音标:[draiv] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 驾车, 快车道, 推进力, 驱动, 动力, 击球, 驱动器
vt. 开车, 驱使, 推动, 驾驶
vi. 开车, 猛击, 飞跑
[计] 驱动器
n. the act of applying force to propel something
n. a mechanism by which force or power is transmitted in a machine
n. the trait of being highly motivated
n. hitting a golf ball off of a tee with a driver
词型变化:过去式 : drove ; 过去分词 : driven ; 现在分词 : driving ; 第三人称单数 : drives ; 名词复数形式 : drives



  1. He is too little to drive a car.他太小了,不能开车。
  2. Don't drink and drive.别喝了酒开车。
  3. They got a cat to drive out the mice.他们找到一只猫来驱赶老鼠。
  4. A man driven by jealousy is capable of anything.嫉妒心可使人什么都做得出来。
  5. Loneliness almost drived her mad.孤独几乎使她发疯了。
  1. We went for a drive in the afternoon.我们下午开车出去兜风。
  2. He mislaid his principles in the drive for success.他为了成功而拋弃了原则。
  3. He is clever but he won't succeed because he lacks drive.他聪明是聪明,但是没有干劲,做事不会成功。
  4. The carriage rolled along the drive.马车沿车路滚动而行。
  5. There is no disk in the selected drive.所选驱动器上没有磁盘。


  1. If you drink, don't drive.酒后勿开车。
  2. Drivers must not drink and drive.司机不允许酒后开车。
  3. I want to learn to drive next month.下个月我想学习驾驶。
  4. Drive slow!车辆慢行!
  5. The snow was driving in our faces.雪扑面打来。
  6. The car drives easily.这辆车好开。
  7. This car drives well.这辆车开起来得心应手。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. He drives a taxi.他开计程车。
  2. My car is in such bad condition that I can't drive it.我的车坏得那么厉害,我可无法驾驶了。
  3. When unemployed,I went to drive a tricycle.我失业的时候就去拉三轮车。
  4. The man drives the train from London to York.这个火车司机往返于伦敦和约克之间。
  5. They drove the train from Beijing to Guangzhou.他们驾驶火车从北京到广州。
  6. Don't drive me.不要撵我。
  7. I drove him to the station.我用车送他到车站。
  8. He drives the horse to the market.他把马赶到市场。
  9. The hot gas is used to produce steam which will drive electricity generators.热气用来产生驱动发电机的蒸汽。
  10. The woman boss drives her workers hard.女老板迫使工人们拼命干活。
  11. He drives the team relentlessly.他无情地逼迫全队拼命干。
  12. They were driving a new motorway across a mountain range.他们奋力修筑一条高速公路。
  13. He drove a good bargain last Sunday.他上星期天做了一笔好生意。
  14. 1
  15. Such trains can be driven by jet engines.这样的火车可以用喷气发动机驱动。
  16. Most people have been driven by his brave deeds.大伙儿被他的英勇行为所鼓舞。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
  1. You drive me mad when you say that.你讲这话真叫我恼火。
  2. That music drives her crazy.那音乐使她发疯。
  3. 1
  4. He was nearly driven mad by his troubles.他差一点被烦恼事逼疯了。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. They had driven Widow Sun to jump into the river.他们逼得孙寡妇跳了河。
  2. What drove her to do such a terrible thing?是什么驱使她作出这样的坏事呢?
  3. 1
  4. The workers were driven by their boss to finish the job.老板逼迫工人完成任务。
  5. They were driven by sheer necessity to sell some of their treasures.迫于极端贫困,他们卖掉一些珠宝。
  6. They were driven to work even when they were ill.病了还要逼他们干活。
  1. They went for a drive.他们驱车出去旅行。
  2. Shall we go for a drive round the city?我们要不要开车到市里转一转?
  3. Come with us for a drive in the country.跟我们一起开车到农村玩一玩吧。
  4. We were talking and singing on the long drives between towns.我们在城市间长途驱车旅行中又说又唱。
  5. The jeep bumped on, often in four-wheel drive.吉普车颠簸着向前,常常四个轮子一起驱动。
  6. May I park my car on your drive for a while?我可以把我的车在你的车道上停一会儿吗?
  7. The winding drive leads to the top of the hill.弯弯曲曲的林荫小道直通山顶。
  8. He pulled up a car in the cottage drive.他把车停在小别墅的私人车道上。
  9. I live at 3995 University Drive.我住在大学路3995号。
  10. The club is having a membership drive.这个俱乐部正在开展吸收成员的运动。
  11. The drive on the party is gaining momentum.对那个党的攻势愈来愈猛烈。
  12. Hunger, thirst and sex are among the strongest human drives.饥饿,口渴和性欲是人类几种最强烈的本能要求。
  13. He never lets up for a moment, it's always drive, drive, drive.他一刻也没有放松过,总是一个劲儿地干,干,干。
  14. Our sales people need determination and drive.我们的推销员需要有决心、有积极性。
  15. He is intelligent but he won't succeed because he lacks drive.他聪明,但做事不会成功,因为他缺乏能动性。
  16. The profit drive dominated the entire company at the expense of its other responsibilities.整个公司一心只想着追求利润,从而忽视了其他应尽的职责。
  17. I'm in such a drive that I can't expatiate.我的时间实在紧迫,不能详述。
  18. He pushed in the door with one drive of his should.他用肩膀撞开门。
  19. He rinsed under the drive of the sharp, jetted shower.他在如注的喷流下淋浴。


