(kosher 的过去时) a. 合犹太人戒律的, 清净的, 合适的
past tense of kosher
n. food that fulfills the requirements of Jewish dietary law
s. conforming to dietary laws
s. proper or legitimate
n. food that fulfills the requirements of Jewish dietary law
s. conforming to dietary laws
s. proper or legitimate
- All their food is strictly kosher.他们所有的食物都完全符合犹太教食规。
- The kosher wine has ripe plum flavors and a spicy finish.这种犹太教允许饮用的红酒有着成熟洋李的芬芳。
- Their business deals are not always completely kosher.他们的商业活动并不总是光明正大的。
- I think there is reason to suspect that things have been done that may not be kosher.我想我们有理由去怀疑他们已经做了些不干净的事情。
- The glues on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher.以色列的邮票上的胶水被证实是洁净可食的。
Meat cannot be kosher unless the animals' throats have been cut by the authorized butcher.
出自:R. Hayman
- genuine真诚的
- authentic真正的
- true真实的
- real真实的
- bona fide真诚的
- lawful法律许可的
- acceptable合意的
- legitimate合法的
- aboveboard光明正大地
- proper合适的
- cosher给好吃的东西...