时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:初来乍到第三季


   Okay, so, Eddie chose "Moesha" On Tuesday, 好的,既然星期二埃迪选了《莫伊莎》

  And then on Wednesday we'll watch... 然后星期三我们看
  "Wings." Come on, dude!  《翅膀》 得了吧
  We divide the TV schedule evenly and fairly. 电视节目表我们公平公正地分配
  And Thomas Haden church is hilarious 2. 而且托马斯·哈登·丘奇很搞笑的
  Boys, I did a little reorganizing, 孩子们,我整理了下
  And not to brag 3, but the pantry looks incredible. 真不是我吹,食品储存室看起来整齐到不行
  You know how mom is about that space. 你知道那地方对妈妈有多重要
  It's her spiritual sanctuary 4. 那是她的精神圣所
  Dead man walking. 他死定了
  Oh, you guys are wrong. 哦,你们错了
  She's gonna love the changes to the pantry. 她一定会喜欢整理后的储藏室
  What about the pantry? 食品储藏室怎么了
  See for yourself. 你自己来看
  Louis, you're a genius. 路易斯,你真是个天才
  The bulk items have never been more accessible. 这些大件儿从来没这么容易就能够到
  And the canned goods are organized by expiration 5 date. 而且罐头食品是根据过期日期来整理的
  Kiss ass 6. 马屁精
  What was that? 你说什么
  Another postcard from Connie. 康妮又发来一张明信片
  "Dear Jessica, having a great time in Ithaca. 亲爱的杰西卡,在伊萨卡岛玩的很好
  Hope things are well with you. 祝你一切安好
  Love, Connie." 爱你的康妮
  Hmm. 嗯
  Ithaca, New York. 伊萨卡岛,纽约
  Bloomington, Indiana. 布卢明顿,印第安纳
  Athens, Georgia. 雅典,佐治亚
  Why is she going to all these amazing places? 为什么这些好地方她全去了
  Well, we all can't afford to travel as much as Connie does. 好吧,我们不能像康妮那样常常去旅行
  I have responsibilities. 我是有责任的
  I can't just leave whenever I want to. 我没办法说走就走
  I mean, do I think about it? 我可曾想过
  Of course I do. All the time. 我当然想过,一直都在想
  It would be so easy. I would just get a pair of glasses, 那是多么简单啊,我只需要拿上眼镜
  Buy a leather jacket, and roll my own cigarettes. 买件皮夹克,卷上我的香烟便可潇洒启程
  But I would never do that 但我永远不会那样做
  Because I am an adult. 因为我是一个成年人
  I'm gonna get down to the bottom of this. 我要好好处理这事
  Sister. 姐姐
  So nice to hear from you. 听到你的电话很高兴
  How are things? 你最近好吗
  I've been visiting colleges. 我参观了一些大学
  Already? 这么早
  But Justin is only in the ninth grade. 但是贾斯汀才上九年级
  Even I think that's too early to be visiting colleges. 连我都认为参观大学太早了
  Oh, it's not for Justin. It's for me. 哦,不是为了贾斯汀,是为我
  I'm going back to school. 我要重返校园
  My name is Samantha De La Cruz, 我的名字是是萨曼莎·德·拉·科鲁兹
  And I would like to buy a one-way ticket to Marrakesh, 我要买一张去马拉科什的单程票
  Smoking section. 要吸烟区的哦
  Hey, Jessica. 嘿,杰西卡
  Nothing. I'm just setting the table. 没干嘛,我只是在收拾桌子
  Ooh. The fancy napkins. 喔,餐巾真漂亮
  Did someone die? 有谁去世了吗
  No. Connie's coming, remember, 不是,康妮要来,记得吗
  To visit college campuses in the area? 来参观这地区的大学
  Classic Connie. 典型康妮行为
  We'd all love to go back to school, 我们都渴望回到校园
  Audit 7 a German class, get good at beer pong, 旁听德语课,啤酒兵乓球玩得很溜
  But we are adults. 但是我们都是成年人
  We have responsibilities. 我们的肩上是有责任的
  I support Connie 100%. 我完全支持康妮
  Me too. She's so brave, you know? 我也是,她真是太勇敢了,你知道吗
  None of us have the guts 8. 我们俩都没有那个勇气
  It's just such a big step for her. 这对她来说真的是迈出了一大步
  Connie never went to college, 康妮从没上过大学
  Unless you count beauty school, which nobody does. 除非没人承认的美容学院也算大学
  She'll be able to get a degree, get a great job, 她应该能够拿到学位,找份好工作
  Provide for her family without having to rely 供养她的家庭,在经济上不用
  On her husband for financial support. 依赖她的丈夫
  Steve does love the ponies 9... 史蒂夫确实很喜欢小马
  And the doggies and the roosters. 还有小狗,公鸡
  She's finally taking control of her life. 她终于要开始掌控她自己的人生了
  If you think about it, 你想想
  Connie is trying to be more like me. 康妮正努力变得更加像我