drive against (v.+prep.)
    进攻 attack
drive at (v.+prep.)
    暗示,意指 suggest; intend; hintdrive at sth

    What was he driving at?


    I can't guess what you are driving at.


    What on earth are you driving at?


drive away (v.+adv.)
    把…驱开,赶走 make...go awaydrive away

    The guests got into their cars and drove away .


    drive sb/sth ⇔ away

    The Minister drove his important visitor away.


    He drove the car away.


    drive sb/sth ⇔ away

    Don't drive people away who want to help you.


    Cavemen used fire to drive away wild animals.


    What can I do to drive away these feelings of sadness?


drive away at (v.+adv.+prep.)
    努力做,孜孜不倦地干 work hard atdrive away at sth

    He was still driving away at his dictionary.


    When we called on him, he was driving away at his thesis.


drive back (v.+adv.)
    迫使后退 repel; repulsedrive back

    He drove back.


    drive sb/sth ⇔ back

    He drove his car back.


    She drove everyone back after the party.


    drive sb/sth ⇔ back

    The soldiers drove back the enemy with heavy losses.


    The enemy were driven back with great loss.


drive down1 (v.+adv.)
    向下〔南〕开〔赶〕 steer a car, etc. downdrive sth ⇔ down

    The corporate giants try to drive down wages in order to make superprofits.


    drive down

    The car was driving down.


    drive sth ⇔ down

    I drive the car down.


    She drove the pigs down to the creek for a bath.


drive down2 (v.+prep.)
    沿着…向下开〔走〕 steer a car, etc. downdrive sth down sth

    The boy was driving the sheep down the hill.


drive in (v.+adv.)
    强行灌输 introduce by forcedrive in

    I watched them drive in.


    drive sth ⇔ in

    He drove the car in.


    I'll open the doors and you can drive the car straight in.


    drive sth ⇔ in

    He drove the nails in.


    drive sth ⇔ in

    The point I'm trying to drive in is that you won't pass the examination unless you start doing some work.


drive into (v.+prep.)
    迫使处于(某种)状态 force sb in some situationdrive sb/sth into sth

    He drove cows into the house.


    The cows were driven into the barn.


    drive into sth

    The harpoon drove deep into the body of the whale.


    drive sth into sth

    He drove a nail into the wall.


    He drove a nail into the door.


    He drove a knife into his enemy.


    The pile engine drove the pile into the river bank.


    A wooden stake was driven firmly into the ground.


    drive sth into sb/sth

    Can't you drive some manners into the boy?


    drive it into sb that/wh-clause

    I tried to drive it into him that his drinking was harmful to himself and others.


