音标:[feilz] ;
v. 在…中失败( fail的第三人称单数 ); 衰退; 衰弱; 破产
v fail to do something; leave something undone
v be unsuccessful
v disappoint, prove undependable to; abandon, forsake
v stop operating or functioning
v be unable
v judge unacceptable
v fail to get a passing grade
v fall short in what is expected
v become bankrupt or insolvent; fail financially and close
v prove insufficient
v get worse



  1. We must hang together,or our plan will fail.我们必须齐心协力,否则我们的计划就会失败。
  2. He never fails to write to his mother every week.他从来没有忘记每周给母亲写信。
  3. He studied hard only to fail in the exam.他这么用功,结果竟然考场失利。
  4. The water supply failed during the drought.在干旱期供水不足
  5. As she is getting older, her sight is beginning to fail.随着年纪越来越大,她的视力开始下降。
  1. Your performance failed your coach who thought that you could have done better.你的表现辜负了教练的期望,他认为你本可以做得更好一些。
  2. He wanted to lift the heavy box, but his strength failed him.他是想举起那个沉重的箱子,不过力气不行。
  3. Words fail me right at the sight of this beautiful scenery.面对着如此美景,我找不到词语来表达我的心情了。
  4. You will fail French unless you work harder.你要是不再加把劲儿,法语考试就不及格了。
  1. He got a fail in history and passes in other subjects.他历史考试不及格,其他科目都通过了。
  2. He calls me every Sunday night without fail.他每个星期天的晚上必定会给我打电话。