  respect. 值得尊重
  Hello, Jessica. 你好,杰西卡
  Hello, Louis. 你好,路易斯
  Connie. 康妮
  Welcome. 欢迎你
  I'm so glad to see you. 我见到你真是太高兴了
  Yes, come in. Come in. 快请进,快进来
  Thanks so much for having me. 非常谢谢你让我暂住这里
  I have to say, I just think it's great 我得说,我觉得你要去上大学这事
  That you're going to college, Connie. 真的是太棒了,康妮
  I'm proud of you, big sister. 我为你感到骄傲,姐姐
  Really? 真的吗
  Yes! 真的
  Let me know what I can do to help. 有什么我能帮上忙的,跟我说
  In college, I took notes for a blind student. 读大学是,我帮一个盲人学生记过笔记
  She said they were the best she'd ever gotten. 她说那些笔记是她收到过的最佳笔记
  W-well, maybe you can come with me on a campus tour tomorrow. 好吧,或许明天你可以和我一起去参观校园
  Yes! I would love to do that! 太好了,我很乐意
  The key is color-coding when you take notes. 做笔记的关键是,用不同的颜色做标记
  Free tip. 免费小窍门
  Uh, I'm working, 呃,我明天得工作
  So we have to figure out what to do with the boys 所以我们得想想要怎么安置孩子们
  Since ma's out of town. 因为老妈也出城去了
  Oh, where's grandma Huang? 黄奶奶去哪了
  She's visiting friends in Tallahassee. 她去拜访她在塔拉哈西的朋友了
  Her "Friends" Are Seminole Indians, 她的“朋友”是塞米诺尔印第安人
  And "Tallahassee" Is a small casino next to a swamp. 而“塔拉哈西”则是沼泽地边上的一个小赌场
  Honey and Marvin said they would take care of the boys 哈妮和马文说他们会照看孩子的
  Any time we needed. 随时都可以
  You can stay in grandma's room. Come on. 你可以住在奶奶的房间里,来吧
  I'll show you what I want to do with it when she...Moves. 我给你看看她搬出去后,我想怎么改装那房间
  "The color purple" Is so emotional. 《紫色姐妹花》真是太感人了
  When miss Millie wouldn't let Sofia go see her son? 当米莉夫人不让索菲亚去看她的儿子的时候吗
  On Christmas! 圣诞节都不让见
  What kind of animals? 什么禽兽啊
  What...Kind...Of animals? 真是什么禽兽
  I would have quit, too. 要是我,我也会放弃的
  She had no choice. 她别无选择
  "The color purple." 《紫色姐妹花》
  More like "The color of white cruelty." Mm-hmm.  更像是《白色残忍花》 嗯哼
  Oh, this is my favorite part. Me too!  哦,这是我最喜欢的一段,我也是
  I'll go high. You go low. 我唱高音,你唱低音
  Oh, such a strong alto for such a petite frame. 这么苗条的小身板却唱出了这么浑厚的低音
  We are so good! 我们真是太棒了
  This is what a dog must feel like all the time! 狗狗每天就是这种感觉
  Life is truly a wonder. 生活无限好
  I'm eating bugs 10, and I don't care! 我在吃虫子,可我不在乎
  Well, I have a fun day planned. 我做好了一整天的欢乐计划
  You all ready? 你们准备好了吗
  Yeah! 必须的
  Marvin didn't even tell me what we're doing. 马文甚至都告诉我我们要干些什么
  An old-folks home? Are we visiting someone? 老年人之家,我们要去看谁吗
  In a manner of speaking, yes. 某种意义上来说,是的
  We're visiting our future home. 我们是来参观我们未来的家
  You—you want us to move in here? 你,你想咱们搬到这里来吗
  Well, not for a while yet. 暂时还不会
  Two, maybe three years. 或许两三年后吧
  But I'm 28. 但是我才二十八岁
  Whoa! A limousine 11! 哇,大豪华轿车
  Hi. Hi. 嗨,嗨
  this takes me back. 这让我重温过去
  The smell of higher education, 高等教育的味道
  The crack of a ramen brick over a steaming-hot plate. 热气腾腾的碟子里拉面滋啦的声音
  Uh-huh. 嗯哼
  Hey, look at their skinny briefcases 12. 嘿,瞧他们那扁平的公文包
  Must be the hot new style in business. 可能是商务新潮流
  And I didn't realize this was a women's college. 我都没意识到这是一所女性大学
  Those are art portfolios 13. 那些是作品集
  That's a man. 那是个男人
  A man? 是个男人
  A creative man. 一个有创造力的男人
  This is the Orlando school of art and design. 这是奥兰多艺术与设计学院
  What? 什么
  This is art school. 这是艺术学校
  I'm studying to be an artist. 我正在学着成为一名艺术家
  I'm Janet. I'll be your student tour guide 我是珍妮特,你们校园参观的导游
  Or, as I like to think of myself, 或者,我更愿意这么定位我自己
  Your creative-journey chaperone. 艺术之旅的监护人
  We're being led around by a lunatic. 我们正被一个疯子牵着鼻子走
  Our first stop will be the student center. 我们第一站是学生中心
