音标:[in'dʒɒi] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 享受, 喜欢, 欣赏
[法] 享受, 享有, 获得某种利益
v. derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in
v. have benefit from
v. have for one's benefit
词型变化:过去式 : enjoyed ; 现在分词 : enjoying ; 过去分词 : enjoyed ; 第三人称单数 : enjoys



  1. Now that I am free, I can enjoy music for a while.既然有空,我可以享受一下音乐。
  2. They enjoy the fruits of their hard labor.他们享受自己辛勤努力的成果。
  3. How did you enjoy the concert?你喜欢那场音乐会吗?
  4. I enjoy reading Mark Twain's autobiography.我喜欢读马克•吐温的自传。


用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Mary received the gift from her friend and she enjoyed it very much.玛丽收到了她朋友寄来的礼物,她十分喜欢它。
  2. The party was dull at first, but Robert's humour soon broke the ice and then everyone enjoyed it very much.晚会最初开得很沉闷,但是罗伯特诙谐的谈吐顿时使气氛活跃起来,大家都玩得很开心。
  3. Dancing is a dull business,I've never learned to enjoy it.跳舞这玩意儿无聊得很,我就不喜欢。
  4. The new play was good and everybody enjoyed it.这个新编的剧目很好,人人都很欣赏它。
  5. We enjoyed the concert very much.我们非常喜欢那台音乐会。
  6. Mary does not enjoy parties, and usually keeps herself aloof from the other guests, not joining in conversation.玛丽不喜欢参加晚会,而且常有意避开其他客人,不与他们聊天。
  7. She enjoys the life of a student at the university.她喜欢大学里学生的生活。
  8. All over the world men and women, boys and girls enjoy sports.全世界的男女老少都喜爱运动。
  9. Did you enjoy your trip?您对这次旅行感到愉快吗?
  10. If you come in with us, we're sure to enjoy your company.假如你加入我们,我们一定非常欢迎。
  11. We sat down to study and enjoy this singular spectacle.我们坐下来观赏这奇异的景色。
  12. They all went to enjoy the cherry blossoms.他们都去观赏樱花了。
  13. Let me enjoy the football game a few minutes.让我欣赏几分钟的足球赛。
  14. She enjoyed the music for less than five minutes before she was wanted on the phone.她听了不到5分钟的音乐,就有人来电话找她。
  15. She pored over the picture book in silence, enjoying the colours.她静静地看着画册,欣赏着那些图画的色彩。
  16. He spent a whole month just kicking around the countryside, enjoying the peace and quiet.他在乡下随意闲游了整整一个月,享受着宁静的生活。
  17. We walked along the path, enjoying the glow of the rising sun.我们沿着小路行走,欣赏着色彩艳丽的朝霞。
  18. The painting is organized about a young reaper enjoying his noonday rest.这幅画的画面设计成一个年轻的割禾人在午间休息。
  19. She is someone who loves people and enjoys life.她才是那种热爱人民、热爱生活的人。
  20. The old woman has always enjoyed very good health.那位老妇人一直享有健康之福。
  21. From his remarks,I inferred that he hadn't enjoyed his holiday.从他的话中我推断他的假期过得不愉快。
  22. Yes, we enjoyed the holiday and brought away happy memories of the island.是的,我们度过了愉快的假日,那个岛屿给我们留下了美好的记忆。
  23. The single child of a couple enjoys free medical care.独生子女享受免费医疗。
  24. They are entitled to enjoy many advantages and privileges.他们有资格享有许多优惠和特权。
  25. This will prevent them from abusing their power and enjoying special privileges.这就可以防止他们滥用权力,享受特权。
  26. Citizens enjoy freedom of speech.公民享有言论自由。
  27. In our country women enjoy equal rights with men in political life as well as in family life.在我国,妇女在政治和家庭生活上享有和男人同等的权利。
  28. The Constitution defines that women enjoy exactly the same rights as men.《宪法》规定妇女享有与男子完全相同的权利。
  29. He enjoyed a certain prestige among the students.他在学生中享有一定的声望。
  30. They enjoyed their fill of happiness and freedom for the first time.他们第一次饱尝着自由和幸福。
  31. I feel that we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others.我觉得我们每个人都在享用别人的发明所带来的巨大益处。
  32. They are the first to bear hardships, the last to enjoy comforts.他们吃苦在前,享乐在后。
  33. Chinese citizens enjoy the freedom to believe in religion and the freedom not to believe in it and to propagate atheism.中国公民有信仰宗教的自由和不信仰宗教、宣传无神论的自由。
S+~+ v -ing
  1. I enjoy galloping over the fields.我喜欢在田野中策马飞奔。
  2. I enjoy collecting new idioms.我喜爱收集新的习语。
  3. I enjoy reading the Chinese classics.我喜欢读中国名著。
  4. In her spare time she enjoyed reading novels or going to the park.在她空闲时间里她喜欢看小说或到公园走走。
  5. Little boys enjoy reading picture books.小男孩喜爱看连环画。
  6. She enjoys lounging around the pool.她喜欢绕水塘漫步。
  7. The children enjoyed hiding in the bushes.孩子们喜欢隐藏在灌木丛中。
  8. The children enjoyed relating their imaginary adventures to the visitors.孩子们喜欢给来访者讲他们想象出来的冒险。
  9. Children enjoy kicking piles of dead leaves around.孩子们喜欢把一堆堆的落叶踢得到处都是。
  10. The boys enjoy kicking a football about a field.孩子们喜欢在场地上踢足球。
  11. The children enjoy growing flowers from seed.孩子们喜欢用花籽种植花卉。
  12. The children enjoyed playing by the sea, kicking up the sand into each other's faces.孩子们喜欢在海边玩耍,把沙子踢到伙伴的脸上。
  13. He enjoys boating and swimming.他喜欢划船和游泳。
  14. Painting is something that I really enjoy doing.绘画才是我真正喜欢做的事。
  15. Most students enjoy asking questions in English.大多数学生喜欢用英语问问题。
  16. After supper he enjoyed taking the children out for long walks.晚饭后他喜欢带孩子出去做远距离散步。
  17. Jenny enjoyed talking to you about old times.珍妮很高兴和你叙旧。
  18. He enjoys giving advice to his students.他乐于给他的学生出主意。
  19. You seem to enjoy finding fault with my work.你好像很喜欢挑我工作的毛病。
  20. Members of Parliament enjoy fencing with each other on questions which they disagree.下院议员喜欢就意见相左的问题进行辩论。
  21. 1
  22. Shopping is enjoyed by most women.大多数女性喜欢购物。


enjoy oneself (v.+pron.)
    过得快活,感到愉快 be happy; experience pleasureenjoy oneself

    Enjoy yourself!


    I hope you'll enjoy yourself.


    It's about time you cast off that feeling of gloom and began to enjoy yourself.


    How did you enjoy yourselves at the ball?


    We enjoyed ourselves during the holidays.


    We enjoyed ourselves at the last ball.


    After a few drinks we loosened up and began to enjoy ourselves.


    On my last visit to Beijing I enjoyed myself to the full.


    Everybody enjoyed himself to the full.


    Everybody seems to be enjoying himself there.


    During the festival, young people enjoy themselves.


    He enjoyed himself with wine and women.


    enjoy oneself v-ing

    He always enjoys himself making fun of others.


    They enjoyed themselves playing chess.



用作动词 (v.)
  • enjoy a good income有较好的收入
  • enjoy a good reputation有好声誉
  • enjoy a large fortune享有大笔财产
  • enjoy benefit享有利益
  • enjoy democracy享有民主
  • enjoy eating in a fine restaurant喜欢上好餐馆吃饭
  • enjoy favourable conditions for...具有…有利条件
  • enjoy free medical care享受公费医疗
  • enjoy freedom and equality享受自由平等
  • enjoy health享有健康之福
  • enjoy high prestige享有崇高的声望
  • enjoy independence享有独立
  • enjoy leisure享受安闲
  • enjoy life享受人生
  • enjoy music欣赏音乐
  • enjoy one's holiday某人假日过得愉快
  • enjoy oneself过得很快乐
  • enjoy poor health身体不好
  • enjoy popularity享有盛名
  • enjoy privileges享受特权
  • enjoy right享有权利
  • enjoy subsidies享受补助金
  • enjoy sympathy得到同情
  • enjoy the confidence of one's friends受到朋友们的信赖
  • enjoy the cool air喜欢乘凉
  • enjoy the esteem of one's friends受到朋友们的尊重
  • enjoy the New Year's Eve欢度除夕
  • enjoy the performance欣赏演出
  • enjoy the scenery观赏景色
  • enjoy walking around the pond for some time喜欢在池塘周围走上一阵子
  • enjoy absolutely绝对喜欢
  • enjoy accidentally意外地喜欢
  • enjoy acutely敏锐地欣赏
  • enjoy aesthetically艺术地欣赏
  • enjoy amazingly吃惊地欣赏
  • enjoy casually偶尔喜欢
  • enjoy consciously有意识地欣赏
  • enjoy critically用评论的眼光去欣赏
  • enjoy deliberately故意喜欢
  • enjoy delightfully愉快地欣赏
  • enjoy domestically内部欣赏
  • enjoy entirely完全喜欢
  • enjoy episodically偶尔地喜欢
  • enjoy exclusively完全喜欢
  • enjoy extremely非常喜欢
  • enjoy feverishly兴奋地欣赏
  • enjoy fully饱览
  • enjoy fundamentally基本上喜欢
  • enjoy gradually渐渐喜欢
  • enjoy greatly尽情地享受,非常欣赏
  • enjoy growingly渐渐喜欢
  • enjoy habitually惯常地欣赏
  • enjoy heartily非常喜欢
  • enjoy hugely非常地快活
  • enjoy idly无聊地欣赏
  • enjoy instinctively凭本能去欣赏
  • enjoy intensely尽情地享受
  • enjoy intuitively凭直觉去欣赏
  • enjoy keenly深表欣赏
  • enjoy languidly懒散地欣赏
  • enjoy mentally用心欣赏
  • enjoy momentarily顷刻之间地喜欢
  • enjoy mutually相互喜欢
  • enjoy noiselessly悄悄地喜欢
  • enjoy nominally名义上喜欢
  • enjoy overwhelmingly过分喜欢
  • enjoy passively消极欣赏
  • enjoy personally个人享受
  • enjoy profoundly深刻地欣赏
  • enjoy reasonably理智地欣赏
  • enjoy righteously理所当然地喜欢
  • enjoy superficially表面上喜欢
  • enjoy symbolically象征性地喜欢
  • enjoy tentatively暂时性地喜欢