    How can I drive it into him why he shouldn't drink so much?


    drive sb into sth

    The failure drove him into despair.


    Oppression drove the workers into strike.


    He drove many of the peasants into bankruptcy.


drive off1 (v.+adv.)
    赶走,击退 force away or back; repel, repulsedrive off

    He drove off.


    The man got into his car and drove off.


    The car drove off early in the morning.


    drive sth ⇔ off

    He drove his car off.


    drive sb/sth ⇔ off

    The soldiers drove off one attack after another.


    The medicine will help to drive the disease off.


    A crowd in the square was driven off.


drive off2 (v.+prep.)
    使…偏离 make (sth/sb) separatedrive sth off sth

    The wind drove the ship off its course.


drive on1 (v.+adv.)
    煽动,鼓励 incite; encouragedrive on

    He saw the accident but drove on.


    He drove on after the rain stopped.


    The man drove on through the night.


    drive sb ⇔ on

    She drove him on to commit murder.


drive on2 (v.+prep.)
    撞在…上 come against with forcedrive on sth

    In the storm our ship drove on the rocks.


drive out (v.+adv.)
    挖 bore (a tunnel)drive out

    They drove out through the gate.


    We drove some miles out into the country.


    drive sb/sth ⇔ out

    I watched them drive the cattle out.


    drive sb/sth out of sth

    She tried to drive the evil thoughts out of her mind.


    In the morning, the wind rose and drove the dark clouds out of the sky.


    We drove the invaders out of their positions.


    They decided to drive him out of the country.


    The tragedy drove her out of her mind.


    The insult drove him out of his senses.


    The enemy was driven out of the country.


    Please don't be late again without telephoning.I was nearly driven out of my mind with worry.


    drive sth ⇔ out

    He drove the ball out.


    He drove the ball out of the court.


    drive sth ⇔ out

    The workers drove out a long tunnel.


drive over1 (v.+adv.)
    开车前往 drive to somewheredrive over

    We shall drive over to see you next week.


drive over2 (v.+prep.)
    从…掠过 drive by
drive through (v.+prep.)
    驾(车)穿过 steer a car across sthdrive through sth

    From Simao we drove southward through the mountains towards Jinghong.


drive up (v.+adv.)
    使…上升 subject to pressure to bring about change updrive up

    Just then a friend drove up and gave me a ride.


    drive up to sth

    Then we drove up to a red gate.


    We drove right up to the front door.


    drive sth ⇔ up

    The shortage of bread will probably drive prices up.


a...drive from
    离某地(若干时间)的路 journey of one place to another place
a drive to
    通向…的路 lead to road
drive toward(s)
    向某地的进军 attack one place


