v interpret something that is written or printed
v have or contain a certain wording or form
v look at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed
v obtain data from magnetic tapes
v interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky; also of human behavior
v interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression
v be a student of a certain subject
v indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments
v audition for a stage role by reading parts of a role
v to hear and understand
v make sense of a language
- Only a few of the children there can read.那里只有几个小孩识字。
- Read the text slowly and deliberately.缓慢,有意的读全文。
- Every man is a volume if you know how to read him.每一个人都是一卷书,只要你懂得如何阅读它。
- Please read aloud so that I can hear you.请大声朗读,好让我能听到。
- I can read French but I can't speak it.我能看懂法文但不会说。
- Silence must not always be read as consent.沉默不能总理解为同意。
- I read a good article in today's paper.我在今天的报纸上读到了一篇好文章。
- The marker reads "12 kilometres".只见标志上写着“12公里”,
- Generally, the article reads very well.一般而言,这篇文章读起来很不错。
- What does the thermometer read?温度计的读数是多少?
- A man came to read the gas meter.有位男子来查过煤气表。
- Do you read me?你听得见我说的话吗?
- We advise the bank to amend the clause to read "partial shipment be permit".我们已通知银行将该条款改为“允许分批装船”。
- She read history as an undergraduate.她在大学攻读历史
- My computer can't read the disk you sent.我的电脑不能读你送来的盘。
- I was having a quiet read when the phone rang.我在静静地看书,忽然电话铃响了。
- His thrillers are always a gripping read.他的惊险小说向来引人入胜。
- He is very widely read in law.他在法律方面知识渊博。
- I have been reading the whole morning.我读了一上午的书。
- She is learning to read.她正在学习阅读。
- I have little time to read.我很少有时间看书。
- Children in a primary school read and write every day.小学里的孩子们每天都要读书写字。
- The sentence reads smoothly.这句子读起来很流畅。
- The two editions read differently.这两种版本读起来不一样。
- The name should read “Benson”, not “Fenton”.这名字念Benson,而不念Fenton。
- This poem reads well.这首诗读起来很好。
- His article reads fluently.他的文章读起来很通顺。
- She likes reading books.她喜欢看书。
- How many English books have you read?你读过几本英语书?
- I read English literature at Beijing University.我在北京大学攻读英国文学。
- I can't read your notes.我看不懂你的笔记。
- Can you read the signs?你能读懂这些符号吗?
- She reads French quite well, but doesn't speak it.她法语的阅读能力很强,但不会说法语。
- I can read your thoughts from your face.我可以从你脸上看出你的心思。
- You can read a person's character at the first glance.一个人的性格如何你可一望而知。
- A motorist must be able to read traffic signs.驾驶员必须会辨认交通标志。
- Nobody can read the future.谁也无法预知未来。
- He said he can read your future.他说他能预言你未来的命运。
- The clock reads four-twenty.这钟显示的时间是4点20分。
- The ticket reads “From New York to Boston”.车票上标明:“自纽约至波士顿”。 1
- Such books are little read nowadays.这类书现在很少有人读了。
- Mary read how to make pastry.玛丽阅读了做糕点的方法。
- I read that the new director is Chinese.我获悉新董事长是中国人。
- I have read that the airport was widely used during the war.我获悉飞机场在那场战争中得到广泛使用。
- His letter reads that he doesn't intend to come.他的信上说他不打算来了。
- The law reads that he is guilty.法律判他有罪。
- I can't read what the thermometer says.我不会看温度表上的度数。
- We read how it was done.我们看到了资料,知道是怎么做的了。
- I'll read you the newspaper.我给你读报纸。
- I read him the poem.我给他读那首诗。
- Will you please read me the letter?请你把这封信读给我听好吗?
- I'll read you another passage.我来读另一段给你们听。
- Let me read it to you.让我读给你听听吧。
- The teacher read a poem to the class.老师向班上的同学朗诵了一首诗歌。
- Could you read that material for me?你能给我念一念那份材料吗?
- She read a nice story for the children.她给孩子们读了一篇好听的故事。
- We can take (it) as read that an apology was given.我们可以认为已经道歉了。
- You may take it as read that Facer will be angry when he hears what you've done.你可以认为当费塞听说你的所作所为时,他会很生气。
- We can take it as read that the newspapers will support our opponents.我们不用问也知道,报纸会支持我们的对手。
- I read her reply as refusal.我把她的回答视为拒绝。 1
- Silence mustn't always be read as consent.沉默不能总是被视为同意。
- 读到; 获悉 receive information concerning (sth) through printed materialread about sth
I read about it in the newspaper.
The heart transplants have been read about and discussed everywhere.
- 复述 repeat a reading of; read in returnread sth ⇔ back
Please read back the text of my message.
When you send a telegram by phone, the operator will normally read it back to you.
- 为取得(学位等)而攻读〔学习〕 study so as to obtain (a degree) or become a member of (the bar, the profession or lawyers, etc.)read for sth
My son is reading for the law, and hopes to become a lawyer at the end of next year.
- 读到; 学习,研究 read words printed in a book, newspaper, etc.; study a subject by reading; understand sth by reading or studying sthread in sth
I like to read deeply in any subject that I choose to study.
read sth in sthThe story must be true,I read it in the newspaper.
I could read the answer in his face before he spoke.
He read in a magazine that more prisoners had been captured.
I read in a book that this was discovered by a young soldier.
Yesterday I read in the paper that milk would cost more.
- 理解…时加进 add more than is justifiedread sth into sth
Don't read more into her letter than she intended.
He read love into her casual friendliness.
Try not to read evil intentions into the ordinary actions of people.
You shouldn't read things into what I said.
