时间:2018-12-29 作者:英语课 分类:初来乍到第三季


   We are now arriving in Taipei, Taiwan. 我们现在已经抵达了台湾的台北

  Purpose of your visit? 来访目的
  Oh, it's a long story. 噢,说来话长啊
  Basically, I've come to reconcile 1 with my brother. 简单来说我是来和我弟弟和好的
  See, our father could only send one of us to America, 我爸爸当年只能在我们俩当中选一个送去美国
  and it was me. 而我就是被挑中的那个
  But Gene 2 said he was over it when he came to Orlando, 但是金恩来奥尔兰多时,说他已经既往不咎了
  and asked me to be best man at his wedding. 并且邀请了我作为他的伴郎
  Turns out, he wasn't over it, we got into a big fight, 但是事实证明他才没有放下过去,我们大打出手
  and he left me a note disinviting me, 然后他给我留了一张纸条说取消邀请我去他的婚礼
  and stole our mother in the middle of the night instead. 然后半夜把我妈给拐走了
  So even though I am not the one at fault, 即使我不是那个做错的人
  I've come to set an example for my boys 我还是来了,为了给我儿子们做个好榜样
  and show them I'm the bigger man by burying the hatchet 3. 告诉他们我才是那个宽容大度的人
  I'll just write down you're visiting relatives. 我就写探望亲戚吧
  I'm here on business. 我是因为公事来的
  I need to get $200 back 我要拿回我
  from my brother-in-law who wronged me. 小叔子骗走的两百刀
  Great. We can just check that box. 很好,直接勾选那一栏就行了
  You have a box for that? 你们还为这个专门设了一栏
  I'm home. 我到家了
  Man, it's hot. Like a wet hot. 热死了,湿热湿热的
  Like the bathroom after Grandma takes a shower. 就像是奶奶洗完澡的浴室
  I regret wearing jean shorts. 我都后悔穿了短裤
  Thick... it's a thick fabric 4. 就像是穿了很厚的针织衫一样
  Jessica, your suitcase is so light. 杰西卡,你的箱子好轻啊
  That's because it's empty. I'm buying everything 因为它就是空的呀,我要在夜市里
  we need for the year at the night market... 买到一整年所需要的东西
  Back-to-school clothes, Christmas presents. 回校穿的衣服,圣诞节礼物
  I packed only the essentials. 我就打包了必需品
  Evan, you don't need that. 埃文,你不需要这个
  According to these pamphlets 5, I do. 小册子上写了我需要
  I went to our local AAA. 我去了当地的亚洲友谊协会
  These are things every tourist should know 这些是来台湾旅游的每个游客
  when visiting Taiwan. 都该知道的
  You're a member of AAA? 你加入了亚洲友谊协会
  I don't understand the question. 怎么了
  You're not tourists. You're home. 你不是游客,这是你家
  But we've never been here. 但是我们从来没来过这儿
  Doesn't matter. This is still your home. 那有什么关系,这里依旧是你家
  I'm so excited, I didn't sleep at all on the plane. 我太激动了,飞机上都没睡着
  I've got something for that. 我早有准备
  How are you at swallowing caplets? 你会吃口服胶囊吗
  Yo, my man, we need two stops. 嘿,先生,我们要停两个地方
  Dad, how do you say, "Yo, my man, we need two stops," 爸爸,“嘿,先生,我们要停两个地方”
  in Mandarin 6? 用中文怎么说
  Why do you need to make two stops? 你为什么要途径两个目的地
  I have to find a fax machine on our way to Uncle Gene's 我要在去金恩叔叔家的路上找一个传真机
  so I can fax Alison. 这样我就可以和艾莉森发传真了
  She's going to the Kinko's 她每天都会去她爸爸单位
  near her dad's workplace every day. 附近的金考快印公司
  We're not stopping so you can fax your girlfriend. 我们是不会因为你要给你女朋友发传真而停下来的
  But what if we drift apart? 万一我们因此疏远了怎么办
  We're only gone a week. 我们只离开一个礼拜
  Trust me. Nothing's going to change. 相信我吧,你们的爱坚贞不渝
  Here. Baby Dramamine. 给,晕车药
  Don't take while operating heavy homework. 别在作业很多的时候吃
  It doesn't say that. 虽然说明书上可没这么写
  Hi, Big Auntie. 嗨,阿姨
  Boys, this is your big auntie. 孩子们,这是你们的姨婆
  Hello, boys. 孩子们好
  $4 million! 四百万
  I learned English from Oda Mae Brown in "Ghost." 我跟着《人鬼情未了》里的灵媒学的英语
