标签:预期票房提高 相关文章
Situation 15 Back at Home Catherine: Wow, you're home early. It's only eight forty-five. James: Yeah, it was a strange day at the office. Catherine: Why? Did your presentation go poorly? James: No. No
Tape 2 A Day in the Life of a College Student ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Situation 1 Waking Up Late (Charles and Mike are roommates in a college dormito
Lesson 22 Bag 1.Bag this good opportunity. 2.Baseball isn't my bag. 3.Don't worry abut the scholasrship-it's in the bag. 4.She's an awful old bag. 5.Shut up,you bag of wind. 6.I can't leave you holding the bag. 7.She gave me the bag. 8.Who has bagged
5501 Lesson Fifty -five Housing 住房 House This is my house. Home This is my home. I bought a house. I bought a home. homeowner 房产拥有者 5502 Lesson Fifty -five Housing 住房 We are looking for a house to rent for the summer. 我们正在找房子以便租下
4501 Lesson Forty-five Giving Advice 提建议 Could you give me some advice for this interview? 能就这次面试给我一些建议吗? interview 采访、面试 job interview 求职面试 4502 Lesson Forty-five Giving Advice 提建议 If I were y
3401 Lesson Thirty-four Eating Out 下馆子 vegetable 蔬菜 vanilla 香草 invite 邀请 restaurant 饭馆 dessert 甜食,甜点 desert 沙漠 potato 土豆 tomato 西红柿 soup 汤 soap 香皂 3402 Lesson Thirty-four Eating Out 下馆子 Jane, l
3601 Lesson Thirty-six Going Places 出行 Are you going to go to anyplace this year? 你今年准备去什么地方? this year last year next year vacation 公休假,寒暑假 Are you going to go to any place in winter vacation? Are you going to go to any place in
3101 Lesson Thirty-one Making Plans 做计划 What do you plan to do tomorrow? 你计划明天做什么? What do you plan to do the day after tomorrow? What do you plan to do on the weekend? work out a plan make a plan building plan 图纸 Hi. Hello. hijack 劫机
5001 Lesson Fifty Television and Radio 广播和电视 大众传媒 mass media television = TV radio 电视媒体 CNN = Cable News Network 美国有线新闻网 BBC = British Broadcasting Coporation 英国广播公司 Phenix TV 凤凰卫视 CCTV = China Central Television 中国中
4901 Lesson Forty-nine Land Features and Weather 地型地貌,天气 mountain 大山 hill 小山 mountainous 多山的 hilly 小山起伏的 earth / globe 地球 hemisphere 半球 eastern hemisphere 东半球 western hemisphere 西半球 northern hemisphere 北半球 southern hem
Lesson 49 Put 1.Don't put me off. 2.I put them away for you. 3.Sorry to put you to this trouble. 4.Are you putting me on? 5.You can't put anything over on him. 6.You'd better put up or shut up. 7.What a put-down to him! 8.Who put you up to calling me
Lesson 40 Top 1.It's a top secret. 2.I blew my top. 3.I'll get to the top someday. 4.Who is the top? 5.I slept like a top last night. 6.I top my father by half a head. 7.Let's clean our dorm from top to bottom. 8.What's the top story of today?
Lesson 18 Go 1.Let's go fifty-fifty. 2.Why don't we go Dutch? 3.Pride goes before a fall. 4.Easy come,easy go. 5.There you go again! 6.Go for it if you want it. 7.She's going out with another guy. 8.One,two,three,go!
Lesson 29 Get 1.You got me there. 2.I got the picture. 3.You get no say. 4.I didn't get the joke. 5.Get a hold of yourself. 6.Let me get it out in the open. 7.They're getting in my hair. 8.I just can't get over how much weight you've lost!
1. Forget what you know about reading. 将你对阅读的一切认知都抛开 Did you ever wonder why teachers teach the SQ3R strategy? That strategy requires that you read a text more than one time and that you question what you read. The truth is,
Lesson 6 Bet 1.My bet is he'll show up on time! 2.It's a safe bet that he'll win. 3.I can bet my life on it. 4.Want to make a bet? 5.I bet I can help him. 6.You bet your boots,we'll follow the rules. 7.Your best bet is to take a class. 8.I'll bet my
自我提高法 Be honest. 保持诚实。 Being the most honest you've ever been with some one in your life will be one of the most uncomfortable things you can do, but it could also be the most valuable. To do this, he suggests writing a list of al
自我提高法 Wake up extremely early. 起床超级超级早。 Ekin calan loves to wake up before sunrise because it provides the perfect study-and-work environment. While everyone else sleeps, waking at 5 a.m. is the perfect, way to begin the day