  Built back in 1945...  1945年建成
  Why would you go to college for art? 你怎么会为了艺术上大学
  Since when do you care about painting? 你什么时候开始关心画画了
  I didn't until a few months ago. 几个月前才开始的
  But then Steve and I got into a fight, and I was upset, 那会儿史蒂夫和我吵了一架,我很烦躁
  So I went to the national gallery of art 所以我就去了国家美术馆
  Because they have a good hot dog vendor 14 outside. 因为那儿门口的热狗挺好吃的
  Mm-hmm. -I was getting relish 15  嗯哼,我正加佐料呢
  When I saw a banner for the Vermeer exhibit. 突然看见弗米尔展览的公告
  it's so...So moving. 太,太感动了
  Ma'am, there's no food allowed inside the museum. 女士,博物馆里不能吃东西
  Vermeer not only captured daily dutch life in the 1600s, 弗米尔的画不仅描绘了1600年代的荷兰生活
  But also my mood that day. 它还描绘了我那天的心情
  After that, I got inspired to paint, 那以后,我备受启发,决定画画
  And, turns out, I'm pretty good at it, so here we are. 而且,我发现我还挺有天赋的,所以我就来这儿了
  All of the artists 所有的艺术家
  Sit on the ground among the leaves or... 坐在落叶上
  Keep your handbag close. There's a magician at 10:00. 看好你的包,十点钟方向有个魔术师
  Oh, Dean Edwards. 噢,迪恩·爱德华兹
  Janet. 珍妮特
  "This world is “这个世界
  But a canvas to our imaginations." 不过是我们想象出来的一幅画罢了”
  Henry David Thoreau. 出自亨利·戴维·梭罗
  What? 什么
  Enjoy the rest of the tour. 享受你们余下的旅程吧
  Dean Edwards runs our weekly free-expression village. 迪恩·爱德华兹负责每周的畅所欲言部落
  You should all come. 你们都应该去看看
  It's a safe space for students 学生可以在那儿
  To express their creative selves 畅所欲言
  Through a wide range of mediums. 用任何方式表达艺术想法
  There's no safe space from your parents' disappointment. 考虑过家长的感受吗
  Yeah. Think about that. 就是这样,快想想吧
  Oh, isn't it great? 噢,这儿太棒了,是不是
  It's like an all-inclusive land cruise 这儿就像是陆上的游轮,什么都有
  For the rest of our lives. 咱们下半辈子都能住这儿了
  You want us to move in here? 你真想我们搬进来
  Hopefully. We're on the wait list. 希望如此,我们已经在等候名单上了
  We need some folks to cash in their chips first, 得有人领了便当才能
  Buy the farm, you know, take the trip up north. 你懂的,羽化登仙,一路向北
  Marvin, I'm not  马文,我不
  Whoa! They've got a ping-pong table, 哇,他们还有乒乓球桌呢
  Board games, shuffleboard, and even a pudding bar. 桌游,沙狐球,连布丁吧都有
  Don't forget love. 别忘了爱哟
  I bet those two have stories. 我赌这俩人肯定有故事
  Oh, I'm sure they do. 噢,肯定有
  All the people here are top-notch. 这儿的人都是顶呱呱的
  This is the best place in the state. 这是全国最好的地方了
  Honey, take a look around. See what you think. 亲爱的,看看这儿吧,你觉得怎么样
  Okay. Sure. Can't hurt to look. 好吧,行,我就看看
  Dinner's at 4:00! I love this place! 晚饭四点吃,我爱死这儿了
  Look at her, 看看她
  Just painting without any cares in the world. 就知道画画,什么都不管不顾
  It's nice you're being so supportive. 你这么支持她,真是太好了
  She's really in her element. It's wonderful. 她真的很专注,多好啊
  Wonderful? She's wasting her time. 好吗,她这是在浪费时间
  But I thought you were happy she was going back to school. 我还以为你挺高兴她重回学校呢
  School? That's what she calls it. 学校,那是她的叫法
  I call it a hippie birdbath. 要我说就是屌丝老巢
  I can't keep up. 什么意思
  Oh, Jessica, do you have any scrap 17 fabric 18 lying around? 哦,杰西卡,你这儿有不用的布吗
  I want to make a collage 19. 我想做个拼贴画
  I don't, but if I did, I would use it 没有,要是有的话,我早用了
  For something practical, like rags. 用它干点儿实在的事儿,当抹布什么
  And there's my real sister. 露出真面目了
  I was wondering where you went. 我还以为你有什么毛病呢
  I just don't understand 我就是不明白
  Why you would waste your time on art school. 你干嘛要浪费时间上艺术学校
  Do you really think you're gonna make a living 你真觉得卖画能养活
  Selling your paintings? 你自己吗
  I'm not going to school to make money. 我上学不是为了挣钱
  I'm doing it for personal enrichment. 我是要丰富自己
