音标:['i:vәn] ; 柯林斯词典等级:1 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
a. 平坦的, 相等的, 连贯的, 均等的, 公平的, 偶数的, 平均的, 平衡的, 恰好的
vt. 使平坦, 使相等
vi. 变平, 成为相等
adv. 甚至, 实际上, 完全, 十分
n. 偶数, 偶校验
[计] 偶数, 偶校验
v. become even or more even
v. make even or more even
a. divisible by two
s. equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced
词型变化:现在分词 : evening ; 过去式 : evened ; 第三人称单数 : evens ; 过去分词 : evened ; 名词复数形式 : evens



  1. A billiard-table must be perfectly even.台球桌必须十分平.
  2. He spoke lightly in even tones.他以平和的语调温和地讲话。
  3. Cars with license plates ending in even numbers must go in this way.牌照以偶数结尾的汽车必须走这条路。
  4. He has an even chance of success.他成败的机会参半。
  1. He didn't even have the decency to show me the way.他甚至连指点我路的礼貌也没有。
  2. Even the best of men ignored that simple rule.甚至最优秀的人也忽略了那条简单的规则。
  3. Even as he spoke, she entered.正当他说话时,她进来了。
  4. He even more likes to drink wine and not to like beer.他更愿意喝葡萄酒而不喜欢啤酒。
  5. It was even as he said: the jewel was gone.正如他所说的,珠宝不翼而飞了
  1. The path ran steeply up the hill and then evened out.这条路很陡,到山上就平坦了。
  2. I will pay for the taxi , to even things up .我将付出租车费,以使得失相等。


  1. I met him in town but he didn't even acknowledge me.我在城里遇见他,但他竟不认识我。
  2. He never even bothered to acknowledge her presence.他甚至对她的在场未予理会。
  3. You can touch a hibernating animal, or even pull its tail, without causing it to move or wake up.你可以摸冬眠的动物,甚至拉它的尾巴,也不会使它动一动或醒来。
  4. He had not even bought himself a new suit since coming to Beijing.自从来到北京他甚至没给自己买一件新衣服。
  5. Even a child can answer it.甚至连小孩都能回答这个问题。
  6. He didn't answer even my letter.他连我的信都没有回。
  7. The farmers grew too little to feed even their own families.这些农民们种植得太少,连他们自家吃的还不够。
  8. He is ready, even eager, to help you.他乐于,甚至于热切地乐于帮助你。
  9. He looked depressed, even suicidal.他看上去很沮丧,甚至于沮丧到想自杀。
  10. She taught him to read and even to sing two or three little ballads, accompanying him on her old piano.她教他读书,还教他唱两三首民谣,弹着她的旧钢琴为他伴奏。
  11. He came back a real hero even in the eyes of those who had not cared for him before.他回来时已成了一个真正的英雄,即使在那些过去不大看得起他的人眼中也是如此。
  12. They were driven to work even when they were ill.病了还要逼他们干活。
  13. Thieves are afraid of being overheard even when they are talking in a whisper.做贼的就连在低声细语时也怕叫人听见。
  14. Ade never fetches out his best dishes even when guests arrive.即便来了客人,艾德也不把他最好的盘碟摆出来。
  15. I still don't believe in ghosts even after my experience at the Rose Inn.甚至在经历了发生在玫瑰酒店里的这件事以后,我还是不相信有鬼。
  16. You seem even more beautiful than usual today.你今天好像比平时更漂亮。
  17. I dare say this will exercise an even wider influence than we expected.我看这件事所产生的影响要比我们以前所想的还要广泛。
  18. The wind blew even harder yesterday than it did on Sunday.昨天的风比星期天刮得更厉害。
  19. We hope we can cooperate even more closely in the future.希望我们今后能更加密切地合作。
  20. On learning that her eldest son had laid down his life on the battlefield, the mother not only did her best to dam up her sorrows, but went in for her work even more energetically than ever before.听说大儿子在战场上牺牲了,妈妈不仅竭力抑制内心的悲痛,而且比以往更加积极地做好自己的工作。
  21. I can't even remember the name of that old friend of mine.我甚至连那位老朋友的名字都一点不记得了。
  22. We haven't had any rain yet this year not even a light drizzle.我们这儿今年一场雨都没下,甚至连一点毛毛雨都没下。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. We must even this path—it's so rough.我们一定要平整这条路,路面崎岖不平。
  2. They evened the steep road.他们把陡斜的路搞平坦了。
  3. The bulldozers are evening the hill top.推土机在推平山头。
  4. He evened the soil with a spade.他用锹把土铲平了。
  5. They have evened the lawn with a roller.他们用滚压机压平了草地。
  6. She evened the edges by trimming them.她把边缘修齐了。
  7. Smith's goal evened the score.史密斯进的球把比分拉平了。
用作定语~+ n.
  1. In the end we arrived at the even ground at the top of the mountain.最后我们登上了山顶上的平地。
  2. His even breathing showed that he had gotten over his excitement.他的均匀的呼吸显示出他已由兴奋转为平静了。
  3. This wine cellar stays at an even temperature all year round.这个酒窖常年保持恒温。
  4. He cut the bread into even slices.他把面包均匀地分成片。
  5. 2,4,6,8,10 are even numbers.2,4,6,8,10是偶数。
  6. The pages on the left side of a book have even numbers.一本书的左页页码是偶数。
  7. Thirteen is not divisible by any even number.13不能被任何偶数除尽。
  8. It took a week of investigation to get an even reasonably accurate account of the accident.为了对这个事故作出合理准确的报道,花了一个星期的时间做调查。
  9. She is an even tempered wife.她是个性情平和的妻子。
  1. Her teeth were white and even.她的牙齿又白又整齐。
  2. I'd say the two players are prettily even.我认为这两个选手不相上下。
  3. The child's pulse is now even.孩子的脉搏现在稳定了。
  4. Mr. Johnson has a lot of debts, but in a few years he will get even.约翰逊先生有很多债务,不过几年后他就会还清的。
S+be+~+in n./pron.
  1. The two horses were even in the race.那两匹马竞赛的成绩相等。
  2. The two boxers were even in strength and skill.这两个拳击手的力量和技巧都不相上下。
S+be+~+with n./pron.
  1. The picture is even with the window.这幅画与窗子一样高。
  2. The water was even with the rim of the basin.盆里的水与盆边齐了。
  3. He won the first game and I won the second, so now I'm even with him.他胜了第一局,我赢了第二局,现在我和他扯平了。
  1. He cut the bushes even with the fence.他把灌木丛剪得和围栏一样高。
  2. He tried to keep his voice even.他尽力使自己的声音保持平静。