用作动词 (v.)
  • drive a ball right out of the court将球打至球场外
  • drive a car开车
  • drive a matter to the last moment把问题拖延到最后一刻
  • drive a nail through a wall把钉子钉进墙壁
  • drive a railway through the desert在沙漠开通铁路
  • drive a ship开轮船
  • drive a tractor开拖拉机
  • drive a train开火车
  • drive cattle to pasture把牛赶至牧场
  • drive children to驾车送孩子到…
  • drive foreign goods out of the market将进口货逐出市场
  • drive one's own car驾驶某人自己的汽车
  • drive the boy逼迫男孩
  • drive the enemy out of our country把敌人从我们国家赶出去
  • drive the mill with water power用水能驱动粉碎机
  • drive ashore向岸边行驶
  • drive hard工作辛苦
  • drive slow开得很慢
  • drive well驾驶得很好
  • drive briskly敏捷地驾驶
  • drive cautiously谨慎地驾驶
  • drive electrically用电力发动机器
  • drive helplessly无助地驾驶
  • drive irresistibly不可抗拒地驱使
  • drive masterfully专横地驱使
  • drive oppressively迫使
  • drive steadily平稳地驾驶
  • drive tensely加紧驱赶
  • drive about on bicycle骑自行车到处逛
  • drive away乘车走,开着车走掉
  • drive away an enemy赶走敌人
  • drive away at一心做
  • drive away at one's work一心做自己的工作
  • drive back驾车返回,迫使…后退
  • drive down驾车驶去
  • drive home把…敲入,使完全插入,把…讲得透彻有力
  • drive in驾车驶进
  • drive off把车开走,驱散,清除,打败〔退〕
  • drive off a crowd赶跑一群人
  • drive on继续往前开
  • drive out用车把…送出,驾车外出,逐出,排斥,排出
  • drive out the enemy把敌人赶出去
  • drive out into the country驾车到郊外去玩
  • drive up开了过来,抬高,使上
  • drive across the field驱车越过田野
  • drive across the sky在天空疾驰
  • drive against the window击窗
  • drive along沿…行驶
  • drive along the beach沿海滩行驶
  • drive at意指,用意在于,指望,想,打算
  • drive before the wind顺风行驶
  • drive down沿…行驶
  • drive from从…赶下
  • drive into用车把…送进,赶进,敲进
  • drive into a corner逼入困境
  • drive out of驱逐
  • drive out of country赶出国土
  • drive sb out of his mind把某人逼疯,使某人神经错乱
  • drive over压过
  • drive through乘车开过
  • drive through a place驾车经过某地
  • drive to驱车前往
  • drive to a hotel驾车送…到旅馆
  • drive to school驾车送…上学
  • drive to station送…到车站
  • drive toward朝…推进
  • drive with为…驾驶
用作名词 (n.)
  • build a drive修一条车道
  • have drive发奋积极性
  • lack drive缺乏进取心
  • launch a drive发起一场运动
  • lose drive丧失了积极性
  • take a drive驱车游玩
  • great drive进取心强的人
  • ruthless drive无情的压力
  • advertising drive宣传运动
  • arms drive军备竞赛
  • bridge drive桥牌比赛
  • crosscountry drive驾车越野旅行
  • export drive出口鼓励
  • fundraising drive筹集资金运动
  • production drives生产运动
  • propaganda drive宣传运动
  • sales drive销售运动
  • drive against猛击
  • drive on猛攻


  • After the tiger has killed a buffalo, there is much art required in the conduct of the drive.

    出自:S. W. Baker
  • Cowboys returning home after the drives.

    出自:J. M. Hunter
  • When it is mainly saw-logs that are cut, the fully improved streams make the drive easy.

    出自:C. Mair
  • I helped to drive sheep to the local market.

    出自:J. Buchan

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发表于:2019-02-21 / 阅读(112) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语

NSYNC 每个想获得成功的年轻人都会经历一番艰苦的奋斗,但*NSYNC的形成仅仅由电话开始。传媒界大亨Lou Pearlman在佛罗里达的环球影城看到Chris Kirkpatrick的一场表演后,给Chris提供了一份难以拒绝的合约:由他来找几个年轻人,组成一个演唱团体。Chris当即就同意了并

发表于:2019-02-25 / 阅读(156) / 评论(0) 分类 音乐咖啡厅
alluvial epoch
andrei vishinsky
Asparagus plumosus Baker
automatic iris
backing wind
barly yellow dwarf virus
bearded motes
belt transport detector
boarding of ship
boundary collocation method
bufonaria nobilis
cabbage-bark tree
cathode contamination
coagulation point
coalition forces
commissive moods
core-hinterland model
critical earthquake loading
custodian fund
decomposition decay
double belt
environment temperature
female sibling
floating stock
framed partition
genital sedative
greedy algorithm
grid printing
head hunter
heuristic procedure
holy city
Hungtington's chorea
jacking up price
jitter effect
masseteric vein
median unbiased confidence interval
methyl iodoform
mint money
morality plays
movable action
object code compatibility
pack journalism
pitch garnet
purging cock
put sth before sb
range of linearity control
reconciliation method
revenues from self-governing
risk reward ratio
roughing down mill
round arc point mesh gear
securities investment trust
shell account
single aisle building
spot lens
supervisory mode
tetrabutylammonium chloride
the delivery unit
three-way switch
to advise sb to do
unless general
vang guy winch
vesicourethral angle
water speed
wier washing shower