  Best quality movie. Mm.  最好看的电影,恩
  Come in, come in. 进来吧,进来吧
  That's Big Uncle Otis. 这是姨公奥迪斯
  And my daughter Little Auntie. 我女儿小姨
  And her husband Uncle. 和她的老公,叫姨丈吧
  And their son... Wei. 他们的儿子,伟
  Please call me by the English name I've chosen... 叫我英文名
  Hennessy, because I'm smooth and always in the club. 轩尼诗,因为我性格温和又喜欢泡俱乐部
  You're the first cousin I've ever met that I've liked. 你是第一个让我喜欢的表亲
  What kind of rap 7 music are you into? 你喜欢什么样的饶舌音乐
  With a name like Hennessy, it's got to be the hard stuff. 起着轩尼诗这样的名字,喜欢的东西一定很烈
  I like Richard Marx. 我喜欢理查德·马克斯
  And there it go. 噢好吧
  Right away. 马上就发现了
  Uh where's Gene? 金恩在哪儿
  Oh, at the wedding location, 在婚礼场地那儿
  attending to last-minute details. 斟酌一些细节
  So, Big Auntie, you're Grandma's younger sister? 那么,姨婆,你是奶奶的妹妹吗
  Mm. And she's still bossing me around. 是的,她到现在还到处指使我呢
  Emery, you're so handsome. 埃默里,你真帅
  Thanks, but what I find most important is inner beauty. 谢谢,但是更重要的是心灵美
  Mm-hmm. At the wedding reception, 嗯哼,喝喜酒的时候
  I'll introduce you to my boss's daughter... 我会把你介绍给我老板的女儿
  Perfect match. 天生一对
  I like your school uniform, Hennessy. 我喜欢你的校服,轩尼诗
  It's funny because it's so close to my normal aesthetic 8, 有趣的还是,它太接近我正常的审美了
  but why are you wearing it? What do you mean?  但是你为什么现在穿着校服,什么意思
  It's summer... Summer vacation. 现在是暑假啊
  I have no summer break. I have year-round school. 我没有暑假,我念的学校是全年制的
  It's like they read my wish journal. 就像是他们读了我的许愿日记一样
  Can I borrow your car, Big Auntie. 可以借你的车用一下吗,阿姨
  I have to go find Gene. 我要去找金恩
  Where is he getting married? 他在哪儿结婚
  The park? 公园
  The old cigarette factory? 还是老烟场
  Oh! This is where he's getting married? 噢,这就是他结婚的地方
  Ooh, peacocks 9. 噢,孔雀
  "Built in 1973 to house visiting dignitaries, " 建于1973年,为达官显贵来访所建
  "The Grand Hotel has hosted such luminaries 10 大饭店已经接待了数位名人
  "As the Shah of Iran, Richard Nixon, 例如伊朗国王和理查德·尼克松
  "And Linda Ronstadt 连琳达·朗丝黛
  "During her famous 'Heart Like a Wheel' tour." Mm. 也在着名的《心如车轮》巡演期间来过大饭店,恩
  I'm getting married here. 我要在这儿结婚
  Didn't you see the electronic scroll 11? 你难道没看见电子滚动屏吗
  I know. That's why we flew halfway 12 across the world. 我知道,那就是为什么我们飞了大半个地球来到这里
  Big deal! 说得好像是什么大事一样
  Probably had a bunch of miles and flew standby. 一定是买了余票吧
  Couldn't use them. 要是有就好了
  Blackout dates. Had to pay full price. 不适用期,付的全价
  So you had some layovers, then? 转机了吧
  Detroit? Tokyo? 底特律,东京
  We flew direct. 直飞
  Economy? Plus. 经济舱,豪华经济舱
  Even paid $4.99 for headphones. 还付了4.99刀的耳机钱
  What was the in-flight movie? 飞行途中放的电影是什么
  "The Truth About Cats and Dogs." 《爱情叩应》
  You spent so much. So much! 你花了好多钱,好多
  Let's finally put the past behind us, brother. 让我们把往事抛之脑后吧,哥哥
  I'm honored to have you as my best man. 我很荣幸地邀请你做我的伴郎
  Well, I'm glad we came. 我很高兴我们来了
  What a great moment. We're all so happy. 真是美好的时刻啊,我们都很开心
  Oh, there is so much to tell you. 我有好多事要告诉你
  Tomorrow, the whole wedding party 明天,整个婚礼派对
  is taking pictures in 都会合照
  I'm sorry. Uh, that's my wallet. 不好意思,那是我的钱包
  You owe me $200. 你欠我200刀
  Oh, that's a lot more than $200. 那可不止200刀啊
  Give up the dance, Gene. The song is over. 别挣扎了,金恩,都曲终人散了