  1. If you don't work hard, you may fail.不努力就可能失败。
  2. The project has failed.这项研究工作失败了。
  3. All our plans failed.我们所有的计划都失败了。
  4. They led two revolutions and failed.他们领导过两次革命,都失败了。
  5. He had done his best but failed.他竭尽全力但仍然还是失败了。
  6. He tried to pull out the burning fuse, but failed.他想法把燃着的引信拔掉,但没有成功。
  7. The plan failed miserably.这项计划失败得很惨。
  8. The machine, however, failed on its trial run.但这部机器的试车失败了。
  9. Their water supply had failed.他们的水供应不上了。
  10. The oil supply failed.石油供给不足。
  11. The flowers failed for lack of rain.这些花由于缺水而凋零了。
  12. Her health rapidly failed.她的健康状况迅速恶化了。
  13. His sight is beginning to fail.他的视力开始减退了。
  14. He was very old and was failing rapidly.他年岁很大,身体很快衰弱下来。
  15. The old man was failing and his sons decided to spare him the shock of the news.老人生命垂危,他的儿子们决定不再让他听到这个使他震惊的消息。
  16. How rapidly he fails!他衰弱得多快啊!
  17. The radio is failing.无线电声音小下来了。
  18. Pretty soon father's business failed altogether and I had to leave school again.不久我父亲的买卖完全倒闭了,我只好再次辍学。
  19. Several of the biggest banks failed during the depression.几家最大的银行在萧条时期倒闭了。
  20. When the price of oil doubled many businesses failed.当石油价格成倍上涨时,许多企业都无法维持下去了。
  21. The store failed with him.这家商店随着他的离去而倒闭了。
  22. After his death, the family line failed.他死之后,这个家系就消亡了。
  23. The patient's heart failed.病人的心脏停止了跳动。
  24. The rocket's engine failed a few seconds after taking off.发射几秒钟后,火箭的发动机便失灵了。
  25. The crop failed because of drought.由于干旱,庄稼歉收了。
  26. The crop failed two years.这种作物连续两年歉收。
  27. If the crops fails, there will be a serious food shortage.如果谷物收成不好,将会出现严重的灾荒。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. He would have succeeded if his courage hadn't failed him.如果他当时没有失去勇气,他就成功了。
  2. If you do such sloppy work again,I promise I'll fail you.要是下次作业你再马马虎虎,我话说在头里,可要给你打不及格了。
  3. Diligent students occasionally fail this subject.用功的学生在这门功课上偶尔也不及格。
  4. If they fail that test, they are likely to have plenty of time to figure out where their game went wrong.如果他们在测验中失败了,他们会有足够的时间来找出失败的原因。
  5. He failed his driving-test.他驾驶测验不合格。
  6. We trusted him, and he did not fail us.我们信赖他,他也没有辜负我们的信赖。
  7. We are counting on your return next year, we know you won't fail us.我们期待你明年回来,我们知道你不会使我们失望的。
  8. His friends failed him when he most need-ed them.他的朋友在他最需要他们的时刻使他失望了。
  9. She was my responsibility, and I failed her; and so it has come to this.她应由我管,我没尽到责任,所以落到这个地步。
  10. His memory failed him.他记不起事了。
  11. She was so upset that words failed her.她心烦意乱得说不出话来。
  12. Several times he almost brought himself to the point of speaking to them, but his courage failed him.好几次他几乎就要和他们去说了,但又没有勇气了。
  13. His heart, however, failed him.但他的心脏支持不住了。
  14. She reached for a chair and sat down suddenly, as if her legs had failed her.她伸手抓住一把椅子,突然坐了下来,好像她的腿支持不住似的。
  15. Her tongue failed her when she tried to reply.她想回答,但舌头却不听使唤了。
S+~+to- v
  1. I failed to see him. He was out.我没见到他,他出去了。
  2. She failed to reach the semi-finals.她未能进入半决赛。
  3. Can anyone fail to see what kind of show they are putting on?谁会看不出来他们玩的是什么把戏?
  4. They have failed to modernize their factories.他们没能使他们的工厂现代化。
  5. He dialed the number again, but failed to get a connection.他又拨了那个号,仍然没能接通。
  6. The car failed to climb the hill.这辆小汽车没能爬上山去。
  7. All efforts at whitewashing failed to deceive the workers.所有掩盖真相的努力都没有瞒过工人们。
  8. Mr. Walt never failed to get up early.华尔特先生总是早早起床。
  9. He never failed to write to his mother every week.他从未耽误过每周给他母亲写信。
  10. He always fails to lock the door when he leaves.他离开时总是忘记锁门。
  11. Don't fail to let me know when you return.回来时别忘了给我一个信儿。
  12. Don't fail to ring me up.别忘了给我打电话。
  13. Don't fail to remember what I have said.别忘了我刚才说的话。
  14. She never fails to keep her words.她从不食言。
  15. We receive letters from him every week, he never fails to write.我们每星期都收到他的来信,他从未忘记写信来。
  16. He failed to pass the examination through carelessness.由于粗心,他考试没及格。
其他v -ing as Attrib.
  1. He has suffered from failing health for the last two years.近两年来,他的健康状况每况愈下。
  2. In the failing light I could hardly see the road in front of me.光线越来越暗,我几乎看不清前面的路了。
v -ing as Adverb.
  1. Failing that, we must think of another plan.这要是不行,我们就得另想办法。
  2. Failing a heavy rainfall soon, the drought will become serious.要是最近不下一场大雨,旱情就会严重了。
  3. Failing this, they will be responsible for all the consequences arising there from.要是做不到这一点,他们必须对由此产生的后果负责。
  1. Some college courses are graded in terms of either a pass or a fail.有些大学课程按及格或不及格打分。
  2. I had three passes and one fail.我考试三门及格,一门不及格。
  3. “What were your results?” “A fail in history and passes in everything else.”“你考试成绩怎么样?”“历史不及格,别的各科都通过了。”


fail in (v.+prep.)
    缺乏…,在…方面不足 lack sthfail in sth/v-ing

    He failed in business.


    He failed in his attempt to organize another club.


    He failed in his first attempt.


    I should consider myself failing in my duty if I did not take immediate action.


    He failed in his promise.


    How could you fail in such an easy test?


    He failed in the examination.


    They have failed in literature and art.


    She failed in her mathematics.


    I passed in math but failed in French.


    Mr. Brown failed in getting a job.


    I failed in persuading him.


    The chairman failed in trying to persuade the committee to share his opinion.


    He failed in passing the examination through carelessness.


    fail sb in sth

    The teacher failed her in English.


    The teacher failed me in the written paper.