  Sounds like a waste of the word "Rich." 听着就像是浪费
  I knew you couldn't actually be happy for me. 我知道你就不可能为我高兴
  Well, I don't need your approval. 但我也不需要你的认同
  I'm going to the fabric store to buy supplies. 我去布料店买不就得了
  Let me know if you need any zippers 20 or threads or glitter pens! 你要是需要拉链,线,荧光笔什么,别忘了跟我说
  Lillian, look at these two cuties. 莉莉安,快看看这两个小可爱
  Such sweet faces. 多甜的小脸儿啊
  I wish I could just put them in my pocket. 我都想把他们装兜里了
  Don't look them in the eye. 别跟他们对视
  We'll be here all day, so maybe we'll run into you later. 我们要在这儿待一天呢,没准待会儿还能碰见您们呢
  What are you doing?! 你作什么妖呢
  What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊
  Ain't you a livin' doll? 你真的好可爱
  You're so cute. Ooh! 你太可爱了,哦
  Like a chipmunk 21. 像花栗鼠呢
  Chippy, chippy, chippy! 花栗鼠,花栗鼠,花栗鼠
  You did this to us! 都是你害的
  Hi. Welcome. You must be Mr. Mcmanus. 嗨,欢迎,你就是麦克马纳斯先生吧
  It says here you have a cat 资料上说你有只猫
  And you don't like to be touched. 还有你不喜欢别人碰你
  Is that right? 是这样吗
  Don't worry. We're gonna take good care of your dad. 别担心,我们会好好照顾你爸爸的
  Oh, this guy. 噢,这个小伙子啊
  Are the other doctors as funny as you? 别的医生也这么逗吗
  I'm a nurse. 我是个护士
  A male nurse? You can't stop this guy. 男护士,这小伙子怎么这么逗
  He's got a million of them. 他真的太幽默了
  He's not Mr. Mcmanus. 他不是麦克马纳斯先生
  no. 我不是
  We just signed up for the day passes. 我们刚签了一日通行证
  Oh, got it. Oh, well, here you go. 喔,明白了,喔,好吧,给你
  Uh, why don't you keep these on you 呃,你们拿着这个吧
  So we know you're approved guests? 这样我们就知道你们许可客人了
  What does "Do not resuscitate 22" Mean? “不要抢救”是什么意思
  Oh, sorry. Wrong ones. 喔,不好意思,弄错了
  New open house? 新房吗
  Oh, two and a half baths. Nice. 喔,两个半卫生间,好棒
  I'm counting the water-heater closet as a half-bathroom. 我把放热水器的壁橱算成半个卫生间
  Well, that's why you're the best. 聪明,难怪你是销售王
  No, I'm the best because I work hard... 不,我业绩好是因为我努力
  Because that is what responsible adults do. 负责任的成年人就应该这么做
  They don't waste their time making collages 23. 我们成年人不浪费时间搞拼贴画
  Look, I get that you don't agree with it, 听我说,我知道你不看好这件事
  But it's Connie's life. 但这是康妮的人生
  She can do what she wants. 她想怎样都可以
  I should have known better 我早就该知道
  Than to think that Connie could change. 康妮不可能改变的
  She's just as irresponsible as ever. 她还是那么不负责任
  Art school? 艺术学校
  Two nonsense words that don't even belong together. 太可笑了,这俩词儿都不应该一块儿出现
  It's like "Tire lemon." 就像“筋疲力尽的柠檬”
  Or "Pistachio belt." 或者“开心果带子”
  No. See? Now, that makes sense to me. 不,现在我觉得我能理解了
  It's an easy way to snack on the go. 那样方便边走边吃
  I just wish they made pistachio belts! 我多希望他们能做个开心果带子出来啊
  I'm sorry. I just don't get why it's such a big deal. 不好意思,我就是不太明白,这事儿有那么严重吗
  Why are we in the back of the garage? 我们为什么要来车库这儿
  This is the spiders' land. 这是蜘蛛的领地
  We don't go into their home, they don't come into ours. 咱们和它们井水不犯涉水
  Ugh! I'm sorry! Get off me! 嗬,真对不住,走开走开
  Louis, I have to show you something. 路易斯,我要给你看个东西
  Please don't think less of me. 但别因为这个瞧不起我
  Old paintings? 旧画
  Jessica, let's just get out of here. 杰西卡,咱们走吧
  I don't have a good feeling about this. 我对这个东西感觉不太好
  I painted them. 我画的
  What? 什么
  You paint? 你画过画
  I used to...Every day. 我以前画过,天天画
  This one is called "Bagel." 这幅画叫《百吉饼》
  This is "Seashell," 这幅是《贝壳》
  "Horse and foal," 《马和马宝宝》
  "Unemployed 24 virgin," 《失业处女》
  "Avocados resting in bowl," 《碗中鳄梨》
  "Timothy looks at Rebecca"... 《蒂莫西凝视丽贝卡》
  "Zebra and giraffe," 《斑马与长颈鹿》
  "Zebra in top hat," 《斑马戴高帽》
  "Zebra in shorts," 《斑马穿短裤》
  "Dan Quayle." 《丹·奎尔》
  What's all this? 这些都是什么
  My paintings, Connie. 我的大作,康妮
  I love to paint, too, 我也喜欢画画
  Long before your hot dogs and "Girl with pearl earring 25." 比你那热狗和《带珍珠耳环的少女》的故事早一百年
  Why didn't you tell me about this? 为什么你没跟我说过
  Are you jealous? 你是嫉妒我吗
  Why would I be jealous? 我为什么要嫉妒你
  Because you quit your dream and I'm living mine. 因为你梦想破灭了而我正在实现梦想
  No. 才不是
  I love painting, but I gave it up before I went to college 我爱画画,但是我上大学之前就封笔了
  Because I knew I had to grow up and get serious. 因为我知道我必须长大成熟起来
  And that's what you should do, too. 这也是你应该做的
  I'm not giving up painting. It's my passion. 我绝不放弃画画,这是我的激情
  Guys, we're all sisters here. 伙计们,咱都是一家人
  Now let's just get out of the spider den 1, 现在咱们先赶紧从这盘丝洞出去
  Crack open some wine 开瓶酒
  Passion? Who has time to pursue a passion? 激情,谁有时间去追寻激情
  I make time because it makes me happy 我挤出时间来画画因为它使我快乐
  And helps me be better in all the other parts of my life. 而且它还使我变成更好的人
  It doesn't make you better. It makes you selfish. 画画并不会让你变得更好,只会让你变得自私
  Your family should come first, Connie. 你的家庭应该排在第一位,康妮
  Do you even know where your son is? 你知不知道你儿子在哪里
  Where is he? Where is he, Connie? 他在哪呢,你倒是说啊,康妮
  With his father, most likely at brookstone 跟他爸在一起,很可能在零售店里
  Checking out a high-tech 26 aquarium 27! 正在看高科技鱼缸呢
  Whoa! 哇哦
  It hurts. It hurts to smile. 疼死我了,笑一下都疼
  Honey? 哈妮
  Why are you running? 你为什么在跑步
  I'm 28. I can run at any moment. 本姑娘才二十八岁,想怎么跑就怎么跑
  You're running barefoot like a bum 28 in a hurry. 你光着脚跑得就像要逃难一样
  That's what we young people do, Evan. 我们年轻人就是这样,埃文
  We run because we have our whole lives ahead of us. 我们跑是因为有大好时光在前面等着我们
  Do you think you should slow down a little? 你能跑慢点吗
  Slow down? 跑慢点
  no. I'm gonna slow up. 不,我偏要加速
  that's what I'm gonna do. 我想干嘛就干嘛
  My hip 16! 我的屁股
  What are you doing? 你干什么呢
  It's time to get rid of these. 是时候扔掉这些了
  I don't know why I kept them in the first place. 我不知道为什么我当时把它们留下了
  They're terrible. No!  我画的很烂,才不是呢
  This is a great one. 这张就很不错啊
  What a beautiful kangaroo. 这只袋鼠真好看
  It's "The resurrection of Christ." 这是《耶稣复生》
  Yeah. Of course it is. 对,你说什么就是什么
  Louis, you don't have to pretend. 路易斯,你别装了
  I know they're not good. 我知道它们很丑
  Okay. They're not great. 好吧,它们确实不怎么好看
  It doesn't matter. You should still paint. 但是这无所谓,你应该继续画画
  It's a hobby, and the great thing about hobbies is, 这是个爱好,爱好最大的好处就是
  You don't have to be good at them. 你没必要特别擅长
  You just have to enjoy them. 你只要玩得开心就行
  Hobbies? That's ridiculous. 爱好,别扯了
  I only focus on practical things. 我只关注现实的东西
  You've seen my morning affirmations. 你也看见我早上的自我激励了
  I can't afford hobbies. I have work and this family. 我没有拥有爱好的资本,我要工作还要照顾家庭
  Well, I have work and this family, and I have hobbies— 我也要工作也要照顾家庭,但是我也有爱好啊
  Uh, pool, chili 29, tennis, the clarinet. 游泳,做辣酱,网球,吹单簧管
  Clarinet? 单簧管
  I'm a sucker for a distinctive 30 timbre 31. 我偏爱独特的音色
  Can you imagine trying to explain to our parents 你能想象跟我们父母解释
  The idea of hobbies? 爱好这个概念吗
  "Dad, in my free time—sorry. 爸爸,在我的空闲时间里,不好意思
  First, I have free time, something you never had. 首先,我得有空闲时间,你连空闲时间的空字都不会写
  And in that time, I do activities I enjoy 这段时间里,我做我喜欢做的事
  That cost money but don't bring in any profit 花钱不讨好
  And don't benefit my family. 对家庭生活一点帮助也没有
  No. I just do them because they feel good, 不,我这么做只是为了让自己开心
  Because I like the timbre"? 只因为我喜欢那个音色
  That was a different time, Jessica. 时代变了,杰西卡