  Hello. Hi.  你好,你好
  Where's your business center? I need to send a fax. 你们的商务中心在哪儿,我想要发一份传真
  Unfortunately, no children are allowed in the business center. 很不幸,小孩不准进入商务中心
  How about now? 现在可以了吗
  This is three U.S. Dollars. 这是三美金
  So, is that a lot to you... 这对你来说,这钱是多
  or not a lot? 还是少
  Really impressive, Gene. 很厉害啊,金恩
  How did you swing it? 你怎么办到的
  Oh, Margaret's cousin knows a manager, 玛格丽特的表亲认识一个经理
  so we got a deal. 然后我们就谈了个好价钱
  So, uh, where's this Margaret I've heard so much about? 那个我耳熟能详的玛格丽特在哪儿呢
  She's working at the temple. 她在寺庙工作着
  Ohh. Her wages are God's love. 噢,她的薪水是神明爱的甘露
  Cut! 停
  Can you tell the bear that I need more mischief 13? 你能和那只熊说我需要它再调皮一点吗
  I will tell him again. 我会再和他说说
  Oh, there she is. 噢,就是她
  That's my Margaret. 我的玛格丽特
  Oh, oh. 噢,噢
  So nice to meet you, Margaret. 很高兴见到你,玛格丽特
  You're very strong. Oh, no, no, no, no, no.  你真壮实,噢,不是不是
  This is Margaret, my fiance. Oh, babe.  这才是玛格丽特,我的未婚妻,噢,宝贝
  Mm. Hi, Louis.  木啊,嗨,路易斯
  It's an honor. 很荣幸见到你
  I've heard so much about you. Ohh. 我总是听他提起你,噢
  No, no, no, no, no. 不可能,不可能
  This is your fiance? Mm-hmm.  这是你的未婚妻,嗯哼
  No! No, no. 不,不可能
  Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 真的,真的
  You love him? 你会爱他
  Mm-hmm. 嗯哼
  No, no, no, no! 不可能,不可能
  No! 不可能
  I forgot how relaxing it is 我都忘了在亚洲人的环绕中
  being around all Asian people. 感觉是多么放松
  You don't feel like a foreigner. 不再觉得自己是个外国人
  You blend in with everyone around you. 能够融入周围的人
  Who are you? Evan! 你是谁?埃文
  You know what? 你知道吗
  It would be okay if you were lost here, Evan. 你在这里走丢了我也不担心,埃文
  There are no pedophiles in Taiwan. 台湾没有恋童癖
  People are too busy getting things done 这里的人都忙着做自己的事
  to have time for any hobbies. 没空养成那些乱七八糟的爱好
  Mom, are we almost there yet? I'm starving. 妈妈,我们到了没,我饿死了
  Yes, we are almost there. 快到了
  I'm so excited to take you to my favorite place. 我很兴奋能带你们去我最喜欢的地方
  They only serve swordfish soup. 他们只卖剑鱼汤
  But it's 1,000 degrees out. 但现在都要热炸了
  So the soup will cool you off. 喝汤能让你凉下来
  According to my pamphlets, it's prime biting hour. 我的小册子上说,现在是最多蚊虫叮咬的时候
  And according to Emery's face. 而且你看埃默里的脸
  I guess I just have sweet blood. 我想是我的血比较鲜甜
  Okay, no sweet blood, no pamphlets, no complaining. 好了,别说什么血啊,小册子的,也别抱怨了
  You guys need to toughen up. 你们需要坚强点
  Stop being soft American eggs and start being 别当美国的溏心蛋,要当台湾的
  thousand-year-old Taiwanese eggs. 陈年皮蛋
  Ah, here we are. 啊,我们到了
  Oh. 噢
  See, it's so nice to be someplace where you have history. 看吧,回到熟悉的地方感觉真好
  What was that?! I heard a reference 14 to Mickey D's! 他说什么,我听到了麦当劳
  Nuggets! 鸡块
  May I use your pen? 我能用你的笔吗
  Yeah, well, so, Margaret does a lot of commercials, 所以,玛格丽特拍了很多广告
  a ton of print work. 也印了很多宣传照
  And I'm also the voice of Little Tum-Tum 我还是动画片《糖糖来啦》里
  in the cartoon "Here Comes Tum-Tum." 小糖糖的配音演员
  Mm. I don't know what that is.  嗯,我不知道那是什么
  But I can tell you right now, I love it. 但我现在就可以告诉你,我爱死了
  Aren't they sweet? 他们真甜
  I haven't seen a couple this in love 除了茉莉和萨姆的爱情故事
  since Molly and Sam. 我还没见过这么恩爱的情侣
  You know, from... 你知道的,来自那部
  From "Ghost." We know. 《人鬼情未了》我们知道
  So, you... love him? 所以,你真的爱他
