're a team player, 隔壁那些女人可能认为你不是一个团队协作者
  but I'd pick you for my team every time. 但每次我的队伍里都有你
  It's nice being on a team with you, too. 和你在一起真好
  If you didn't screw things up so bad, 如果你不把事情搞砸
  I wouldn't look so good fixing them. 我也不会帅气地解决它们
  Hey, this wasn't all my fault. 这可不全是我的问题
  Peter thinks he can buy a key to his house at the mall. 彼得觉得他能去商场里买一把家里钥匙
  And how about Marvin? 马文怎么了
  Why doesn't he eat all the sandwiches he wants 为什么他不能在上班的时候
  when he's at work? 吃三明治
  We are the only smart people in this neighborhood. 我们是这小区里唯一聪明的人了
  Mm. 同意
  I'm sorry about tonight. 今晚真抱歉
  I really wanted it to be special. 我真的想让它成为一个特殊的夜晚
  Well, the night's not over. 夜晚还没有结束
  Hey, Alison! 嗨,艾莉森
  How are my sloppy 22 seconds? 捡破鞋的滋味怎么样
  Well, hey, there, big door answerer. 嗨,小门童
  We're here to see your mom. 我们找你的妈妈
  Sure... If you pay the toll 23. 好,付一下通行费
  It's $12. 十二刀
  I'll get your change... 我去给你找零
  Eventually. 终于
  Deidre. CJ. 迪雅卓,卡罗尔·琼
  Hey, Jessica. 嗨,杰西卡
  So, we heard about how you found Peter. 我们听说你找到了彼得
  We just want to say we are so sorry 想来说一声抱歉
  that we did not listen to all your great ideas. 我们没有接受你的好主意
  You obviously know what you're doing. 你很清楚你在做什么
  So we wanted to invite you 所以我们想要请你
  to head up the Neighborhood Watch. 来领导守望相助组织
  Your committee, your rules. 你组织委员会,你制定规则
  Really? 真的吗
  Wow. I would love that. 太好了,我愿意
  Thank you. 谢谢你们
  You're both fired. 你们被开除了
  What? 什么
  A kid went missing on your watch. 你们监管的时候有一个小孩失踪了
  Clearly, I am the only person I can count on around here. 很明显我是唯一能靠得住的人
  Security will escort you out. 安全与你们同在
  Has anyone seen my HOA money box? 你们有人看到业主协会的存钱箱了吗
  It's not in my underwear drawer, where I left it. 我把它放在我内衣抽屉了,现在找不到了
  Evan! 埃文
  You. 是你

1 promotion
  • The teacher conferred with the principal about Dick's promotion.教师与校长商谈了迪克的升级问题。
  • The clerk was given a promotion and an increase in salary.那个职员升了级,加了薪。
2 robin
  • The robin is the messenger of spring.知更鸟是报春的使者。
  • We knew spring was coming as we had seen a robin.我们看见了一只知更鸟,知道春天要到了。
3 scout
  • He was mistaken for an enemy scout and badly wounded.他被误认为是敌人的侦察兵,受了重伤。
  • The scout made a stealthy approach to the enemy position.侦察兵偷偷地靠近敌军阵地。
4 scouts
侦察员[机,舰]( scout的名词复数 ); 童子军; 搜索; 童子军成员
  • to join the Scouts 参加童子军
  • The scouts paired off and began to patrol the area. 巡逻人员两个一组,然后开始巡逻这个地区。
5 anonymous
  • Sending anonymous letters is a cowardly act.寄匿名信是懦夫的行为。
  • The author wishes to remain anonymous.作者希望姓名不公开。
6 cane
  • This sugar cane is quite a sweet and juicy.这甘蔗既甜又多汁。
  • English schoolmasters used to cane the boys as a punishment.英国小学老师过去常用教鞭打男学生作为惩罚。
7 Oxford
  • At present he has become a Professor of Chemistry at Oxford.他现在已是牛津大学的化学教授了。
  • This is where the road to Oxford joins the road to London.这是去牛津的路与去伦敦的路的汇合处。
8 blues
  • She was in the back of a smoky bar singing the blues.她在烟雾弥漫的酒吧深处唱着布鲁斯歌曲。
  • He was in the blues on account of his failure in business.他因事业失败而意志消沉。
9 poetic
  • His poetic idiom is stamped with expressions describing group feeling and thought.他的诗中的措辞往往带有描写群体感情和思想的印记。
  • His poetic novels have gone through three different historical stages.他的诗情小说创作经历了三个不同的历史阶段。
10 virgin
  • Have you ever been to a virgin forest?你去过原始森林吗?