  Our parents were in survival mode. 我们的父母面对生存问题
  We're not. 我们并没有
  We've earned the right 我们有权利
  To carve out a little space for our interests. 给我们感兴趣的事挤出点时间
  I don't know. It just doesn't feel right. 我不知道,但感觉不太对
  Well, they would want that for us, 他们也希望我们这样
  The way we want a better life for our kids. 就像我们把美好生活的愿景寄托在我们孩子身上
  It's hard to find the time. 我没时间
  You spent the last hour fighting with your sister. 你都有时间跟你姐姐撕逼
  You can find the time. 你能抽出时间的
  And it was nice seeing you two get along for a change. 看到你们俩偶尔合得来挺好的
  Look, I know you thought Connie was trying to be 听着,我知道你觉得康妮想要
  More like you, but maybe this time 学你,但是这次你可以
  You could try to be a little more like Connie. 学学康妮
  You went through a real zebra phase, huh? 你曾经有过一段斑马热,对吗
  This one is my favorite. 我最喜欢这幅了
  That's a piano. 那是架钢琴
  Well, here we are, home, sweet home, huh? 我们终于到家了,温馨的家,对吗
  Okay. There you go. Careful.  来吧,好了,小心点
  Take it easy. 慢慢来
  Thank you. 谢谢
  Here. This will make you feel better. 给你,这会让你好受点的
  It's a grandma package. 是奶奶套餐
  I'm 28. 我才二十八岁
  You are. 是是是
  Here. It's an ice pack for your hip. 给你,冰袋贴到你的屁股上
  I used it on my cheeks earlier. 我之前用它敷脸
  It really works. 很管用的
  And have a combo. 吃块饼干吧
  They're pepperoni-flavored. 这是意大利辣香肠味道的
  We should go. I'm all out of small talk. 我们该走了,我没有家常可以聊了
  Thanks for a fun day. 谢谢你的欢乐日
  Thanks, boys. You're good kids. 谢谢,孩子们,你们都是好孩子
  Feel better. Bye! 早日康复,再见
  Take care! 保重
  We are good kids, aren't we? 我们都是小雷锋,对吧
  We're okay. 还行吧
  I'm sorry you had such a bad time today. 很遗憾你今天过得不开心
  I really thought you'd like it there. 我本来以为你会喜欢那儿的
  The place was fine. 那地方挺好的
  It's just—it's for the end of people's lives. 但是那里是人生命的终点
  And we're just at the beginning of ours. 而我们的生活才刚刚开始
  Well, I don't know about the beginning. 我倒不好说是开始
  Maybe a little more middle. 大概说是中间更贴切
  Look, I know there's an age difference between us, 听着,我知道我们年龄差很大
  But I just never think about it. 但是我从来不考虑这个
  And being there, that's all I could think about. 在那里,我却一直想着这一点
  As much as I hate to think about it, 虽然我也讨厌想这一点
  I want to be sure that you're taken care of 我希望能保证你有个好的着落
  If something happens to me. 如果我发生了什么意外
  I don't want you to be alone. 我不希望你孤单一人
  Marvin, that is so sweet, but I won't be alone. 马文,你太贴心了,但是我不会孤单一人的
  I knew it. 我就知道
  Who is he? 那个男人是谁
  Is it Alec Baldwin? 是不是亚历克·鲍德温
  yes, Marvin, it's Alec Baldwin. 没错,马文,就是亚历克·鲍德温
  Alec, he knows! 亚历克,他发现了
  Come on out from under the couch! 从沙发底下钻出来吧
  No. I meant that I won't be alone here. 不,我的意思是待在这里我不会寂寞
  Uh-huh. Look at our community.  嗯,看看我们的社区
  Our best friends live next door. 我们的好友就住在隔壁
  Yeah. 是啊
  Yeah. I'm gonna be okay. 是啊,我会没事的
  And so are you. 你也是
  These are good, 这些小饼干挺好吃的
  But my favorite combo is still honey and Marvin. 但是我最喜欢的组合还是哈妮和马文
  Am I the cheese or the cracker 32 tube? 我是芝士夹心还是外层
  Why don't you come over here and find out? 你过来尝尝就知道了
  I don't know this song. 我没听过这首歌
  Surprise! 惊喜
  Welcome to your new painting room. 欢迎来到你的新画室
  I'm not gonna lie. 不骗你
  I screamed a lot getting rid of all the spiders. 为了清理掉蜘蛛我都吓尿了
  Oh, Louis, I love it. Thank you. 路易斯,我爱死这儿了,谢谢你
  Oh, I see you kept "Untitled number three." 我看见你把《无题三号》留下来了
  It's one of my favorites. 这是我的心头好之一
  Okay. I'm gonna go pack the boys' lunches. 好了,我要去给孩子们打包午餐了
  No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 别走,别走,别走
  I am going to make the lunches today. 今天我去做午餐