  From the first moment I saw him in the acting 15 class. 从表演课上我见到他的那一刻起
  We had to act out a scene where we hated each other. 我们要扮演互相讨厌对方的情景
  We couldn't do it. 我们做不到
  You boys must be starving. 你们这些孩子肯定饿坏了
  We heard about your failure today at the soup place, Jessica. 我们听说你在鱼汤店碰壁的事了,杰西卡
  Everyone knows Mr. Deng. 大家都认识邓先生
  Well... 好吧
  I guess it's gotten more gossipy 17 around here. 我想这里的八卦传得更快些
  It was fine. 没事的
  We had a great lunch at another place. 我们在别的地方吃得很好
  McDonald's. We had McRibs. 麦当劳,我们吃了鸡肋
  You had Taiwanese McRibs. 你们吃的台湾式鸡肋
  I'm gonna write another fax to Alison. 我要再给艾莉森发传真
  She hasn't heard from me in two days. 她两天没我消息了
  Eddie, I told you, nothing's gonna happen while we're gone. 埃迪,我告诉过你,我们离开期间不会有事发生的
  Mom, every day Alison goes to Kinko's 妈妈,艾莉森每天去金考公司
  and there's no fax waiting for her is a bad day. 却每天都等不到传真,这样很糟糕
  Because you know what is waiting for her? 你知道是什么在等着她吗
  Hmm? The dude that works there,  什么,在那里工作的家伙
  sliding in on my girl 趁着她空虚之时
  with open arms and a shiny name tag, 张开大大的怀抱,戴着闪亮亮的名牌
  creeping on her loneliness. 霸占着我的女朋友
  Those guys clean up. 那些家伙跟龙卷风似的
  That's why you work at Kinko's in the first place. 所以你才会在金考公司工作
  Because you're shady 18. 因为你见不得人
  "Oh, your boyfriend hasn't faxed you? " 噢,你男朋友还没给你传真吗"
  "I'll fax you every hour. I'll fax you right now. " 我随时可以给你发传真,我现在就能给你发噢"
  "To... Sad Pretty Girl, Sorry you have a bad boyfriend. " 致悲伤的漂亮女孩,很抱歉你男朋友是个渣男
  "From... Dwayne, who cares. 道恩某某某,上
  "Total number of pages, including this one... one."  总页数,1
  Well... Okay, mm.  额,好了
  We better get home. 我们得回家了
  Yeah, well, tomorrow's picture day. 明天要拍婚纱照
  We got to look our best. 我们要美美的
  Wait. "Get home"? 等等,回家?
  Yeah, we live upstairs. Oh. 是啊,我们住在楼上,噢
  This is your apartment? No. 这就是你的公寓,不可能
  Yo, it's way nicer than our house. 哟,比我们家好看多了
  This is like Shaq-level nice. 这简直是大鲨鱼级别的赞啊
  Brand-new floors, vaulted 19 ceilings, 崭新的地板,拱形的天花板
  wrap-around windows. 落地窗
  Toilet style? Western.  厕所款式,西式
  Yeah, Margaret and I bought it 玛格丽特和我买了下来
  and gave the downstairs apartment to Big Auntie. 然后把楼下那层给了阿姨
  Yeah, we got a good deal. Her aunt knows a guy. 是啊,我们谈到个好价钱,她阿姨认识人
  Dad, are we poor? 爸爸,我们家很穷吗
  What?! 什么
  No, of course not. 当然不是
  American middle class is like Taiwan rich, so... 美国中产阶级就等于台湾富人阶级
  I'd rather be Taiwan rich. 我宁愿当台湾富人阶级
  Okay, everyone. 好了,大家
  Time to write your good-luck wishes to the happy couple 是时候把你们对新人的祝福写到
  on paper lanterns and send them into the sky. 孔明灯上,然后送上天
  Aww. 嗷
  "Wishing you a lifetime of only misery 20, " 祝你一辈子痛苦
  "You ass 16 pimple 21." 你个痔疮"
  What?! Don't send that up! I'm sending it up!  什么,不许送上去,我要送上去
  No, do not send that to heaven! 不可以送上天去
  You want Grandma to read that? 你想奶奶看到吗
  No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no.  不不不,不不不不
  No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no.  不不不不,不不不
  No! No!  不,不
  N-No! No. No.  不,不
  No! No! No! No! 不,不,不
  I can't believe you would hold on 我简直不能相信
  to your stupid grudge 22 about me going to America 你竟然因为我去了美国而生气这么多年
  when you got this amazing life here. 你在这里生活得那么好