    He failed us in our time of need.


    fail in sth

    She writes well, but fails in imagination.


    His speech failed in persuasiveness and proof.


    He's a clever man, but fails in perseverance.


fail of (v.+prep.)
    在…方面不能达到,缺乏 be unsuccessful in; lackfail of sth

    He failed of promotion.


    Your plan seems to have failed of its purpose.


    The policy is bound to fail of its object.


    His experiment failed of success.


    The Bill failed of passage in the last Congress.


    The debater's argument failed of logical connection.


without fail
    必定,一定 with complete certainty


用作动词 (v.)
  • fail a friend使朋友感到失望,辜负朋友,抛弃朋友
  • fail an exam考试不及格
  • fail abjectly惨败
  • fail absolutely绝对不足
  • fail apparently明显地不足
  • fail completely完全地失败
  • fail considerably极大地失败
  • fail conspicuously显然失败
  • fail constantly不断地失败
  • fail deplorably惨败
  • fail despicably可耻地失败
  • fail directly直接失败
  • fail dismally惨败
  • fail doubtfully难以预料地失败
  • fail duly正式破产
  • fail entirely完全破产
  • fail essentially彻底失败
  • fail eventually最终失败
  • fail freely随意地忘记
  • fail fully完全忘记
  • fail gravely严重地失败
  • fail grievously严重地失败
  • fail habitually常败
  • fail hypocritically假装失败
  • fail ignominiously屈辱地失败
  • fail indefensibly不可避免地失败
  • fail indirectly间接不足
  • fail inexplicably莫明其妙地失败
  • fail lamentably可悲地失败
  • fail materially实质性地失败
  • fail mentally智力上不足
  • fail miserably惨败
  • fail needlessly不必要地失败
  • fail occasionally偶尔地失败
  • fail partially部分地失败
  • fail quietly悄悄地失败
  • fail rapidly迅速恶化
  • fail ridiculously可笑地失败
  • fail sadly惨败
  • fail seriously严重地不足
  • fail signally大败
  • fail steadily不断失败
  • fail tentatively暂时不足
  • fail ultimately最终失败
  • fail undoubtedly必将失败
  • fail unwittingly无意中失败
  • fail utterly完全失败
  • fail vitally极大地不足
  • fail for want of help因得不到帮助而失败
  • fail in在…方面失败,缺乏
  • fail in business做生意不成功
  • fail in duty失职
  • fail in everything一切都失败了
  • fail in examination考试不及格
  • fail in health健康衰退
  • fail in persuading sb没能说服某人
  • fail of没有,未能
  • fail of purpose没有达到目的
  • fail of success没有成功
  • fail of the object没达到目的
  • fail on评定(学生)…不及格
  • fail through carelessness因疏忽而失败


  • What dangers, by his Highness' fail of issue, May drop upon his kingdom.

    出自:Winter's Tale,Shakespeare
  • He won't come this evening..But he'll come tomorrow Without fail.

    出自:S. Beckett
  • Shaded over head with Trees, and with Matts when the boughs fail.

    出自:H. Maundrell

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achromatic body
advance speed
ascertained losses
auricular cartilage (or conchal cartilage)
basket rim
Birkhoff theorem
bottom beam
boundary of chain
brahmina nomurai
bundesrepublik deutschland
cadmium rod
calamine (hemimorphite)
central deposit system
character insertion
charitable group
chuck sb out
cirsium dipsacolepis
combat vehicle
dedicated pin
demand sb of sth
disease involving two or more channels
fading range
figure eights
five finga
fixed array method
flashover welding
German capital
gravity drainage reservoir
honest brokers
jet drill
liner packing
maritime historical geography
mechanical foreman
megaconial myopathy
metal balance
minor-caliber weapon
myocerosis angiotica haemorrhagica
no risk till on board
noncrystalline mineral
notice of suspend payment
oil occurrence
political geography
quadrate (bone)
red-thread clove sore
right of credit
Risk management.
safe keeping
scouting distance
secondary passive alignment
selfed seedling
short-period coment
stabilization by compaction
Stephania glabra
trimable fat
unmanned bomber
web news site
work away