You are reading more than words intended into what he said.
- 读起来像是… be like another sth while reading sthread like sth
This doesn't read like a child's composition.
That article reads like a translation.
This book reads like a biography.
The poem reads like a translation.
- 读到; 获悉 receive information concerning (sth) through printed materialread of sth
I read of his death in yesterday's newspaper.
- 全部流利地读出 read (sth such as words) thoroughly, often loud and smoothlyread sth ⇔ off
He read off the instructions as though he knew them by heart.
The radio announcer read off the message as if he'd known it by heart.
- 继续读 continue to readread on
I'm sorry I interrupted.Please read on.
Our story finished at this point last week; now read on.
The novel was so absorbing that she read on without a break even forgetting food and sleep.
When you have done the exercise, read on to page 12.
- 读出 (of a computer) produce (the results of an inquiry or calculation)
- 重新读 read from beginning to endread sth ⇔ over
Read over your written work before handing it in.
The BBC read the script over before allowing the programme to be made.
Let me read that over.I must have mistaken the name.
- 仔细阅读 examine thoroughlyread sth ⇔ through
The editor read through the manuscript.
The passage was so difficult that he had to read it through several times before he could understand it.
- 边读边使(自己)处于某种状态 cause oneself to be in a state while readingread oneself to sth
She often reads herself to sleep.
He even read himself to tears.
- 攻读,钻研 learn up by reading; studyread sth ⇔ up
I believe he has started reading up anthropology.
You have read the subject up but I know nothing about it.
Read up the rules and you'll see I am right.
Before trying to tackle his homework he read up the notes he had taken at the lecture.
read up on sthI must read up on the developments in the French language; I'm afraid I'm getting out of touch.
I must read up on Arab customs before I go to Bahrain.
- read a dream释梦
- read a language读懂某种语言
- read a letter读信
- read a map查阅地图
- read a novel读小说
- read a poem aloud朗诵一首诗
- read a story读故事
- read a telegram读电报
- read books读书
- read drawing领会绘画
- read men's hearts了解〔考察〕人们的心理
- read music领会音乐
- read newspapers看报
- read one's face观察某人的脸色
- read one's hand看手相
- read one's mind看出某人的心思
- read one's mood理解某人的心境
- read one's thoughts看出某人的心思
- read the future预言未来
- read the sky观天
- read aloud朗诵〔读〕
- read quite well阅读能力相当强
- read admirably巧妙地识破
- read carefully认真阅读
- read clearly清楚地标着
- read differently读起来不一样
- read diligently勤奋地阅读
- read distinctly清晰地标明
- read eagerly热切地阅读
- read easily容易看懂
- read fluently流利地朗读
- read greedily贪婪地阅读
- read hungrily如饥似渴地阅读
- read hurriedly匆匆地阅读
- read intensively精读
- read largely广泛地阅读
- read loudly大声地读
- read normally正常地读
- read oddly读起来很怪
- read purposely有目的地阅读
- read silently默读
- read smoothly读起来很流畅
- read widely阅读广泛
- read wisely聪明地阅读
- read back复述
- read off宣读
- read on往下念
- read out宣读,朗读
- read out the result of the voting宣读选举结果
- read over读完,读一遍
- read through看完
- read through three of the passages看完三段
- read up专攻,熟读
- read up on some subject系统地研究某一学科
- read about读到〔阅悉〕…
- read as follows内容如下
- read between the lines在字里行间寻找言外之意
- read by candlelight在烛光下阅读
- read by children供儿童阅读
- read for为…阅读〔学习〕
- read for an examination准备考试
- read for degree为取得学位而用功读书
- read for the bar为当律师而攻读
- read from a book选书中一段阅读
- read from one's favourite author选读自己最喜爱的作家的作品
- read in a book读一本书读得入迷
- read in full as follows全文如下
- read into把…理解成,使…归于
- read of读到〔阅悉〕…
- read of that news quite by chance偶然看到那则消息
- read out of宣布把…开除
- read to读给…听
- read to oneself默读
- read oneself to sleep看书看得睡着
- read with expression有表情地朗读
He'd..gone to bed to lie down and have a read.
出自:T. ParkerTamburlaine is a tolerable read..As a stage play it is pretty hopeless.
出自:J. I. M. StewartHe was deeply read in the ancients.
出自:Henry FieldingLeading editorials were read..to the people.
出自:A. CarnegieI don't read Scott.
出自:R. KiplingWe had read the same..books.
出自:S. BellowShe started reading him a story.
出自:K. Amis
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零起点英文启蒙Blackcat黑猫出版社Earlyreads系列29本(PDF文本下载) 更多儿童英语: 哈哈美语 爱探险的朵拉
零起点英文启蒙Blackcat黑猫出版社Earlyreads系列29本(PDF文本下载) 更多儿童英语: 哈哈美语 爱探险的朵拉
零起点英文启蒙Blackcat黑猫出版社Earlyreads系列29本(PDF文本下载) 更多儿童英语: 哈哈美语 爱探险的朵拉
零起点英文启蒙Blackcat黑猫出版社Earlyreads系列29本 ( PDF文本下载 ) 更多儿童英语: 哈哈美语 棒棒学英语
零起点英文启蒙Blackcat黑猫出版社Earlyreads系列29本 ( PDF文本下载 ) 更多儿童英语: 哈哈美语 棒棒学英语
零起点英文启蒙Blackcat黑猫出版社Earlyreads系列29本 ( PDF文本下载 ) 更多儿童英语: 哈哈美语 棒棒学英语
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零起点英文启蒙Blackcat黑猫出版社Earlyreads系列29本 ( PDF文本下载 ) 更多儿童英语: 哈哈美语 爱探险的朵拉