  Hey, you were the one who chose to leave. 嘿,是你自己选择离开的
  I know! That's why I'm so mad! 我知道,所以我才生气
  Why did I have to make it harder on myself 为什么我要选择更困难的生活
  and start over in America? 要在美国重新再来
  I was already started here! 我在这里已经有很好的生活了
  We're the white people of here! 我们才是这里的白种人
  Hello, old friend. 你好啊,老朋友
  I've missed you. 我想你了
  Fax? Fax machine? 传真,传真机
  Dude, you are getting destroyed by mosquitoes. 兄弟,蚊子要咬死你了啊
  I've tried everything. 我什么方法都试过了
  I've even quit using all my hair products, 我甚至都不用发蜡了
  but they just can't stop giving me kisses. 但它们还是不停地要亲我
  I have to get Otis his herbs. 我要给奥迪斯买草药
  Will you be okay on your own? 你自己能行吗
  Please. I'm in my element. 拜托,这里是我的家园
  Do you take traveler's checks? Uh... 你们收游客的支票吗?额
  Where are we going? 我们要去哪
  Don't worry. She'll stop us. 别担心,她会叫住我们的
  But she's not. She will.  但她没有,她会的
  But she isn't. 但她没有
  Is she looking at us? 她在看我们吗
  No, she's selling the pencil box to another customer. 没有,她把铅笔盒卖给了另一个人
  That's a plan. That's her sister. We're not gonna fall for that. 那是计划好的,那个是她姐姐,我们不会上当的
  Well, her sister just got on a scooter and rode away. 好吧,她姐姐骑着摩托车开走了
  She'll be back. She's doing a loop. 她会回来的,她去绕圈而已
  Whoa. 哇哦
  The new '96 Air Jordan Elevens. 新的96年AJ11
  You want these basketball heels? 你想要这对篮球鞋吗
  I know how this ends, Eddie. 我知道结局会如何,埃迪
  If you want to squeeze my hand for support... 如果你想掐我的手获得慰藉的话...
  The hell? 什么鬼
  I got a great deal. 我杀了个好价钱
  Moms! Thank you! 妈,太谢谢了
  So what if I can't fax Alison? 我发不了传真给艾莉森又如何
  Once she sees me in these, she's mine forever! 她一看到我穿着这双鞋,她就永远都是我的人了
  Eddie! Your shoes. 埃迪,你的鞋
  What?! No! 什么,不要啊
  You bought the bad fakes 23 instead of the good fakes. 你买到了劣质A货,而不是优质A货了
  Never buy in-store. 不要在店里就买下了
  Always go to second location for good quality. 要记得货比三家
  I forget there's always a second location. 我都忘了要货比三家了
  Your negotiating 24 muscle has atrophied 25. 你的讲价能力退化了
  This is way nicer than our wedding. 这比我们的婚礼要好多了
  We got married at City Hall 我们在市政厅结的婚
  and had our reception at a car dealership 26. 在车行摆的酒
  Just be happy 开心点吧
  you guys got to give love a chance. 你们的爱情还有过机会
  My horse got shot at the starting gate. 我的已经出师未捷身先死了
  Emery, this is my boss's daughter 埃默里,这是我和你提过的
  I was telling you... 我老板的女儿
  Nice meeting you! 很高兴见到你
  I love that there's year-around school here. 我很高兴这里有全年无休的学校
  It'd be great to stay for the whole summer, 能待一整个暑假真好
  go back to Orlando, skip a grade, 回到奥兰多,就能跳级
  and lap Eddie before he knows it. 在埃迪没发觉之前超过他
  Why don't you go in with Hennessy tomorrow? 不如你明天和轩尼诗一起去吧
  Sit in on his class, see what you think? 和他一起上课,看你觉得怎么样
  Yes, girl. Yes. 好啊,姐们
  Hello, everyone. Thanks for coming. 大家好,感谢你们的莅临
  Uh, my brother was supposed to give a speech, 本来应该由我哥哥来致辞的
  but he's proven unable to present a positive message. 但他现在没法说出好话
  So, instead, I will introduce our wedding video myself. 所以,我就自己来介绍我们的婚礼视频了
  Please enjoy the story 请欣赏玛格丽特和我
  of how Margaret and I met and fell in love. 陷入爱河的故事
  This is my acting class. 这是我的表演课
  There's my husband.  我未来的丈夫
  Are you okay?! 你还好吗
  I think so. 应该吧
  This is how they met? 这就是他们相遇的故事?
