音标:[hɔ'mɔ^rәfi] ;
n. [数]单应性
n. That method of spelling in which every sound is
represented by a single character, which indicates that sound and no
n. A relation between two figures, such that to any point
of the one corresponds one and but one point in the other, and vise
versa. Thus, a tangent line rolling on a circle cuts two fixed tangents
of the circle in two sets of points that are homographic.
represented by a single character, which indicates that sound and no
n. A relation between two figures, such that to any point
of the one corresponds one and but one point in the other, and vise
versa. Thus, a tangent line rolling on a circle cuts two fixed tangents
of the circle in two sets of points that are homographic.
- At last, we apply the algorithms computing homography to a real-time view interpolation system.最后,论文将平面单应算法应用到一个实时视图插补系统。