单词:joint liabilities
单词:joint liabilities 相关文章
应聘会计师 会计师事务所提供的服务包括有:成立公司、会计、核算、评估、税务咨询(包括税务调查和实地审查)、公司清盘。事务所的专业人士有:注册会计师、税务师、资产评估师、房地产估价师和选价工程师,都在会 计 、 审 计 、 经 济 、 税 务 、 工 程 等 方 面具
Accounts Payable: Sales: Accounts Payable divided by Annual Sales, measuring the speed with which a company pays vendors relative to sales. Numbers higher than typical industry ratios suggest that the company is using suppliers to float operations. A
Union Bank of Hong Kong Ltd. 香港友联银行有限公司 Union Finance Limited 友联财务有限公司 unissued share 尚未发行的股份 unit cost basis 以单位成本为基础 unit holder 单位
折扣栏 discount column 折旧 depreciation 折旧帐法 depreciation account method 折旧准备帐法 depreciation provision account method 折价 discount 非人名帐户 impersonal account 抽取
hire purchase 租购 hirer 租购公司 historical cost 历史成本 holder 持票人 honour the bill of exchange 结算票据 impersonal account 非人名帐户 imprest system 定额制度 income det
Assets、Liabilities 和Owner's Equity 这三个词分别是资产、负债和所有者权益,是会计等式的三个要素。 Assets 这个词表示资产时一定要用复数形式,即词尾要有
Accounts Payable: Sales: Accounts Payable divided by Annual Sales, measuring the speed with which a company pays vendors relative to sales. Numbers higher than typical industry ratios suggest that the company is using suppliers to float operations. A
Accounts Payable: Sales: Accounts Payable divided by Annual Sales, measuring the speed with which a company pays vendors relative to sales. Numbers higher than typical industry ratios suggest that the company is using suppliers to float operations. A
Account account 有很多意思,常见的主要是说明、解释;计算、帐单;银行帐户。例如: 1. He gave me a full account of his plan。 他把计划给我做了完整的说明。 2. Charge it to my account。 把它记在我的帐上
关于会计职务 642.Excuse me,sir.May I apply for the position of accountant? 先生,我可以申请会计一职吗? 643.Sure.Please sit down. 当然可以,请坐。 644.What university did you graduate from? 你从哪所学校
spending guideline 开支指引;开支预算的指引 spending pattern 开支模式;消费模式 spending power 消费力 split 拆细;拆股 split share 已拆细股份;已分割股份 split
stand-over order 暂缓缴税令 Star Chamber 高层资源会议 Star Chamber Action Group 高层资源会议策动小组 Star Chamber review 高层资源会议总结;高层资源会议检讨 start-
gross expenditure 开支总额;总支出 gross expenses 开支总额;总开支 gross income 收入总额;总收益 gross insurance liabilities 毛保险负债 gross liabilities 总负债 gross l
net indebtedness 净负债额 net inflow of fund 资金流入净额 net insurance liabilities 保险负债净额 net interest margin 净利率差距 net interest paid 实付利息 net liabilities 净负
non-payment 不缴付;不付款 non-performing assets 非营运资产 non-performing loan 非营运贷款;不履约贷款 non-profit-distributing body 非分配利润的组织 non-profit-making 非牟
1)会计与会计理论 会计 accounting 决策人 Decision Maker 投资人 Investor 股东 Shareholder 债权人 Creditor 财务会计 Financial Accounting 管理 会计 Management Accounting 成本会计 Cost Accounting 私业会计 Private Acco
long-term business 长期业务 long-term business assets 长期业务资产 long-term business fund 长期业务基金 long-term business liabilities 长期业务负债 Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan
match an order 对单;对盘 matching 对销;相配;对盘 matching grant 半费资助;等额津贴 matching system 对销系统;相配系统;对盘系统 material risk 重大风险 mathem