微积分, 微积分学, 计算, 演算, 结石, 积石, 牙垢
n a hard lump produced by the concretion of mineral salts; found in hollow organs or ducts of the body
n an incrustation that forms on the teeth and gums
n the branch of mathematics that is concerned with limits and with the differentiation and integration of functions
n an incrustation that forms on the teeth and gums
n the branch of mathematics that is concerned with limits and with the differentiation and integration of functions
- It's been awhile since I did calculus.我学微积分已经有一段时间了。
- I had studied calculus before I got into college.我在上大学以前,已经学过微积分。
- Calculus is over the heads of most students.微积分对大多数学生来说太难学了。
- This is a problem where calculus won't help at all.对于这一题,微积分一点也用不上。
- I think I've finally unzipped this calculus problem.我认为我最终解出了这道微积分题。
- My acquistion of calculus was a slow and painful process.我掌握微积分的过程是缓慢而又痛苦的。
- Does urine road calculus eat black fungus correctly?尿路结石吃黑木耳正确么?
- This method is suitable for intrarenal staghorn and othercomplex pyelolithiasis with multiple calyceal calculus.适合于肾内型肾盂鹿角状或铸状结石并发肾盏多发性结石的治疗。
- integral calculus积分
- differential calculus微分学
- complex calculus复变微积分学...
- dental calculus牙垢,牙石,牙积石...
- biliary calculus胆石
- operational calculus运算微积分,运算微积...
- sentential calculus句子演算,命题演算...
- intestinal calculus肠石
- salivary calculus涎石
- relational calculus关系运算,关系演算...
- matrix calculus矩阵计算
- calculus removed结石排除, 结石移除...
- vector calculus矢量计算,矢算,矢量...
- pancreatic calculus胰石
- tensor calculus张量演算
- urinary calculus尿结石
- cholesterol calculus[医] 胆甾醇结石,...
- vesical calculus膀胱结石
- infinitesimal calculus无穷小计算
- concretion凝固
- tophus痛风结节
- Tartar牙垢