break even
    不盈不亏 show neither profit nor loss
even as
    正当…的时候 just at the same moment as
even if〔though〕
    即使,纵然 no matter if
even so
    虽然如此,即使如此 in spite of what has happened
even then
    尽管那样 though that is true
even between( v.+prep. )
    在…之间均等 be equal between two thingseven between sb/sth

    Odds have evened between the champions.


    Odds have evened between the contestants for the championship.


even off〔out〕 (v.+adv.)
    (使)平稳; (使)均衡 become equaleven off〔out〕

    The ground evens out on the other side of the mountain.


    even sth ⇔ off〔out〕

    He raked the soil to even it out.


    The workers are busy evening out the surface of the road with a roller.


    even off〔out〕

    I'll pay this time, you pay next; it's evened off in the long run.


    Prices should even out when the crops are gathered.


    even sth ⇔ off〔out〕

    We must even off the differences between social classes.


    The reservoir can even out the flow of the river by controlling floods in rainy seasons and releasing water in dry periods.


    If Jane would do some of Mary's typing, that would even the work out.


    It is much better if payments can be evened out on a monthly basis.


even up (v.+adv.)
    (使)相等 make sth more equaleven sth ⇔ up

    You've paid for the meal,I'll pay for the taxi to even things up.


    Ten years had evened up their position.


    If you two sit at the other table, that should even up our groups.


    A little more weight on this side will even up the balance.


    John did better in the maths exam than Jim and that evened up their marks.


    The visitors evened up the score with an unexpected goal two minutes before half-time.


    This payment should even up our account.


even up on( v.+adv.+prep. )
    〈美·非正〉回报 return a favour to sbeven up on sb

    We can even up on Bill and Alice by look-ing after their children next week.


an even chance
    可能性相等 an equally balanced probability
be (get) even with
    向某人报复 have〔get〕 one's revenge on sb
on an even keel
    (生活等)稳定 maintaining steady undisturbed progress (in life)


用作动词 (v.)
  • even off edges磨平边缘
  • even out the differences消除差别
  • even out the soil把土铲平
  • even up结清账目,使相等,使平衡
  • even up accounts结清账目
  • even up the groups使每组人数相等
  • even between在…之间均等
  • even sth by trimming修整某物
  • even sth with sth用…磨平
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • even country平坦的原野
  • even exchange公平交易
  • even grain均匀纹理
  • even life单调的生活
  • even surface平滑的表面
  • even temper沉静的性情
  • even temperature稳定的温度
  • even weight相等的重量
  • evenly even能再平分的
  • prettily even相当
  • unevenly even不能再平分的
  • very even十分平坦
  • break even打成平手,不盈不亏
  • play even打成平局
  • even in在…方面不相上下
  • even with和…一样


  • Bring it to my house this even.

    出自:R. Kipling
  • The even rhythm of the breathing.

    出自:T. H. Huxley
  • Every tale was told in the even, passionless voice of the native-born.

    出自:R. Kipling
  • Would ye even a beast to a man?

    出自:C. Reade
  • Let your love even with my life decay.

  • The souls even while you speak Have slipped out of our bond.

  • He made his prayer (Even as you and I!).

    出自:R. Kipling
  • I looked back at Flora..and even as I looked I saw that she was starting to cry.

    出自:I. Murdoch