  Ge-e-e-ne! Ge-e-e-ne!
  Why can't you see me? 为什么你看不见我
  Margaret. 玛格丽特
  You in danger, girl. 你有危险了
  Our love knows no bounds. We are both ghosts, now and forever. 我们的爱没有界限,我们都是鬼混,永永远远
  I'm sorry, Jessica. 我很抱歉,杰西卡
  Why was the pot already painted? 为什么那个陶器已经上好釉了
  I'm sorry I couldn't give you a life 我很抱歉没能给你
  like the one Gene and Margaret have here. 像金恩和玛格丽特那样的生活
  What are you talking about? 你在说什么
  You've always said how much you missed Taiwan. 你总是说你有多想念台湾
  Maybe we should move back. Things would be easier. 或许我们应该搬回来,生活会简单点
  No, they wouldn't. 不会的
  It's hot, crowded, there's mosquitoes... 这里又热,又挤,还有蚊子
  a sick obsession 27 with the movie "Ghost." 对《人鬼情未了》的莫名喜爱
  Everybody here knows everybody else's business. 每个人都知道每个人的八卦
  Even shopping at the night market 即使是逛夜市
  isn't as fun as I remembered. 也没我记忆中有意思了
  You're just upset because of what happened with Eddie's sneakers. 你只是因为埃迪的运动鞋的事才沮丧而已
  No, that's not it. 不是的
  I know I've been saying how different things are here, 我知道我一直在说这里的东西变了
  how they've changed, but it's not true. 很不一样了,但事实不是这样的
  They're the same. I'm the one who has changed. 它们没变,是我变了
  And I'm homesick for Orlando. 我也想奥兰多的家了
  You know what I miss? 你知道我还想什么吗
  Bagels. I want a bagel. 百吉饼,我想吃百吉饼
  I didn't even think I liked bagels, but I want a bagel. 我都没想过我会喜欢百吉饼,但我就是喜欢
  Well, I still think we'd be able to afford a better life in Taiwan. 我还以为,我们可以在台湾生活得更好
  Through shortcuts 28 and connections, yes. 走捷径和靠熟人,是的
  But you have worked hard for everything you have. 但你为了自己的生活拼搏了这么多
  You've earned it. No one's given you anything. 是你赢得的,不是别人给予你的
  We did it, Louis. 我们做到了,路易斯
  We moved to America, and we made it. 我们移民去了美国,我们也成功定居下来
  We are the success story. 我们才是成功的模范
  I guess we are. 说的没错
  I mean, we did fly economy plus. 我们坐的可是豪华经济舱
  Besides, no one loves America more than you. 而且,没人比你更喜欢美国了
  As soon as we moved back here, 我们要是搬回台湾
  you would miss it over there. 你就会很想美国
  And as soon as we go back there, 而我们一回到美国
  you know you're gonna miss it here. 你就会开始想念这里
  Well, maybe we'll never feel completely at home 或许我们不能在同一个地方
  in either place. 完全感到归属感
  Oh, my God. 我的天哪
  We are "Ghost." 我们是《人鬼情未了》
  We are Patrick Swayze in "Ghost." 我们是帕特里克·斯威兹(此部电影里的演员)
  Stuck between two worlds, part of both, 困于两个世界之中,各有部分牵连
  belonging to neither. Damn 29 it. 却各不相属,我去
  It is the best movie ever. 这才是最棒的电影
  Mm-hmm. 嗯哼
  Hey. I am so sorry for how I behaved, Gene. 嘿,我很抱歉我之前这么任性
  I really am happy for you, 我真的很为你高兴
  for the life you've made here for yourself. 你为自己创造了幸福生活
  "Wishing you a lifetime of only... happiness."  祝你一辈子,幸福
  That's what I thought 我一开始
  it was gonna say the first time. 就以为会是这句话
  That's why I was so shocked. 所以我才那么震惊
  Well, I'm glad I got to be here for your special day. 我很开心能出席你的大喜之日
  Me, too. We shouldn't wait another 10 years  我也是,我们不应该隔十年
  before we see each other again. 才见一次面
  Well, I have a flight through Orlando next week. 刚好我下周要飞去奥兰多
  That's a little too soon. 不用这么着急
  Ready to head to the airport? 准备好出发去机场了吗
  We're not leaving until tomorrow. 我们明天才走啊
  I still think we should head out now, though. 我认为我们还是现在走比较好
  I thought you were excited 你不是很兴奋
  to spend the day with Hennessy at school. I was. 要和轩尼诗一起上学吗?本来是
  Who can tell me what the Pythagorean theorem is? 谁能告诉我勾股定理是什么
  The square of the hypotenuse is equal 斜边平方等于
  to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. 两直角边边长平方和
  But that was the right answer. 那不是正确答案吗
