音标:[ʌpˈendɪŋ] ;
v. 颠倒, 倒放( upend的现在分词 )
n turning upside down; setting on end
v become turned or set on end
v set, turn, or stand on end
词型变化:名词复数形式 : upendings



  1. If you upend the box it will take less space.如果你将盒子竖起来,它就可以少占些空间。
  2. We'll have to upend the cupboard to get it through the door.我们得把碗橱倒过来才能抬过这门。
  3. If successful, we will upend our main competitors.如果成功,我们将击败我们的主要竞争对手。
  4. Economists began to doubt the possibility of a financial crisis so severe it would upend the economy.经济学家开始怀疑爆发撼动经济的严重金融危机的可能性。