音标:['begə] ;
n. 乞丐;穷人;家伙
vt. 使贫穷;使沦为乞丐
vt. 使贫穷;使沦为乞丐
imp. & p. p. of Beggar
- The beggar shivered in his scanty clothes.乞丐穿着单薄,冻得发抖。
- The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes.那个乞丐编造了一大篇自己如何遭遇不幸的故事。
- The beggar dressed in rags.这个穷人衣衫褴褛。
- The beggar fell down in a swoon from sheer hunger.那个穷人饿得晕倒了。
- He's a cheerful little beggar, your son!你的儿子可是个活泼愉快的小家伙!
- Your reckless spending will beggar your father.你无度的挥霍将使你父亲穷困潦倒。
- They were beggared by trying to pay for their son's education.为付儿子的教育费用,他们变穷了。
- The canyon was so beautiful as to beggar description.峡谷美丽无比,非言语所能形容。
- Her beauty beggars description.她的美貌难以形容。
- The beggar was half-dead from hunger.那个乞丐已饿得半死。
- beggar-lice紫草科种子
- beggar-my-neighbour把对方全吃光为胜的一...
- beggar on horseback得意的人,暴发户...
- know something as well as a beggar knows his bag对某事知道得一清二楚...
- beggar all description非言语所能形容,非笔...
- know someone as well as a beggar knows his bag对某事知道得一清二楚...
- beggar description非语言所能形容,非笔...
- dull beggar头脑迟钝的家伙,言语...
Beggars cannot be choosers.
出自:ProverbThe Cause which had taken their friends, lovers, husbands and beggared their families.
出自:M. MitchellHe also beggared nine weak-minded relatives.
出自:M. Na Gopaleen
- mendicant乞丐
- panhandler[美俚]乞丐
- bum流浪汉
- tramp徒步
- vagabond流浪汉
- vagrant流浪汉
- pauperize使贫穷
- defy藐视
- cadger乞丐
- confound使困惑
- gaberlunzie <苏>乞丐
- surpass超越
- moocher乞丐
- beadsman祈祷者
- exceed超过
- defeat挫败
- hobo无业游民
- sponger使用海棉擦拭的人...
- loafer游手好闲的人...
- parasite寄生虫
- leech水蛭
- beachcomber冲击海滩的巨浪...
- castaway被抛弃的
- drifter漂流者
- idler懒惰者
- scamp无赖
- outcast被驱逐的人
- impoverish使贫困
- ruin毁灭
- break打碎
- bankrupt破产的
- sponge海绵
- wretch【C】可怜的人...
- to对于
- reduce减少
- poverty贫困
- pauperise <主英> = paup...