  • There are vast expanses of virgin land in the remote regions.在边远地区有大片大片未开垦的土地。
11 conversational
  • The article is written in a conversational style.该文是以对话的形式写成的。
  • She values herself on her conversational powers.她常夸耀自己的能言善辩。
12 wholesale
  • The retail dealer buys at wholesale and sells at retail.零售商批发购进货物,以零售价卖出。
  • Such shoes usually wholesale for much less.这种鞋批发出售通常要便宜得多。
13 constructively
  • Collecting, by occupying spare time so constructively, makes a person contented, with no time for boredom. 如此富有意义地利用业余时间来进行收藏,会使人怡然自得,无暇烦恼。
  • The HKSAR will continue to participate constructively in these activities. 香港会继续积极参与这些活动。
14 adjourned
(使)休会, (使)休庭( adjourn的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The court adjourned for lunch. 午餐时间法庭休庭。
  • The trial was adjourned following the presentation of new evidence to the court. 新证据呈到庭上后,审讯就宣告暂停。
15 bug
  • There is a bug in the system.系统出了故障。
  • The bird caught a bug on the fly.那鸟在飞行中捉住了一只昆虫。
16 bugging
[法] 窃听
  • Okay, then let's get the show on the road and I'll stop bugging you. 好,那么让我们开始动起来,我将不再惹你生气。 来自辞典例句
  • Go fly a kite and stop bugging me. 走开,别烦我。 来自英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语
17 ceramic
  • The order for ceramic tiles has been booked in.瓷砖的订单已登记下来了。
  • Some ceramic works of art are shown in this exhibition.这次展览会上展出了一些陶瓷艺术品。
18 dictate
  • It took him a long time to dictate this letter.口述这封信花了他很长时间。
  • What right have you to dictate to others?你有什么资格向别人发号施令?
19 recording
  • How long will the recording of the song take?录下这首歌得花多少时间?
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
20 sneak
  • He raised his spear and sneak forward.他提起长矛悄悄地前进。
  • I saw him sneak away from us.我看见他悄悄地从我们身边走开。
21 buddy
  • Calm down,buddy.What's the trouble?压压气,老兄。有什么麻烦吗?
  • Get out of my way,buddy!别挡道了,你这家伙!
22 sloppy
  • If you do such sloppy work again,I promise I'll fail you.要是下次作业你再马马虎虎,我话说在头里,可要给你打不及格了。
  • Mother constantly picked at him for being sloppy.母亲不断地批评他懒散。
23 toll
  • The hailstone took a heavy toll of the crops in our village last night.昨晚那场冰雹损坏了我们村的庄稼。
  • The war took a heavy toll of human life.这次战争夺去了许多人的生命。
标签: 初来乍到
acia interface signals
Admiralty Tide Tables
asphalt concrete flooring
ball player
bambusa pachinensis hay.var.hirsutissima(oldham) lin
barkewol el abiod
besetting sin
brake stop
bystrice nad pernstejnem
carrier type
chamber barrister
Chilean pines
Cho Lon
chrysemys nelsoni
clearance groove
closed ideal
clovia conifera
combe saint nicholas
courier servis
creeping spike rush
cutter offset
denied area
die down
Dyson trees
endless wire
executive channel program
fibrous skeleton of heart
friendly soil
harmonics distortion analyzer
honey presser
hot-air balloons
in many instances
interuterine infection
inverse reactor period
ischemic necrosis of femoral head
ketostearic acid
last in first out method
lese majeste
magnetic entropy
manual feedback control system
Mara, Laem
metzler paradox
Microsoft Project
MiG-25, MIG-25
ndyag laser
nominal margin
normal point
open free area
origination fees
p-type semiconducting oxide
performance characterization
phase something in
pool of labour power
reverse osmosis pressure concentration
San Benito, R.
sensorineural hearing losses
sight see
snow devil
standard condenser
syngamic sex determination
talk on
tetradecenic acid
transfer home the profits
uniformly most powerful invariant