单词:pneumatic nozzle
单词:pneumatic nozzle 相关文章
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Lucy likes to finish it off, meaning she likes to finish doing her hair, with a little hairspray. 露西喜欢最后喷一点头发定型剂,意思是她打理头发的最后步骤。 Hairspray, hairspray, (one word) is liquid that you put on a lar
for when you shut the bellows, the valve cannot close the air-hole because of your finger, 因为, 当你关闭风箱把手时, 你的手指使得阀门无法关闭空气进出的圆孔, and most of the air then escapes through this hole instead of g
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You pump it at a high pressure through a nozzle. You create a spray of detergent. 你用高压将它压过一个喷嘴,你制造了清洁剂喷雾。 Then the spray dries. It turns into powder. It falls to the floor. 喷雾干燥后就成了粉末,
托福阅读:托福阅读中需要理解的重要句子 1.Wearing masks and costumes, they often impersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mined the desired effect success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revi
He was riding the LIRR to Oyster Bay. He saw beautiful scenery everywhere. But he also saw graffiti everywhere. There must be a way to stop graffiti, he thought. He did some research. He developed a design for a graffiti-buster. He presented it to a
Its been a long time since Ive seen my friends Steve and Liz, and I thought this would be a good weekend to drive up to Santa Barbara to see them. Gas prices have been through the roof, but I decided to take the short road trip anyway. Before getting
Try an mnemonic device such as an acronym sentence like Raging Martians Invaded Venus Using X-ray Guns. 尝试用可以帮助记忆的口诀,像是首字母缩略字组成的句子,例如:愤怒的火星人用X光枪入侵金星。 学习重点: