音标:['dæmpəz] ;
n. (钢琴的)制音器( damper的复数形式 ); 减震器; (火炉等的)风门; 使人扫兴的人(事)
n. a movable iron plate that regulates the draft in a stove or chimney or furnace
n. a device that decreases the amplitude of electronic, mechanical, acoustical, or aerodynamic oscillations
n. a depressing restraint



  1. Various aerodynamic devices, as well as passive dampers and serve dampers, are available.各种空气动力装置以及无源阻尼器和伺服阻尼器是可用的。
  2. Simultaneously, the tests verify that the viscous dampers possess stable energy dissipation properties.同时试验也表明所选阻尼器性能良好。