  You paint and enjoy. 你画画吧,玩得开心
  No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, 不行,不行
  No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 不行
  I can also water the plants. You paint. 我可以去浇花,你画吧
  No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, 回来,回来
  No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 回来
  I'll also yell at Eddie. 我去帮你骂埃迪

1 den
  • There is a big fox den on the back hill.后山有一个很大的狐狸窝。
  • The only way to catch tiger cubs is to go into tiger's den.不入虎穴焉得虎子。
2 hilarious
  • The party got quite hilarious after they brought more wine.在他们又拿来更多的酒之后,派对变得更加热闹起来。
  • We stop laughing because the show was so hilarious.我们笑个不停,因为那个节目太搞笑了。
3 brag
  • He made brag of his skill.他夸耀自己技术高明。
  • His wealth is his brag.他夸张他的财富。
4 sanctuary
  • There was a sanctuary of political refugees behind the hospital.医院后面有一个政治难民的避难所。
  • Most countries refuse to give sanctuary to people who hijack aeroplanes.大多数国家拒绝对劫机者提供庇护。
5 expiration
  • Can I have your credit card number followed by the expiration date?能告诉我你的信用卡号码和它的到期日吗?
  • This contract shall be terminated on the expiration date.劳动合同期满,即行终止。
6 ass
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
7 audit
  • Each year they audit our accounts and certify them as being true and fair.他们每年对我们进行账务审核,以确保其真实无误。
  • As usual,the yearly audit will take place in December.跟往常一样,年度审计将在十二月份进行。
8 guts
v.狼吞虎咽,贪婪地吃,飞碟游戏(比赛双方每组5人,相距15码,互相掷接飞碟);毁坏(建筑物等)的内部( gut的第三人称单数 );取出…的内脏n.勇气( gut的名词复数 );内脏;消化道的下段;肠
  • I'll only cook fish if the guts have been removed. 鱼若已收拾干净,我只需烧一下即可。
  • Barbara hasn't got the guts to leave her mother. 巴巴拉没有勇气离开她妈妈。 来自《简明英汉词典》
9 ponies
矮种马,小型马( pony的名词复数 ); £25 25 英镑
  • They drove the ponies into a corral. 他们把矮种马赶进了畜栏。
  • She has a mania for ponies. 她特别喜欢小马。
10 bugs
adj.疯狂的,发疯的n.窃听器( bug的名词复数 );病菌;虫子;[计算机](制作软件程序所产生的意料不到的)错误
  • All programs have bugs and need endless refinement. 所有的程序都有漏洞,都需要不断改进。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The sacks of rice were swarming with bugs. 一袋袋的米里长满了虫子。 来自《简明英汉词典》
11 limousine
  • A chauffeur opened the door of the limousine for the grand lady.司机为这个高贵的女士打开了豪华轿车的车门。
  • We arrived in fine style in a hired limousine.我们很气派地乘坐出租的豪华汽车到达那里。
12 briefcases
n.公文[事]包( briefcase的名词复数 )
  • Portfolio, Name Card Holder, Pen, Briefcases, Computer Bags, Bags and Cases. 采购产品文件夹,名字备置卡片烛台,钢笔,公文包,计算机袋子,袋子和情形。 来自互联网
  • We have quite an array of leather briefcases. 我们有相当的一批公文包。 来自互联网
13 portfolios
n.投资组合( portfolio的名词复数 );(保险)业务量;(公司或机构提供的)系列产品;纸夹
  • Price risk arises in non-trading portfolios, as well as in trading portfolios. 价格风险中出现的非贸易投资,以及在贸易投资组合。 来自互联网
  • How do we fatten our portfolios and stay financially healthy? 我们怎样育肥我们的投资结构和维持财政健康呢? 来自互联网
14 vendor
  • She looked at the vendor who cheated her the other day with distaste.她厌恶地望着那个前几天曾经欺骗过她的小贩。
  • He must inform the vendor immediately.他必须立即通知卖方。
15 relish
  • I have no relish for pop music.我对流行音乐不感兴趣。
  • I relish the challenge of doing jobs that others turn down.我喜欢挑战别人拒绝做的工作。
16 hip
  • The thigh bone is connected to the hip bone.股骨连着髋骨。
  • The new coats blouse gracefully above the hip line.新外套在臀围线上优美地打着褶皱。
17 scrap
  • A man comes round regularly collecting scrap.有个男人定时来收废品。
  • Sell that car for scrap.把那辆汽车当残品卖了吧。
18 fabric
  • The fabric will spot easily.这种织品很容易玷污。
  • I don't like the pattern on the fabric.我不喜欢那块布料上的图案。
19 collage