  • enjoy thoroughly玩个痛快
  • enjoy tremendously强烈地喜欢
  • enjoy trivially不重要地喜欢
  • enjoy unaccountably莫名其妙地喜欢
  • enjoy unconsciously不知不觉地欣赏
  • enjoy universally完全喜欢
  • enjoy very much尽情地享受,非常欣赏
  • enjoy whole-heartedly由衷地喜爱
  • enjoy over one's wine饮酒作乐
  • enjoy to the full玩得十分痛快


  • Don't pretend you enjoyed lunch, for you loathed it.

    出自:E. M. Forster

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[00:00.00]10.Good luck! [00:09.21]祝你好运! [00:18.42]Good luck! [00:21.80]祝你好运! [00:25.18]Thank you. [00:27.26]谢谢你. [00:29.34]Thanks,I need it. [00:32.31]谢谢,我需要好运气! [00:35.29]You too. [00:37.52]你也一样. [00:39.

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今天我们还是继续巩固雅思口语part1的部分。在刷口语题库的时候,同学们可能会遇到这样一道题目。 题目:What part do you enjoy most in your study? 翻译成中文就是:你最喜欢你学习中的哪一个部分

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1.enjoy表示享受的乐趣,如: He was a guy who enjoyed life to the full. 他是个尽情享受生活乐趣的人。 2.enjoy表示享有,如: The average German will enjoy 40 days' paid holiday this year. 德国人今年平均将享有40天带

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ENGLISH MARATHON Host: Jeffery 叶茼荞 make sense waste time doing enjoy doing Practical Sentence eg: It doesnt make any sense. eg: We are wasting our time fixing the old TV. eg: My little sister enjoys dancing in the rain.

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1. He is sure to spill the beans before long. 过不多久,他肯定会说漏嘴。 2. She tried not to let slip what she knew. 她尽量不把她所知道的事泄露出去。 3. I wanted it to be a surprise, but my sister let the cat out of the b

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absorbing silencer
action potentials
activation cycle
algol 68 revised
Alocasia Schott.
althea roseas
amino chemically bonded silica
at the bidding of at someone's bidding
axial profile angle
balance b/d
Blackwall Tunnel
Cathie unit
central myelitis
cercosporidium personatum
chelate of metal ion
code reds
conic map projection
danza del venado (mexico)
drop a pinch of salt on someone's tail
dynamic analogue of vocal
economically inactive population
elementary antenna
everyday rationality
fiducial confidence ellipse
fleming-mundell model
gas forming bacterium
Gazimurskiy Khrebet
Go Dau
Google Docs
ground insulation
head disk interference
index fingers
intrinsic electric quadrupole moment
linking cable
LOCI (logarithmic computing instrument)
loosening tiller
lowest point
mean value model
micro-economic model
minimum performance standards
mud agitator
mutually synchronization
natural water-table
non-linear recombination
oleum hydnocarpi
porphyroclastic texture
put a price
radiation, ionizing
rate of final products
reference external symbol
sal diureticum
shell core transformer
sideband characteristics
speed queen
standard current generator
three-point refueling tanker
tone audiogram
Uloowaranie, L.
vacuum rectifier tube
venous embolism
vyborg (viipuri)
white hoof
zebrula, zebrule