音标:[geɪts] ;
n. 步态, 步法( gait的复数形式 )
n. the rate of moving (especially walking or running)
n. a horse's manner of moving
n. a person's manner of walking
n. a horse's manner of moving
n. a person's manner of walking
- He is awkward in his gait.他的步态不雅观。
- His easy gait shows self-confidence.他从容的步态显示出自信。
- The man walked along with an unsteady gait.那人脚步不稳地向前走去。
- The fastest gait of a horse is the gallop.马最快的步法是奔驰。
- The soldiers are striding with a dignified gait.士兵们正昂然阔步而行。
- Air Gait盖式空中跳跃投球...
- collected gait自然步法
- stamping gait[医] 顿足步态...
- abnormal gait步态异常
- paretic gait轻瘫步态
- goose gait鹅步态
- gait test步行试验,步态试验...
- waddling gait鸭步态
- staggering gait步态蹒跚,蹒跚步态...
- ambling gait溜花蹄
- reeling gait步态蹒跚,蹒跚步态...
- natural gait自然步
- scissors gait剪刀步态
- disunited gait乱步
- slow gait慢侧对步
- shortened gait缩短步法
- ataxic gait共济失到态,共济失调...
- spastic gait痉挛步态
- artificial gait人工步
- go one's own gait自行其是
Scarse thy legs uphold thy feeble gate.
出自:SpenserShe walked with an awkward gait, bending forward from the waist.
出自:D. M. Thomas