pref. 在...下, 在...中, 副, 亚, 次, 不全
[医] 在下, 下; 不足, 不全; 次, 亚(化学)
[医] 在下, 下; 不足, 不全; 次, 亚(化学)
A prefix signifying under, below, beneath, and hence often, in
an inferior position or degree, in an imperfect or partial state, as in
subscribe, substruct, subserve, subject, subordinate, subacid,
subastringent, subgranular, suborn. Sub- in Latin compounds often
becomes sum- before m, sur before r, and regularly becomes suc-, suf-,
sug-, and sup- before c, f, g, and p respectively. Before c, p, and t
it sometimes takes form sus- (by the dropping of b from a collateral
form, subs-).
A prefix denoting that the ingredient (of a compound) signified
by the term to which it is prefixed,is present in only a small
proportion, or less than the normal amount; as, subsulphide, suboxide,
etc. Prefixed to the name of a salt it is equivalent to basic; as,
subacetate or basic acetate.
an inferior position or degree, in an imperfect or partial state, as in
subscribe, substruct, subserve, subject, subordinate, subacid,
subastringent, subgranular, suborn. Sub- in Latin compounds often
becomes sum- before m, sur before r, and regularly becomes suc-, suf-,
sug-, and sup- before c, f, g, and p respectively. Before c, p, and t
it sometimes takes form sus- (by the dropping of b from a collateral
form, subs-).
A prefix denoting that the ingredient (of a compound) signified
by the term to which it is prefixed,is present in only a small
proportion, or less than the normal amount; as, subsulphide, suboxide,
etc. Prefixed to the name of a salt it is equivalent to basic; as,
subacetate or basic acetate.
- sub block小组信息(数字组...
- sub aeration底吹法(底吹)...
- sub store辅助仓库(备用仓库)...
- sub element子元件(部分元件)...
- sub dealer支店(分店)
- sub boundary亚晶界(粒界网状组织...
- sub truss支撑桁架(脚手架)...
- sub total小计
- sub exciter副励磁器(辅助励磁器...
- sub assembly局部装配
- sub slicing分层陷落开采...
- sub control副控制(辅助控制器)...
- sub grain亚晶粒(二次晶粒...
- sub joint副接头(辅助接头)...
- sub frame副架(副车架...
- sub fraction子分式(子分数)...
- sub warhead子弹头
- hoagie英雄三明治
- substitute代用品
- stand in代替
- poor boy[美][口](主新奥尔良...
- grinder磨工
- wedge楔子
- submarine潜水艇
- hero英雄
- submarine sandwich潜艇形大三明治...
- hoagy大型三明治
- torpedo鱼雷
- pigboat潜水艇
- Cuban sandwich大号三明治
- U-boat德国海军的潜水艇...
- hero sandwich好极三明治,巨型三明治...
- bomber轰炸机
- fill in填写
- Italian sandwich花旗三明治
- super超级的