  • A collage of coloured paper covers a table top.一副彩纸拼贴画盖在桌面上。
  • He has used a mixture of mosaic,collage and felt-tip pen.他混合使用了马赛克、拼贴画和毡头笔。
20 zippers
n.拉链( zipper的名词复数 );用拉链的人,装拉链的包
  • Buttons, zippers should be glitch free and sharp edge. 纽扣、拉链应无毛刺和锐利边缘。 来自互联网
  • Buttons, Zippers, Trimmings and Accessories for the Garment Industry. 主营钮扣,拉链,装饰品和其他服装辅料。 来自互联网
21 chipmunk
  • This little chipmunk is hungry.这只小花栗鼠肚子饿了。
  • Once I brought her a chipmunk with a wound on its stomach.一次,我带了只腹部受伤的花栗鼠去找她。
22 resuscitate
  • A policeman and then a paramedic tried to resuscitate her.一名警察和一位护理人员先后试图救活她。
  • As instructed by Rinpoche,we got the doctors to resuscitate him.遵照仁波切的指示,我们找来医生帮他进行急救。
23 collages
n.拼贴画( collage的名词复数 );杂烩
  • My work includes mixed media, paintings and digital collages. 我的工作包括混合媒介,绘画和数码拼贴。 来自互联网
  • I love making photo collages. 我喜欢做照片拼贴。 来自互联网
24 unemployed
  • There are now over four million unemployed workers in this country.这个国家现有四百万失业人员。
  • The unemployed hunger for jobs.失业者渴望得到工作。
25 earring
  • How long have you worn that earring?你戴那个耳环多久了?
  • I have an earring but can't find its companion.我现在只有一只耳环,找不到另一只了。
26 high-tech
  • The economy is in the upswing which makes high-tech services in more demand too.经济在蓬勃发展,这就使对高科技服务的需求量也在加大。
  • The quest of a cure for disease with high-tech has never ceased. 人们希望运用高科技治疗疾病的追求从未停止过。
27 aquarium
  • The first time I saw seals was in an aquarium.我第一次看见海豹是在水族馆里。
  • I'm going to the aquarium with my parents this Sunday.这个星期天,我要和父母一起到水族馆去。
28 bum
  • A man pinched her bum on the train so she hit him.在火车上有人捏她屁股,她打了那人。
  • The penniless man had to bum a ride home.那个身无分文的人只好乞求搭车回家。
29 chili
  • He helped himself to another two small spoonfuls of chili oil.他自己下手又加了两小勺辣椒油。
  • It has chocolate,chili,and other spices.有巧克力粉,辣椒,和其他的调味品。
30 distinctive
  • She has a very distinctive way of walking.她走路的样子与别人很不相同。
  • This bird has several distinctive features.这个鸟具有几种突出的特征。
31 timbre
  • His voice had a deep timbre.他嗓音低沉。
  • The timbre of the violin is far richer than that of the mouth organ.小提琴的音色远比口琴丰富。
32 cracker
  • Buy me some peanuts and cracker.给我买一些花生和饼干。
  • There was a cracker beside every place at the table.桌上每个位置旁都有彩包爆竹。
标签: 初来乍到
additional growth
allied health professions project
Anglo-Norman architecture
arginine (arg or r)
assets of trust corpus
beam pipeline spanning
benefit fund for employees
centre bearing
champagne cup
chromocyclite (cr-apophyllite)
combat injury
conjugate conics
control experiment
copy-back cache
copying camera
crime fiction
cross connected generator
crystals growing materials
disease detective
E-optimal design
eutropha frarinosa
exoccipital bone
filtration medium
formol-gel test
glazed ceramic
grip strength test
have enough
Hr Mr
hydrodynamic quietness
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo
integral unit
Kologi, Jab.
Krasnyy Partizan
local decision maker
mask method
master search file
negotia inter vivos
New York ironweed
nonstellar astronomical object
obturator nerve
ocean wave decay
oil roller
outside air intake duct
pack mustard
preferential payment in bankruptcy
preferred customer
product creation
red sanders
Rhagio scolopaceus
siege train
sine squaring circuit
software written language
soot chamber
south-north asymmetry
stale pointer bug
statistical ecology
subcutaneous veins
teparized milk
Time Limit of Arbitration
voltage-variable capacitor