  I know, but I didn't say it loud enough. 我知道,但我说得不够大声
  I am an American citizen. Please take me to my embassy 30. 我是美国公民,请带我到在台协会办事处
  I'll go get us a cab. 我去叫出租车
  Ahh! Ahh! 啊,啊
  It's so nice and cool in here. 又舒服,又凉爽
  Feels good to be home, doesn't it? 回家感觉真好,对吧
  Wait. Who the hell left the A.C. On?! 等等,是哪个混蛋没关空调的
  Come back, outer beauty! 外在美,回来吧
  Hey. Eddie. 嘿,埃迪
  It's over. 我们完了
  Alison, I swear. 艾莉森,我发誓
  I tried to fax you every day, 我每天都想给你发传真
  but I couldn't find a fax machine and so... 但我找不到传真机
  Oh, it's fine. 噢,没关系
  I figured something like that happened. 我早就猜到了
  No big deal. Really?  没什么,真的吗
  Then what did you mean by "It's over"? 那你刚才怎么说,我们完了

1 reconcile
  • Must they reconcile themselves to their fate?难道他们甘心忍受这种命运吗?
  • He found it hard to reconcile himself to the disagreeable state.他发现难以忍受这种不愉快的状况。
2 gene
  • A single gene may have many effects.单一基因可能具有很多种效应。
  • The targeting of gene therapy has been paid close attention.其中基因治疗的靶向性是值得密切关注的问题之一。
3 hatchet
  • I shall have to take a hatchet to that stump.我得用一把短柄斧来劈这树桩。
  • Do not remove a fly from your friend's forehead with a hatchet.别用斧头拍打朋友额头上的苍蝇。
4 fabric
  • The fabric will spot easily.这种织品很容易玷污。
  • I don't like the pattern on the fabric.我不喜欢那块布料上的图案。
5 pamphlets
n.小册子( pamphlet的名词复数 )
  • Distribute these pamphlets among them before you leave, will you? 请你在离开之前把这些小册子发给他们好吗? 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He fell under suspicion for distributing seditious pamphlets. 他因散发反政府传单而遭到怀疑。 来自辞典例句
6 Mandarin
  • Just over one billion people speak Mandarin as their native tongue.大约有十亿以上的人口以华语为母语。
  • Mandarin will be the new official language of the European Union.普通话会变成欧盟新的官方语言。
7 rap
  • I heard a rap on the door.我听到有轻轻的敲门声。
  • Today we are going to rap about relationships.今天我们要聊聊关系的问题。
8 aesthetic
  • My aesthetic standards are quite different from his.我的审美标准与他的大不相同。
  • The professor advanced a new aesthetic theory.那位教授提出了新的美学理论。
9 peacocks
n.(雄)孔雀( peacock的名词复数 )
  • Yunnan province is the home of elephants and peacocks. 云南是大象和孔雀的生息地。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Peacocks strutted on the lawn. 孔雀在草坪上神气活现地走来走去。 来自《简明英汉词典》
10 luminaries
  • In that day there will be no light; the luminaries will dwindle. 亚14:6那日、必没有光.三光必退缩。 来自互联网
  • Includes household filament light bulbs & luminaries. 包括家用的白炙灯泡和光源。 来自互联网
11 scroll
  • As I opened the scroll,a panorama of the Yellow River unfolded.我打开卷轴时,黄河的景象展现在眼前。
  • He was presented with a scroll commemorating his achievements.他被授予一幅卷轴,以表彰其所做出的成就。
12 halfway
  • We had got only halfway when it began to get dark.走到半路,天就黑了。
  • In study the worst danger is give up halfway.在学习上,最忌讳的是有始无终。
13 mischief
  • Nobody took notice of the mischief of the matter. 没有人注意到这件事情所带来的危害。
  • He seems to intend mischief.看来他想捣蛋。
14 reference
  • We spent days going through all related reference material.我们花了好多天功夫查阅所有有关的参考资料。
  • I like to have my reference books within my reach.我喜欢把参考书放到伸手可取的地方。
15 acting
  • Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
  • During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
16 ass
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
17 gossipy
  • I got a long gossipy letter from my friend. 我收到朋友的一封很长的长舌信。 来自互联网
  • It also contained gossipy accounts of alleged sexual misdeeds. 它也包含了大量的所谓性罪行材料。 来自互联网
18 shady
  • This is a shady avenue.这是条林阴大道。
  • He's a rather shady person.他是个相当靠不住的人。
19 vaulted
  • She vaulted over the gate and ran up the path. 她用手一撑跃过栅栏门沿着小路跑去。
  • The formal living room has a fireplace and vaulted ceilings. 正式的客厅有一个壁炉和拱形天花板。
20 misery
  • Business depression usually causes misery among the working class.商业不景气常使工薪阶层受苦。
  • He has rescued me from the mire of misery.他把我从苦海里救了出来。
21 pimple
  • His face was covered with pimples.他满脸粉刺。
  • This is also a way to prevent the pimple.这也是防止疙瘩的一个途径。
22 grudge
  • I grudge paying so much for such inferior goods.我不愿花这么多钱买次品。
  • I do not grudge him his success.我不嫉妒他的成功。
23 fakes
骗子( fake的名词复数 ); 赝品
  • The experts discovered several fakes in the art collection. 专家们在这批艺术收藏品中发现了几件赝品。
  • Fakes do exist, and now we are coming across them. 冒充的事,实际上是有的,现在就碰到了。
24 negotiating
adj.萎缩的,衰退的v.(使)萎缩,(使)虚脱,(使)衰退( atrophy的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Patients exercised their atrophied limbs in the swimming pool. 病人们在泳池里锻炼萎缩的四肢。 来自辞典例句
  • Method: Using microwave tissue thermocoaqulation to make chronic tonsillitis coagulated and atrophied. 方法:采用微波热凝方法使慢性扁桃体炎组织凝固、萎缩。 来自互联网
25 dealership
  • The car dealership has a large inventory of used cars. 这家汽车经销商拥有数量庞大的二手车。
  • A key to this effort is the experience in the dealership. 达到这个成果的关键是销售的体验。
26 obsession
  • I was suffering from obsession that my career would be ended.那时的我陷入了我的事业有可能就此终止的困扰当中。
  • She would try to forget her obsession with Christopher.她会努力忘记对克里斯托弗的迷恋。
27 shortcuts
n.捷径( shortcut的名词复数 );近路;快捷办法;被切短的东西(尤指烟草)
  • In other words, experts want shortcuts to everything. 换句话说,专家需要所有的快捷方式。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
  • Offer shortcuts from the Help menu. 在帮助菜单中提供快捷方式。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
28 damn
  • Damn this useless typewriter!这台破打字机真该死!
  • I knew damn well what he was going to say.我非常清楚他要说什么。
29 embassy
  • Large crowd demonstrated outside the British Embassy.很多群众在英国大使馆外面示威。
  • He's a U.S. diplomat assigned to the embassy in London.他是美国驻伦敦大使馆的一名外交官。
标签: 初来乍到
acid humification
across-the-board rule
alternating current dialling
American lobster
Arteria recurrens ulnaris
biogas power generation
bitter spar (dolomite)
body training
brace bumkin
bringing down leg
bursae subcutanea epicondyli medialis
captive tonnage
chae yeon
Chebysheff's theorem
chromium tetrafluoride
closed-differential relay
component support
conformal coating
context of use
continuous melting
critical-flow valve
duct silencer
dynamic crash recovery of balanced tree network
elf bolt
exposure control band
flux density spectrum
fuel cell car
gallery port
gravel bed filter
Hardware components
high-breast wheel
high-density logic
ideological research
insulating ring
intercondylar eminence
intercrystalline fracture
joint random variable
junior flyweight
kern stone
Labarraque's liquor
louver board
microprocessor connection
mosquito age composition
non-bicrabonate hardness
on the fair road to
personnel division
phosphate group
point focusing type
poison claw
pool room
portable sensor verifier
positional notations
procaine benzylpenicillinate
Renaissance capital
revenue land
ribbed joint
rotating hook bobbin case tension spring screw
rubber finger
screw-driver slot
sea snails
soda cell
space-borne laser radar
specific normal acoustic impedance
square shoulder carpenter's pincers
stack burning
state visit
steel cable bridle
strongly damped
synthetic binder
thin film monolithic circuit
Tohopekaliga, Lake
Torricelli's law of efflux
upper pond
valeric acids
walking typhoid